Link liars

why the fuck do you people lie? I bought LINK in ICO but got convinced by biz that its going below ICO price so I dumped all my bags at 00048. why do you guys have to bully and lie to less tech savvy people like myself? why not just help us all get rich? fuck man

Other urls found in this thread:

>not holding the bags
don't blame me for being retarded.

well i'd appreciate some encouragement to hold bags instead of being told how retard I am for not dumping a coin thats gonna go below ico tomorrow

>being this easily influenced by false claims and pink wojaks
Some of you just aren't meant to make it.

buy more LINK and keep this shit. We ain't just going to the Moon or Mars, this shit leaves the Solar system and straight into the Lambo Dimension.

the question is: are you in boi?

Kek, I bought aorund there. Don't worry, your linkies have gone to a safe home and are protected by iron hands.

OP, all jokes aside mate, are you being serious?

I often wonder, while doubled over in laughter, if these posters are seriously falling for the shit posted here or if they’re pretending for the sake of humor.

The FUD/manipulation/trolling here is so hilariously transparent that I can’t imagine anyone falls for it.

Yet here you are.

Cracks me up and breaks my heart as the same time lmao.

>Its true they help out link in the long term by removing the weak links

i'm still kind of a newfag so yes I'm being serious, did you all realize how obvious the manipulation was as soon as you came here? I guess I will remember this lesson for the future, my gut feeling told me to hold but I thought people here are obviously more knowledgeable than me in this field so I just listened to them

Dude...when the FUDers started their campaign I dumped what I had because I knew it was going to dip hard and then bought back in at the new low. Now I'm sitting on more LINK than I thought I'd be able to get. Get smarter and understand that people are going to try and buy in cheap if they can make the market dip.

Weak hands. You don't deserve the ticket to the Moon

yes absolutely because were not fucking retarded. If you've ever had a moment in life where you wondered if you were less intelligent than the average person, well wonder no more friend.

user this isn't a teamsport.

I followed some (sensible) advice here and tripled my money.

biz has decent people but also dumbasses. Spot the difference.

Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says

>too impatient to hodl after ico
>dumps on other hodlers

Yeah I missed the ICO so I had to do something. Thanks for the link

any fag who says "we're all gonna make it senpai" is a socialist scumbag.

Nature and Evolution will not allow "all" of us to make it....

only the few of us will make it.
only the few of us are smart and fast enough to ride the waves and acquire maxx value of "wealth".

wealthy high status men attract fertile, young girls, and only the strong men amongst those who are wealthy can successfully impregnate these girls without getting fully cucked.

there are levels. you either go up or you go down.

if someone listens to Veeky Forums without checking the charts, thinking for himself and doing some deeper research, he deserves to take a loss.

this is the final blackpill.

Last time I fell for anything here was the Silk Road 3.0 finna be rich. Looking back on it now, I can't believe I was so dumb. But I learned from that, so it was a good lesson. Thanks Veeky Forums

man shut up. We can all make it.

I dont get it OP.

I browsed Veeky Forums reddit and few internet sources and so far i made 10%.
Its not much but atleast its better than playing vidya all day.

The only mistakes i made:
>Bought BTC on Kraken and funded it to Bittrex paying a fucking fee of 0,001 Bitcoin ( thats around 4 Euros ) instead investing into Ethereum and switching it to Bittrex ( would have costes me 0,001 Ethereum ).
Well but just by holding bTC for 5 days ( from 3,6 to 4 ) .
I bought ripple and since than it rose from 0,16 to 0,20
I bought Neo before it peaked and made 0% so far.
And the next thing if i get money i'm going to invest in Link

OP, Veeky Forums is pretty bro tier really, aside from the obvious FUDers and Pajeet scammers.

What wallets hold Link? Would rather keep it somewhere other than Binance.

I'm not psychic but I think Ripple is a good long-hold. There are better short term options.

I got in on WTC at the right time but stay away from it until it decides if it's gonna drop again or not. I should have held but oh well.Moved on to LINK and keeping my fingers crossed.

Guys, if you want to buy and sell whitelist accounts, join us on Whitelist Trader Slack:

"My Ether Wallet"

go back to /pol/ dude

here in Veeky Forums, we are all gonna make it

if you hate making money, just leave.

socialist detected

Fucking pathetic.

My Ether Wallet holds ERC20 tokens which LINK counts as.

Be very careful transferring because the process is a little complicated. Always send a test amount first.

First go here:

-Create new wallet
-Save file to your disk safely.
-I recommend e-mailing a copy to yourself as well as passcode.

-Go to send tokens

-Create a custom token


-Input the info

-Add your money

*send a test amount first. Do research and don't just go all in.

Bought at the peak, don't regret it. Please keep dumping so I can buy even more. Don't even give two shits about it reaching 50$ or some meme number, it will hit 2-3$ and that will be profit, I'll sell, and move onto the next thing.

Why are you faggots holding out a coin for years hoping it hits bitcoin levels?

disregard this. This is how I added WTC but it didn't work for LINK. My bad.

I wish I knew how. It's an ERC20 so it should hae worked but didnt

>why do you guys have to bully and lie to less tech savvy people like myself
Because investing is a zero sum game and there have to be losers.

These are the fags who just make life suck for everyone.

Your loss is my gain

t. Omega cuck

No faggot. There's plenty to go around.

Get smarter then fuckhead.

When you FOMO'd cucks are buying my bags there sure is enough for me

Use etherscan network, it will be there.

The only FUD i believed was the stuttering pot heads one for ark. It was only being used on ark so i actually thought it was serious but when i couldnt find the conference vid and it got copy pasted everywhere i realized.

Because we are poor as fuck and only have a few grand to invest..

You're still going to go over 500% return on the money you put in, that 500% can then be put into the next memecoin. Holding out hope that you manage to hit the next bitcoin is just insanity. Of course you can do it, but then there's no reason to be panicking over hourly trends, just check once a day or once a week.

normally i sell like half of my stack when I hit like 2-5x gains, depending on the hype factor. in the case of link and walton i decided to hold every single last coin, because i have really high hopes for both of the projects. most buyers still don't realize how much potential these coins have, but they will in time.


see you at sibos.