I realized that the only reason Greece did not join the central powers was because of Ottoma.
If Italy jpined the central powers, Ottoma wouldn't but Greece would because it's king was married to Wilhelm's sister.
Alt ww1
Why wouldn't the Ottomans join if Italy joined too?
Because Ottoma fought against Italy and lost.
It cost them Libya remember?
Ottomans fought alongside Britain and France just a few years before WW1 and were getting their shit kicked in in the Balkans and there was no problem with the alliance they got themselves into.
Italy was one of the Central Powers from the get-go, you moron. There's no "joining the Central Powers" involved here.
The ottomans also fought bulgaria even after the lybian war. They had no trouble teaming up with them. The main enemy of the Ottomans had for a few centuries now been the Russians. They had good relations with the Germans and Enver Pasha thought going to war would be a good way to modernize the empire. They would've had no trouble teaming up with the Italians.
Lmao stupid faggot the Greek generals wanted to join the Allies but their faggot German king stopped them until the British seized the joint.
The only reason they wabted to join the Allies was because of the Ottoman Empire
Vittorio Emmanuele was in the special boys club with Franz Josef and Willy
But big man George, Nicky and Poincaré seduced him away from the Central Powers a promising a neat chunk of Franz Josef's clay
All I know is that if the Ottoman Empire wasn't part of the CP, then Greece certainly would have allied with Germany
This map shows that Italy joins the CP because Austrungary gave Italy Tyrol and Dalmatia.
>Austrungary gave Italy Tyrol
>and Dalmatia
Brush up on your geography instead of assuming
The Greek public, military and government were pro allies.
The king was an autist who shared half a haplotype with the pure blooded German king.
Italy didn't join in the fighting because the alliance was a defensive one and Germany and Austria-Hungary started an offensive war on dubious grounds
Were you sleeping through your high school history lessons, brainlet? Italy was one of the founding members of the Central Powers alliance. Why the fuck do you think it's even called "The Central Powers," exactly?
I can't speak for other countries, but in Greece only the lowest of the low supported the King.
Adding to my post.
ANYTHING good that ever happened to this country, came from overseas traders and proDemocrats.
Rest sucked Kings dick after sucking Ottoman dick after sucking etc etc.
Please don't tell me you're retarded enough to not realize I am not talking about ww2 until now.
I am not saying it happened, I am saying Italy would joins the CP if it did