Why won't you listen biz? There is still time before 10k
Why won't you listen biz? There is still time before 10k
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10k what
usd per bat
I'm in on BAT but I'm wondering how they came up with that retarded number
10k sat retards
What's sat
Cuz LINK is rising in price faster.
I'd rather x4 my money while bat x2-s and then buy in.
He meant to say bat it was a typo
Funny, I'm doing the exact opposite.
LINK has been going down since the morning actually after all the new Binance buy ins. BAT is in a strategic whale moon again in an apparent repeat of last night.
anyhow It's rising sure, but you'd need 2-300 btc to get it it to 10k sat. you got that OP?
what's a bitcoin
how many BAT to fuck your armpit?
It's a coin that converts usd to bits. Hence bit-coin
when will the FOMO kick in?
Just sold 11k of my 35k stack. Immediately shoots from 6020 to 6115
What coin is satoshi
What coin is KYS
It's money, idiot.
Also funny, I agree despite doing the opposite.
You evidently have more time for trading. I just bought LINK @ 11 cents and it has now doubled. BAT is about 10% up since the LINK ICO.
If I had more time I'd do exactly what you did tho...
Brainlet detected
what's a brain?
dump incoming, 40 btc to 4k land
I want to buy braincoin
How much satoshicoin is it worth
I have time because I do freelance work from home.
And unfortunately I bought LINK at 18 cents. It was 27 cents earlier today and now it's 24. BAT was 24 and now it's mooning.
The choice for a day trade is obvious. I'm dumping BAT around 7000 sats later and buying more LINK, which I'm keeping my fingers crossed will remain around 25-25 cents by then. I think it will.
anyhow QTUM is preparing for pamp.
81 BTC sellwall now.
so how is that coin gonna work? do I generate some amount of bat token after I see or click on an ad? if you need to click on that shit in order to gain .000000001cent or some shit like that I don't see that mooning desu senpai
It will gradually fall till the conferences in October.
I'll start accumulating in a week probably.
Basically they pay you to watch porn ads, you can then use your tokens to watch premium porn for free.
Bittrex has 1050 bitcoins in volume on BAT atm im sure that 200-300 bitcoin is readily available for that pump.
half the internet is porn. i think we are creating perpetual energy thiny.
just sold a part of my stack at 6k sats, bought in at 4.8k, might be in again later when/if it dips
pat uself on the back homie n go buy some IOC amigoy