History's Greatest Monsters
>25 year rule
That pic isn't Ronald Reagan
Wasn't George Bush ushered in 28 years ago?
Calling him a monster would be giving him too much credit
25 years ago Bush was a no-name political advisor, hardly a "monster"
here's who OP meant to post
>Not a picture of Dick Cheney, Bush Sr, or a CIA logo
Wew, Dubya was just a puppet
At the end of the day he saved the Union from being divided by London banksters, only for Wilson to go and spit on his grave
He was a dumb tool, not a monster
Drumpf, and if you disagree don't even bother replying to me.
It's a shame people forgot all about this fucker, even in Belgium.
I disagree
Fucking brutal
>saved the union
was it really worth millions of lives?
History's greatest hero.
That's not General Sherman
One of the few who received poetic justice though.
God bless you John Wilkes Booth, wherever you are.
Drumpf? His name is the angry frkn orange nacho! lol
Bush Sr should've taken Saddam out the first time around and bankroll a new state together with the Arab League.
The real tragedy of Trump is that if he was as bad as some autists think he is, those autists wouldn't be alive to complain about him
He didn't start the war, it was in the financial interests of Southern and British aristocrats. Secession was wildly unpopular until a massive propoganda campaign was undertaken. A divided America was in British interests.
Depends on what's done with the Ba'athists. Do what Jr did, and you have the modern quagmire 20 years earlier
>A divided America was in British interests.
Allow me to rephrase: a divided America would be too busy with itself to pose a threat to Canada or the Caribbean. Also easier to install a central bank after a Union loss
Phil Swift, definelty
According to the Simpsons, Jimmy Carter
t. assmad H*bsburg
>oh gawd dubya was such a terrible person I'm LITERALLY SHAKING
Millions of dead Soviet citizens would like to have a word with you.
That sob sawed my boat in half
t, prot*stant and mason scum
*provides historical context to your non-history related shitpost*
Good to see that no one posts hitler, love this forum
nice bait kid
responsible for the eternal damnation of millions of souls, likely surpassed only by Muhammad
>The man who killed Kennedy
>small time
t. C*tholic and j*suit scum
>posting the puppet instead of the puppet master
Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz were so obviously running the show that's it's not even funny
Wow, I didn't know Constantine and Luther were twins.
Beard magic. If Pol Pot had a chinwarmer of equivalent size, he'd be universally beloved.
(Also, Leo might have a bigger profile today if 1. Belgium didn't collectively memory-hole the FCS after the handover and 2. WWI didn't start a few years later.)
Nope, it was worth about 700,000
>kill Lincoln before he can deport the nigs back to Africa
>reconstruction drags ass, making life in the South even shittier
>mfw there are people who actually think Booth is a hero
Dixieniggers everyone
Booth was an inside job
Booth was an edgy second rate actor who ruined the name of his family and stunted the country. Even *if* Lincoln wasn't good, there are very few presidents as bad as Andrew Johnson, absolute incompetent buffoon.
>49th post best post
>He typed that in English
Beady Augen, ANGLO Lügen
Gedämpfte arische Frauenschreie
Arische Kinder, groß und klein
Bomber Harris tötet sie alle
Links, rechts, rechts, links
ANGLO sät die Samen des Todes
Kein Stein bleibt stehen
Wenn ANGLO über das Land fliegt
Nach dem Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs
Die Arbeit der ANGLO wurde immer noch nicht erledigt
So vereinen Sie sich mit dem Polen und Juden
Er hat einen neuen gemacht: Zweiter Weltkrieg
Seinen Durst nach arischem Blut stillen
Das wollte er, dass er bekam
Jetzt ist Dresden frei von Jubel
Hans hat Angst; der ANGLO ist hier
Get out of here, Augustus
Drumpf btfo
Stop bullying moot. It isn't his fault you're all autistic incel niggers, and he nearly ruined his life for this.
Sorry, how did moot nearly ruin his life for this? Do you think people are going to see him and think, oh, it's that asshole that made Veeky Forums, fuck him?
>how did moot nearly ruin his life for this
IIRC running this site bankrupted him
I'd shut this shithole down before paying for it out of my pocket
He had to pay out of his own pocket for the servers. Turns out very few companies want to run ads and be associated with a place known to harbor neonazis, "ironic" or not. He also had to pay legal counsel thanks to shenanigans like the Sarah Palin e-mail hack.
moot wuz a gud boi
Fuck that guy for not destroying /pol/ when he had the chance.
>subhuman commies being dead
Why this nigga has holes in him face lmao like nigga just how he got them holes?
this is from an anime idiot
Still miss him though