Did any G*rms claimed that Holocaust is fake during the Nuremberg trials?
There were no Germans tried during Nuremberg. They were all Jewish agents sent to create the Holocaust so International Jewry could have an excuse to create Israel.
No and that's what hurts stormfags the most.
No, and neither did Eichmann when he was tried years later
You can easily make anyone say whatever you want with torture.
No, they were tortured and thrown into kangaroo courts. No room for disagreement with the narrative, no room for truth. Operation Reinhardt was blown out of proportion in order to establish a state in Israel
they did but of course were tortured and so officially no they didn't
even the allies didn't claim the holocaust happened at that point so why would the Germans?
Hoess, Wisliceny and Ohlendorf testified about it too and provided with detail. Stormfront argues that Hoess was tortured while in custody but I couldn't find absolutely any evidence other than "we looked in the archives". I don't know how probable it is but it's still far away from actually forcing the witnesses to give an already prepared testimony Soviet style.
The first thing they did was to show them a movie.
Question to the stormfags
if Höss was tortured and his memoirs faked, then why did he mention in his memoirs that he was tortured by Allies? If the memoirs were faked then why add that part which implies that his confession is void and was gained under torture?
Maybe the Nazis themselves were in on the ruse and they helped faking the Holocaust by killing a bunch of Jews in the concentration camps.
Yeah but it was shot at Dachau the political prison camp not death camp.
The answer is most were shocked as if learning of it from the first time. Some said it was lies but none of them were really directly implicated like Himmler or Boermann.
That's why you had silly shit being talked about as evidence. Such as goerrings joke during the post kristallnacht meeting where they realized how fucked they were BC the insurance companies couldn't afford all the damage. Goerrinf said ' it would have been cheaper just to kill them all'. In a sarcastic snide remark at Goebbels who organized the police stand down.
Does he say he was tortured?
Was Hitler also joking when he said that If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe?
And what about Goebbels?
>With respect of the Jewish Question, the Führer has decided to make a clean sweep. He prophesied to the Jews that if they again brought about a world war, they would see their annihilation in it. That wasn't just a catch-word. The world war is here and the annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence.
Funny guys those Nazis.
That assumes an astronomical amount of things planned ahead, all of which had to unfold perfectly.
Are you doubting the inhuman intelligence of the Eternal Jew?
Some of them blamed everything on Himmler. I think Goering did this.
It's beyond any machination or conspiracy. Next you'll tell me Hitler was the head honcho, raised from birth to do this nonsense.
Script written by George Lucas.
He'll, even Palpatine's plan seems plausible in comparison.
>gets his translations from the history channel
>what hitler actually says
>"the destruction of jewry in europe as it is" i.e. the bankers kicked out to palestine
>what history channel translates it to
>"all of europes jews will all be gassed"
Phone poster go away.
Make me, sucka
You cheeky motherfucker...
Ich will heute wieder ein Prophet sein: Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht die Bolschewisierung der Erde und damit der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa.
What did he mean by this?
If you're going to use Goebbels as a source, which he wasn't privy to high level SS or even Wehrmacht or even Chancellory information or secrets after 1939 you should probably wonder why Goebbels has so many editorials and journal entries concerning Jews in Berlin not being deported east. Why does he make an effort to have them deported east if they are all dead by 1943? Why doesn't he mention killing them at ?
>Hitler was a Jewish agent
You know that Jews were important for German economy? They were used as slave labor. No one ever said there were all dead in 1943. Where did you get that from? You know what was in the East? Death camps.
Hess was also a lunatic that insisted the only reason anyone ever misunderstood or disagreed with him was because they were slipped hallucinogens by the jews
Now you're really grasping for straws, I like it.
kill yourself
this is an anime free board
The other Hoess.
>they wuz tortured an sheit!!!!
Citation Needed
They didn't. At most, they deflected blame.
we're talking about commandant of Auschwitz not Hitler's unibrow Deputy
4 out of 5 most important people in the Reich were already dead. And even Goering escaped justice. So the most prominent official that was hanged was... Ribbentrop. That's pretty lame.
Not only that but people seem to forget that it was harder for Germany to kill jews in their own country than in everyone else's.
Does anybody have the video of Goering and co laughing about the Anschluss?
Wow, this goes deep. The only solution is probably to just kill them all. Someone should try that.
Didn't he also boast about what he did during the trial?
Decent bait
>Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse
Another interesting thread.
I can't wait till /pol/ actually unironically shills this
t...torture?! Mein Gott, it's another Dresden
yes, its a total myth that none of them denied the crimes, but the major nazis like goering, goebels etc didn't deny it