holy shit
Was this shilled on biz sub 2 USD?
We warned you guys. It was free money. It's still is.
yes. I started shilling it at around $1.
>Keeping hearing of WTC
>Check the market cap and see it at place 133 with a 30 million dollar market cap
>Get interested because it is really low, but decide to wait a little
>See price going from 1.37 to 0.80 a week
>Check price yesterday
>"Never that this coin is going to take off so fast"
>Before I sleep, check price again
>Horry shit
>Wake up today check price again
> sell 20 litecoin and buy 186 walton @ $5.70
>it is $6.50 right now
At least I am in
>Missed WTC
>Missed Chainlink
>Amerifag so no kyber
why so much evil in the world
How high will this go end of year?
$15 conservatively
lmao what does being and american have to do with it nig
News? Why's this literally who increasing or is this another elaborate pajeet coordinated pump and dump
China is supporting WTC. First coin to be financially suported by China gov.
This shit is going to crash so hard and so fast your dicks will spin.
And when it does I want you to remake this thread.
Never trust the chinks
Lol thats just a blatant lie
youre wrong faggot. they receive subsidies from 2 provinces now. have angel investors from chinese ministry of finance.
just shut the fuck up new fag.
>tfw all in WTC at .80
how many walts is everyone holding?
6.8k here
It's a PnD
China is not supporting some fucking shitcoin token
i only kept a small amount after selling in the dip so 10k
10k is worth almost 70 grand right now.. that's not a small amount at all.
I'm thinking masternodes will require something like 4-5k.
I wanted to get in at like 3$ but piece of shit kraken kept sending me invalid link to confirm transfer to my binance ETH adress
I hope kraken crash and burn
>small amount
Meanwhile I am holding fucking 185 here
You lucky man. How much did you invest?
Americans weren't allowed in the Kyber Ico you fucking new cunt.
I shilled when it was 1.80. Unfortunately for me it dropped to 1.20 afterwards and after people started insulting me it hurt my feefees
I got in at 1.20 from a tip off /neo/ reddit
Saying you missed chainlink right now is like saying you missed WTC at 2.50
Good, will buy the dip and hodl.
LMAO this is going to dump so fucking hard when this Chinese government bullshit is exposed. God help anyone buying it at this price.
Sure, buddy. Whatever keeps you from pulling the trigger. Me? I'll continue being happy with my >$80,000 profit from WTC
Faggot. WTC was obviously a great coin.
Say his name. Say it right now.
Congrats user, enjoy those profits. HAVE sold right?
There's one thing I know I'll never do. Invest in Chinese businesses. They're the biggest scammers in the world. But to those of you who can scam the chinese/ride their waves congrats and good luck.
i saw it shilled when it was 90 cents, decided not to buy it because it looked like a pump and dump group promoting the shit out of it, there was like 5 walton threads at the same time and they were all filled with super shillers
I saw them shilled threads so did some research. Played around trying to accumulate on the dips and peaks. started with 650 got to just over 1k. had bought in before last weekend for 43k sats and it dipped lower than that for the weekend and sunday it got back to where i bought and i sold it. hoping it would dip again. and i missed the moon. pisses me off just a little
JUST bought 50$ of WTC, pls tell me it's going to double
I'm here since the beginning, will sell at 14$.
anything lower than 145k is good profit
Based Mr. Walton.
I bought at 145k lol. looks it's dipping now fuck
place sell order at 150k and go to sleep
tfw got in at .53 cents the night before the initial moon. Sold at 2.30 to buy BMC #BLACKED
Fucking lies, just like the shitty competition with laughable opposition that they won being of any significance. But these scheming gookers know that mollycoddled, naive round-eye will get sucked in by any hype they conjure up no matter how ridiculous.
When this dumps shortly, you moon chasing retards who paid above $2 won't be able to cash out in time. There will be a week-long wojak festival in your honour when it does for all the shilling the designateds have fagged up the board with.
That was the shill job with the girl and the fat ass in the OP always right?
Tough to resist.
lmfao can't believe you remember we are truly NEETS