can I have Veeky Forums approved movies & tv shows thread?
also opinions on the new sky flic, Babylon Berlin? Like cops in decadent, horny post WW1 Berlin eating the shit out of commies and SA.
can I have Veeky Forums approved movies & tv shows thread?
also opinions on the new sky flic, Babylon Berlin? Like cops in decadent, horny post WW1 Berlin eating the shit out of commies and SA.
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>eating the shit out of commies and SA
Sounds good, user.
Why are there so few good WW1 movies?
This, Lawrence of Arabia and All quiet on the western front are the only ones that I can think of
Damn, I did so fuck up.
because ww1 is pretty depressing, trench warfare is living hell.
Rome and I, Claudius are generally liked by Veeky Forums
I personally liked Band of Brothers and The Pacific. Generation Kill was also great.
John Adams was pretty engaging, and I don't care much for American history.
I watched Generation War awhile back expecting a German version of Band of Brothers, I have no idea how accurate it was but god damn did the Eastern front suck.
>tfw it took watching some show and listening to all of Ghosts of the Ostfront to make me realize just how bad it sucked
Didn't care as much for The Pacific, it didn't feel as, for lack of a better word, historic, as Band of Brothers. Spending a whole episode on a romantic subplot was kind of ridiculous.
Still no mention of Baader-Meinhof Complex? Damn burger casuals...
Gallipoli, War horse and Admiral are fine too.
Also there's one film on the way that looks solid
watched galipoli in school
a proper "fuck you" movie
Alexander Revisited is really really gay, but it depicts the ancient world very accurately. It also has the best representation of an ancient battle on the screen, in my opinion
>Didn't care as much for The Pacific, it didn't feel as, for lack of a better word, historic
Thats because, despite what you may think, it was literally made with Marines in mind. I can't tell you how much Marines enjoy that series, they got all the "Marine-isms" down to a T and will have even the saltiest of dogs sperging out over it. It was pretty faithful to its source material too, outside of the Leckie bits where they fucked up Commandos character
Well that's good to know. I did hear that the second half of Sledge's arc was highly inaccurate but then again I haven't read With the Old Breed.
Doctor zhivago is pretty good, Sam Peckimpah's cross of iron...
It actually did, they actually diverged wildly from what really happened. What they got right was that Okinawa was a wet, muddy hellhole and that was it. They missed a great opportunity by not showing how Sledge, R.V Burgin and the mortar crew took out nearly a trapped Regiment of japs on Half Moon Ridge (I may be wrong with the numbers) or the opening phases of Okinawa as the battle slowly picked up in intensity.
Oh well
wow I butchered the fuck out of my grammar there
I meant Generation Kill though
It's presented similar to a documentary, following a journalist from Rolling Stone who was stationed with a marine unit, set during the 2003 invasion of Iraq
I know the difference, I've seen it, I enjoyed it. I'll probably watch it again at some point. Generation war does a bit of a similar thing with the documentary thing... I guess? If you consider occasional narration and stock footage sequences as being documentary-esque. Generation Kill was very good overall IMO.
Depressing films are the best ones user.
Yeah those pike battles are amazing.
Don't remind me. There's still a diplomatic war going on over that series.
Jesus, this is one of the best films I have seen. I got really anxious when Arnaud, and later Paris broke down. Honestly, the part where they wait for the inevitable execution is by far the best part of the film, everything else fades in comparison to it. The writing is great, but the acting is truly the film's strength.
I like The Pacific
it's different than Band of Brothers sure, but it's still got its moments.
Is Hornblower Veeky Forums-approved despite being historical fiction?
I like films about communists getting removed
Not that many of them. Most of them starring Sylvester Stallone. As for more serious movies I remember The Killing Fields. Any other anti-communist movies? In Europe we have plenty of them.
Paths of Glory (1957)
The Great Escape (1963)
Zulu (1964)
A Bridge Too Far (1977)
Das Boot (1981)
Come and See (1985)
Grave of the fireflies (1988)
Stalingrad (1993)
Flags of our fathers // Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
Waltz with Bashir (2008)
The Hurt Locker (2009)
Restrepo (2010)
'71 (2015)
Dunkirk (2017)
Tv shows:
Band of Brothers
Generation Kill
The Pacific
Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter
Where could i download or see the show?
>Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter
This show got so popular I expect Russian government ordering their own Soviet-friendly show. Only instead of shifting the blame it would just forget about it.
I forgot my favourite
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
Don't watch it with your gf, women will never understand this film
what language? the original is in Nazi.
I can get the hang of nazitalk, but it'd be better subtitled in english or german.
Its broadcasted on Sky, you can find torrents for Season 1 E01-E08, not sure about subtitles. Also Netflix has the US rights.
Cheers but Sky doesn't exist where i live and i don't seem to find the torrents, thanks anyway
It's pretty great, so I would say yes.
>ruin your economy because of retarded decisions during the war and post war
>blame commies
Germany really is retarded.
If anyone is interested in the gritty side of the Soviet war effort, the Shtrafbat miniseries (2004) is worth a look. Follows a penal battalion formed from former convicts.
This is a good list and you should feel good.
'71 got a bit shyte towards the end - they were really driving home hard the "both sides were shit" narrative, and the plot suffered for it.
In the film it's mostly Stalinists killing Trotzkists, the police is more mopping up, pretty fun to watch. Also, plenty of morphine addicts and poor downtrodden proletarians. The set is pretty good.
I'll give a watch then for sure. I was interested in it despite Germany being a silly goose, but yeah.
>The Hurt Locker (2009)
Fucking garbage. I have no idea why this movie gets so much praise. It's your typical Hollywood drivel.
Someone want to post that /k/ approved movie list or post some of the period movies from it? For me Beast of War and 9th company were two good ones about the Soviet-Afghan war, Blood Diamond and Siege of Jadotville both scratched the African war itch for me but they’re really more in the category of /k/ movies than historically grounded movies.
Watch Johnny Mad Dog. It's a movie about the Liberian civil war. Some of the actors are veterans of the actual war.
That includes this dude (Joe Duo), who plays a rebel commander. Ironically he actually fought for the Liberian government.
Pic is him during the war.
People always mistake a shot from this movie from an actual photo from the war.
Not really,
it was one of the first films to explore war as an addictive drug, it has excellent cinematography and pacing, and on a $15mil budget by a brand new production company i really dont think its the typical drivel that comes out of Hollywood
That's not a shot from the movie, faggot. A simple reverse search would tell you that instantly.
It's pure shit. It's a bunch of schlock with EOD yanking on random wires and other dumb shit to add tension to the movie.
Shut your fuckign face dipshit or learn reading comprehension before you click post.
"A shot" from this movie. This one.
The hurt locker is a good movie, but not a very historical one. Nobody did or could have gotten away with doing 90% of what the MC in that movie did.
Nice try, moron. You complained about "a shot" while replying to my post. You didn't post your own picture or specify what you were talking about, so anyone with a grasp of the English language would think you were talking about my picture.
You probably were, so now you're backpedaling.
Shoulder Arms and the Big Parade are good.
George McReady's transatlantic accent in paths of glory is music to my ears.
Is Three Kingdoms worth it Veeky Forums?
If you have the time. It's really long and the production values are only so-so. It's something to pick up once you've binge watched all the other TV shows you want to watch and are waiting for the next season.
Fall of Eagles is an excellent TV series about the last years of the von Habsburgs, von Hohenzollerns and Romanovs. You can find it on youtube
Here's my list:
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
Master And Commander
Full Metal Jacket
Red Dawn (Not exactly Veeky Forums, but commie removal is a recurring theme)
The Lion in Winter
Das Boot
The Wind and the Lion
Gods and Generals
The Witch (A horror movie that's about a witch, takes place in New England in the 17th century, dialogue is accurate for the time and it's based on actual accounts, I really enjoyed it)
ITT: a bunch of shit white faggots would like (lul commie removal and we wuz ww2)
It may not be Veeky Forums but i liked watching The Ten Commendments. Its pretty atmospheric.
>"I didn't read past the first two posts: the post.
Try again.
>The Ten Commendment
Can't get much more fictional than that.
Child 44 was a good movie.
Stalinist Red Army officer gets caught up in a crime that risks denunciation and imprisonment, if investigated. Exposes a conspiracy and has to save himself from his own comrades, as much as the murderer he's trying to catch.
yes, and so is sharpe
sharpe and hornblower need to be on this list
I didn't care for BoB, as it felt too forced. Same problem with Generation War (we're just good guys in a bad situation, honest!) The Pacific was much less apologetic about how desperate and brutal a slog like that would actually be, for all sides involved. I liked GW, but it was that same "Look,The Party is retarded. We're the good guys, really!" servile cheerleading that ruins the overall theme of what's being depicted.
No moral grandstanding / faux good and evil paradigm to market. Look at WWI-era Germany in bloody Wonder Woman, was still made out to be a ravenous beast, compared to innocent Britain.
If you want good WWI perspective, read Storm of Steel, and watch all ten hours of this,
Generation Kill was pretty good, but barely Veeky Forums.
What's good Soviet (Revolution - collapse, doesn't need to be WWII) movies, shows or books? I already read Gulag Archipelago. It felt like the apex of that kind of book, like the Storm of Steel of the dirty Soviet society's underbelly.
Paykee fookin' bloinders
I know this is dipping into Alt-History but anyone else here think the whole pregnant Anne Frank meme might make a decent miniseries? I mean one with a realistic take on it, where the writers do research into instances where Jewish women in hiding during the Holocaust gave birth and incorporate their experiences into the script. The main focus being on the hardships of parenthood, war, and having to live in a constant state of fear (as well as a healthy amount of general lewdness and sex for shock value/wanking material for the audience).
The premise might be a bit insensitive, but if written well enough people will overlook that.
The whole NKVD officers using AKMs part triggered my /k/ autism
>Red Dawn
The fact the production crew was able to replicate Soviet military uniforms, weapons, and equipment to such a high degree of accuracy at a time when the Cold War was still going on is a noteworthy achievement in its own right.
Not sure of its accuracy but Flyboys is pretty cool.
>gods an generals
My biggest nitpick with that movie is the slave talking to Jackson. There is no way a slave would start shooting the shit with Stonewall Jackson, much less quote Napoleon Bonaparte.
Anyway, my list (for period aesthetic accuracy, not the content of the story or narrative being accurate):
Barry Lyndon
Rome (the hbo production)
Medicis: Masters of Florence
The Count of Monte Christo
Django Unchained
Again, those are for the atmosphere and not the story. Django is pretty much only correct in aesthetic, nothing about that movie is otherwise realistic.
I kinda like Plunkett & McLeane Baroque Highwaymen in dirty fucking London, Newgate prison, Tyburn gallows, good fun.
Sophie Scholl: Die Letzen Tage.
The older Weisse Rose film is better for representing the group as a whole, but, the Sophie Scholl film is more compellingly done.
>Gods and Generals
>movie is about Stonewall Jackson
>no Valley Campaign
>no Train Raid of 1861
>no Peninsula Campaign
>no Siege of Harpers Ferry
>Battle of Antietam lasts six minutes
>not even Jackson's defiance of Virginia law to teach slaves how to read the Bible
This movie was such a failure desu. Only thing they definitely got right was the soundtrack.
A couple of ones for Ireland:
>The Wind That Shakes the Barley
Good for covering civil war and war of independence stuff.
>50 Dead Men Walking
Good for showing Troubles stuff.
>it's another episode of sharpe and his pals mow down loads of soldiers easily with their mg42
Waterloo(1970) is the best war film ever made as far as I'm concerned.
isnt he based on Cochrane?
it's pretty good, shame it underperformed at the box office and kill Kubrick's ambition for an adaptation
It's a bit shit in the beginning while the story is centered around Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu and Diao Chan, and it loses steam towards the end, but those 60 hours in the middle are definitely worth it.
Jack Aubrey was based on Cochrane, but Hornblower? He's nothing alike socially, temperamentally, career wise, etc.
Hitler was among those shooting at Freikorps
I only managed to find first two parts, where could i get the entire first serie?
BB has a Austrian expat artist living in Berlin sharing flat with one of the cops.
A large chunk of it is. Reading the books, it's quite remarkable how much exposition the show needed to make a single paragraph or event appear on screen at times.
What is everyones opinion on Outlander?
I like it and the thought of going back in time to fix shit is a fun one.
I don't know that Rome has been posted (I guess everyone already knows about it) but It's a pretty excellent historically accurate rendition of Rome in the late republic, and covers the fall and both ensuing civil wars.
Pic related, notice the pleasing lack of Lorica Segmentata.
It didn't kill his ambition, it scared the studios out of financing a historical epic the size Kubrick wanted. Instead he had to downsize and pour all his research and preproduction into Barry Lyndon.
>historically accurate
At least post about the movie instead of acting smug for nobody not having heard about your miserable movie industry.
Baader-Meinhof Complex is a Docu-drama about the Red Army Faction, a militant leftist group based in West-Germany.
Most known for the kidnapping of Hanns Martin Schleyer (German Autumn) and the German Embassy siege in Stockholm
What are we supposed to think during the akwardly long sex scene?
>NKVD officers using AKMs in 1944
fuck that shit man wtf
It's actually a scene set in 1953 but the AKM wasn't developed until 1959. It's predecessor, the AK-47 didn't enter widespread service until the late 1950s (contrary to popular belief, the first generation AKs were fraught with reliability problems similar to the M16 and their entry into service was delayed by nearly decade as a result).
Generation War is garbage.
I remember watching this movie and seeing fake CGI gunfire and cartridges
Good series. The sets look like shit though.
>Fake looking filthy dark terraced houses and grimy fucking industrial areas with shitty CGI smoke in the background
You forgot Michael Collins
Watching it now actually and I don't find the gayness that annoying to be honest.
I suppose this is closer to portraying a gay romance without the forced crap.
>He has a mustache therefore he must be Hitler