How many ethnic Poles died during WW2?

According to many sources (along with Wikipedia) 6 million Poles died in WW2. 3 millions of them were Jews - the other 3 million were predominantly ethnic Poles and other minorities. How come the number for the ethnic Poles is so high?
To put some perspective into it - during the 4 years of WW1 the most hurt nation of France lost ~1.5 million people (including those considered to be lost). Has anyone heard of massacres of Poles that would parallel scale of extermination of Polish Jews? Yes, there was Warsaw Uprising, Katyń and Volyhna massacre and...? I took my time and counted the numbers according to Polish historic books on WW2:

70.000 - September campaign of 1939
150.000 - Warsaw Uprising
22.000 - Katyn
60.000 - Wolyn
120.000 - dead and murdered due to sending them to CCCP
9.000 - Civil War 1944 - 47
25.000 - murdered in Mauthausen
10.000 - murdered in Treblinka
75.000 - murdered in Auschwitz
37.000 - Pawiak
30.000 - Ravensbruck
150.000 - all the other concetration camps
150.000 - everyday terror

Together: 908.000 (including 142.000 killed by Russians)

PS I'm a curious Pole

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Roughly 20% of their prewar population died.

the question was how come so many died - the numbers don't stuck up
according to Wiki and in general the consensus on casulties during WW2 ~15% of population died.

>How come the number for the ethnic Poles is so high?
The Germans saw them as untermensch and planned to wipe them out entirely.

what kind of post is this?
am I on /pol/ or on Veeky Forums?


Pick one

Not enough. Catholics need to be purged.

Oh look it’s this meme. Many poles saved Germans and united against the Soviets.

More ethnic than Germans apparently.

It's a statement of fact.

Most deaths in war in general are going to be indirect ones due to lack of food and shelter caused by war, not direct massacres. Same was true in Poland. Only in this case it was much worse since the Germans were planning on killing all the Poles anyway, so they took pretty much all the food they could. This led to mass famine. Millions of Poles were also conscripted as forced labor in German factories, where hundreds of thousands of died.

Why? That is also a silly question. They were under nazi/commie occupation for nearly 2 years and then under nazi occupation for nearly 4 years. The nazis planned to depopulate Poland for natural Germans (see Generalplan Ost). Furthermore its largest cities were on the front lines of many bloody battles.


>Poles hated Germans so much they massacred them at Bromberg
>Poles loved Germans
Which one is it /pol/?

Fuck off. Its you protestant fucktards who are responsible for today's degeneracy. Catholics are the only TRUE Christians, not your fucking sect that some Kraut came up with in 1500's in an attempt to destroy and destabilize Europe.

>pole is one person

Lack common sense /lefty pol/?

Holy shit, the /pol/-bait worked!

Anyone else would have realized that it was /pol/-bait to be used only for exposing /pol/ posters.

It’s a leftypol shill.

Ahhh the good ol 'Jokes on u I was pretendin to be a retard'

"Tens of thousands were murdered in the German campaign of extermination of the Polish intelligentsia and other elements thought likely to resist (e.g. Operation Tannenberg and Aktion AB). Catholic clergy were commonly imprisoned or otherwise persecuted and many ended up sent to their death in concentration camps.[55][56] Tens of thousands of members of the resistance and others were tortured and executed at the Pawiak prison in Warsaw.[57] From 1941, disease and hunger also began to reduce the population, as the exploitation of resources and labor, terror and Germanization reached greater intensity after the attack on the Soviet Union.[43] Poles were also deported in large numbers to work as forced labor in Germany, or taken to concentration camps.[41] About two million were transported to Germany to work as slaves and many died there.[52][i] Łapanka or random roundup, on streets or elsewhere, was one of the methods practiced by the Nazis to catch prisoners for labor.[58] Several hundred Wehrmacht brothels, for which local non-German women were forcibly recruited, operated throughout the Reich.[59] In contrast to Nazi policies in occupied Western Europe, the Germans treated the Poles with intense hostility and all Polish state property and private industrial concerns were taken over by the German state.[60][61] Poland was plundered and subjected to extreme economic exploitation throughout the war period.[62]"

"Germany planned to completely remove the indigenous population of Poland beginning with the newly created Reichsgau Wartheland territory in 1939. According to the Lebensraum aim and ideology, formerly Polish lands were to be taken over by the German military and civilian settlers including Eastern European Volksdeutsche. The "Germanizing" of occupied territories by the Reich was repeatedly condemned by Nuremberg Tribunal which stated that the practice of expelling civilians was "not only in defiance of well-established rules of international law, but in complete disregard of the elementary dictates of humanity."[60] During the occupation of Poland, the number of Poles evicted by the German authorities from their homes is estimated at 2,478,000.[61][62] Up to 928,000 Poles were ethnically cleansed to make way for the foreign colonists.[63]"

"Himmler promised to eventually deport all Poles to Russia. He envisioned their ultimate end by exposure, malnutrition and overwork possibly in the Pripet Marshes where all Poles were to die during the cultivation of the marshy swamps. Plans for the mass transportation and possible creation of slave labor camps for up to 20 million Poles were also made.[67]"

stop posting shit from wikipedia you silly fags
i asked you to give me proof that indeed 3 million Poles died, because I believe it was way less


>the classic conspiratard cycle where no proof is good enough and he retreats to his confirmation bias before shouting WAKE UP SHEEPLE and abandoning thread after running out of arguments

> Piesowicz, Kazimierz. Demographic effects of World War II. [Demograficzne skutki II wojny swiatowej.] Studia Demograficzne, No. 1/87, 1987. 103-36 pp. Warsaw, Poland. (Piesowicz put the total war dead at 6.0 million. He also notes that all the figures are approximated.)

>French-Polish border on Elbe
Germans do it again!

Some of your numbers are way off.
>70.000 - September campaign of 1939
66.000, but that's only military deaths.
>60.000 Wolyn
Wolyn wasn't the only place where Ukrainians killed Poles. Some 25.000-40.000 died in Eastern Galicia.

> U.S. Bureau of the Census The Population of Poland Ed. W. Parker Mauldin, Washington-1954

>Wojciech Materski and Tomasz Szarota. Polska 1939–1945. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami.Institute of National Remembrance(IPN) Warszawa 2009 ISBN 978-83-7629-067-6

do your own research edgy Maciej

Not enough

I asked about Ethnic Poles, not all Poles (jews aren't considered poles by me)

I cited the biggest pogrom like that in the east, adding your number at the highest value of 40.000 we are still 2 million Poles away from reaching 3 million mark

>150.000 - all the other concetration camps
>150.000 - everyday terror
These numbers are not accurate.

provide the accurate ones then

I already posted a link with different estimates by various Polish historians.

maybe their numbers are wrong?

Polish historians also estimated Jewish deaths ranging from a couple thousand to 6 millions
there are many different theories - just cos it comes from a historian doesn't mean it's factually true

>the classic conspiratard cycle where no proof is good enough and he retreats to his confirmation bias before shouting WAKE UP SHEEPLE and abandoning thread after running out of arguments

Announcing reports and submitting false reports violates global rule 7

thanks for letting me know :)
deleted it thus avoiding punishment, you are really smart aren't you

Mods can see deleted posts.

offtopic pls go

Pretty much all estimates are close to 3 million. From the all communist ones (3 million) to modern ones (2.7-2.9 million). I don't know about any historians estimating that a couple thousand Polish Jews died.

Not nearly enough

>Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Rules before posting

virgin detected

>offtopic please go

This is the part you scream "WAKE UP SHEEPLE" and go back to /pol/

Who are you citing?


they are though, you fucking shitstain bydlo

around 11 mln people were missing in 1945

Danzig ist Polnisch

Poles truly got the worst end of the stick
Jews at least got their own country in the end
Poles suffered almost 50 years of terrible commie occupation which ruined their economy for decades to come and now they're the laughing stock of EU, made fun of as toilet cleaners and villified for not wanting to take hordes of refugees who steal and rape

It’s a shame really.
Like the beautiful sister who was raped, spat on and abused, all she wanted was her life back. She gave an inch, society took a mile.

According to the USSHM, the number of non-Jewish Poles that died during WWII is 1.8-1.9 million. The old number of 6 million dead Poles - 3 million Jews and 3 million non-Jews - was an estimation from shortly after the war that become somewhat of a "dogma" during the communist regime. There are still some historians that adhere to higher numbers than 1.8-1.9 mln however.

In general, those numbers include not only persons who were killed directly, but also excess mortality - i.e. people who died earlier due to the deprivations of wartime and occupation (lack of food, medical care etc.).

That's a great explanation thanks! Also everyone has forgotten that natural causes of death shouldn't be counted as casaulties of the war yet nobody gives it a moment to consider.

if you die from starvation because occupying force took all the food, then it's a casualty of war

>natural causes of death
What are "natural causes"? If Germans took all your food and you starve to death is this natural?

just dying of old age or heartattack

Ah, I see.


> 9.000 - Civil War 1944 - 47

? ? ? the hell are you talking about

insurgency of Polish terrorists "Cursed soldiers", mostly their massacres of civilians

They counted dead or displaced Germans as Polish casualties.

The more you know...

Many Jews were also ethnic Poles

lol, stfu tankie

Yea but calling it Civil War is plain wrong, like /pol/ lvl wrong.

You tried this on /pol/ today I saw it
You missed massacres like AB Aktion,Operation Tannenberg, Wola Massacre etc and things like Heu Aktion, Pacification of rural areas, deaths of slave workers etc
These numbers add up

Detailed information in Polish

not enough

Iam Fascist

>mfw don't know if talking to a stormnigger or a tankie

fuck, you all need to be removed

You missed a lot of concentration camps like Stuthoff, Warsaw Uprising, soldiers who died fighting in Europe and so on.