Why is Drumpf increasing our taxes? I was told there would be a tax cut...
Why is Drumpf increasing our taxes? I was told there would be a tax cut
>tax cut
there are people that actually believe this
Why though? I just wanted to make some solid gains
>call sanders an economically illiterate hack for wanting to increase taxes and spending
>call trump an economical genius for wanting to decrease taxes and increasing spending
Trumpsters deserve this. They're now getting Sanders-level taxes without the benefits.
because government is a tumor, it only grows, never shrinks
He's following Modi's footsteps. If you want to know what trump will do next, just follow Modi news
>elect republican because muh tax cuts
>republican president raises taxes
Literally every time. How many times till you fucks figure it out?
W cut taxes. Too bad it was at the worst possible time.
He's just helping himself and his multimillionaire/billionaire buddies. Did you think anything would change with this mafioso in charge?
it will not change no matter who is in charge. it must be destroyed
You can't pay for 60 million 3rd world immigrants stuff without more taxes come on don't be racist
He didnt cut spending and inflation, the biggest taxes of all.
>if we have to pay less taxes we can spend more duh
Not true.
Taxes will be going down significantly for the wealthy.
Trumpfags are low IQ and took the bait.
believing (((bloomberg))) analysis
>Modi news
(brown id LOL) are you Indian?
>trusting Jewish media
you deserve to be fooled, retard
>implying Trumpfags didn't know about this
Tax cut for the wealthy was part of his platform retard
If Trump doesn't reduce to top tax bracket then he will have confirmed to me that he's just another big gov republican
The same fags that were spreading FUD about Bitcoin for their banker buddies earlier this month. Very reliable source there, OP...
An example of how taxes might go up due to the cut of the State Tax deduction. Essentially, you'll be paying for money you pay for state taxes twice.
>truth and statistics are fake news because of a global banking conspiracy to destroy bitcoin
uh huh
And if Bloomberg wanted to destory bitcoin, explain this:
Another thing on the table is the mortgage deduction. If you have a home, you used to be able to deduct your mortgage payments.
Not under Trump.
>I miss entire words when I read
>unironically using the word drumpf
fucking kill yourself
Another thing on the table is 401k savings deduction. Previously, if you saved for retirement, you could deduct that from your taxes.
Not under the Trump plan.
Yeah, this fucking sucks. If Hillary was president, there would be massive opposition to any tax hikes. But the GOP donors want to raises taxes on the middle class to pay for massive tax cuts to corporations.
Fuck Trump.
>Home owners
Those two things are exclusive.
drumpf is taking our gains reeeeeeee
It doesnt matter what trump does with taxes, the whole fiat scheme is a joke. Usa needs to stop pretending they have any intention of ever repaying a single dollar of their debt and let the whole thing crash and burn.
Its destined to anyway and there is nothing to stop it from happening.
Trump puts billions into the military to go police the world.
Sanders wanted to put billions into making tuition free within the US.
Who's really America First?
Trump being retarded and raising taxes just means Trump is a retard. It mean socialism is better for our country. You wanna know how free tuition works? Look at Germany, where the government pays your tuition but decides who can go to university and who can't. Guess what? The government always seems to pick children of the elite to let study for free. Isnt that odd...
never EVER talk about MY TRUMP like that again. you don't know Veeky Forums... we've got ways of making you pay, kike degenerate (did you know the Jews are the cause of all degeneracy? probably not since you're brainwashed by them into not liking trump)..... *unsheathes katana* did you know that the country second to America.... Japan... Made swords that can cut through steel....... theyre folded one million time, that means they can cut through libtards like you like butter........ *teleports behind you* I hate you almost as much as I hate women... nigger faggot. may kek have mercy on you....... *slices you* heh, looks like your fake news now... that's what you get for messing with Veeky Forums.. were legion. nothing personell, cuck
Trump thanks you for your shekels continue to make him richer
itt children pretending they understand tax
Many people within the 15% tax bracket will be put into the 12% tax bracket, plus a doubling of the standard deduction, I'd be saving over $1000 a year, good enough for me.
You mean, university admission is actually based on merit? Sounds terrible.
This is not true, he is keeping the mortgage deduction, even though it's retarded and shouldn't exist, it is discounted in housing prices and sellers just charge more because of it. Also you don't deduct your 401k from your taxable income, your 401k is never counted as income in the first place.
Secondly, you know that any person can go to Germany on a student visa and study for free? They even have English courses. So not sure where your ~elite~ line comes from.
I like how these analyses all leave out the part where they want to double the standard deduction. I'm sure that won't have any effect on people's taxes, though, so carry on.
Enlighten us, ancient one.
>Why is Drumpf increasing our taxes?
How else we gonna pay for Obama's fucking 10 TRILLION dollars he borrowed during his 8 years?
>Why is Drumpf increasing our taxes?
You dumbfuck 'mericans are going to need alot more taxes to pay for your mess.
>You dumbfuck 'mericans are going to need alot more taxes to pay for your mess.
Your country needs to increase taxes to cover for all the unemployed niggers who no longer pay any taxes.
>Your country needs to increase taxes to cover for all the unemployed niggers who no longer pay any taxes.
> Despite the fact that rich people paying little in the way of income taxes makes plenty of headlines, this is the exception to the rule: The top 1% of taxpayers pay a higher effective income-tax rate than any other group (around 23%, according to a report released by the Tax Policy Center in 2014) — nearly seven times higher than those in the bottom 50%.
>> Despite the fact that rich people paying little in the way of income taxes makes plenty of headlines, this is the exception to the rule: The top 1% of taxpayers pay a higher effective income-tax rate than any other group (around 23%, according to a report released by the Tax Policy Center in 2014) — nearly seven times higher than those in the bottom 50%.
On average, those in the bottom 40 percent of the income spectrum end up getting money from the government. Meanwhile, the richest 20 percent of Americans, by far, pay the most in income taxes, forking over nearly 87 percent of all the income tax collected by Uncle Sam.
This entire article is shit.
It's over a week old before any details of the plan came out. It's based entirely on speculation.
Get a real article and we'll talk.
We need more taxes to help our disadvantaged minority brothers. After all us whiteys were slaveowners so it is deserved
sucks for you, i already analyzed how the plan would affect me and i would save a ton
>We need more taxes to help our disadvantaged minority brothers. After all us whiteys were slaveowners so it is deserved
Absolutely. I'm surprised you racists even allow niggers to work.
Good thing Obama freed these slaves from their indentured cubicles.
Lmao democuck states btfo
curious to see your numbers
Haha, this
So glad I'm already poor. Eat shit, coastal elites.
lmao nice
how does anyone believe the media?
this is literally unsourced FUD
buy MAGA now
to the MOON!
>he thinks anyone who is actually an "elite" will be hurt by this
Conservacucks never learn.
>don't fall for the mortgage jew
>don't live in a commie state
>don't waste my money on charity
>get double the standard deduction
Thanks Drumpf!
>increasing our taxes
None of us have children faggot
There is. Read the actual text of the tax document, not some libby shit spin on it.
Do you notice literally everything Trump or the Republicans do is skewed in a negative light? Even the good things? Maybe you should ask yourself why it seems like one side is always doing "good guy stuff" and the other is made out to be a bunch of constant meanies.
I heard Trump is lowering capital gains to 2%. Big if true.
Business Insider are a bunch of liberal cunts
You deduct solely the INTEREST on your mortgage payment. Not your entire mortgage. Jesus you’re an idiot.