
How did pic related become the mightiest military in the history of mankind?

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Two coasts with a shitload of good Anchorage

Europeans beat the shit out of each other in the two world wars, then the Soviets FUBAR'd their whole system under Brezhnev.

Because they have a colossal economy and spend a lot of money on the armed forces.

Being an Eternal Anglo and sit on a place out in the ocean away from every other civilization.

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant work ethic plus abundant natural resources after removing Redskins, which admittedly took a while.
Napoleon was a fucking idiot to sell us half the continent.
We would have respected French claims enough that we would have basically had to Texas Annexation all of Louisiana before we took it from them. would have taken a while longer, imo, and stopped us from reaching the West coast and taking California to Texas from Mexico until much later.

What use did he have for louisana
he needed funds and was on good terms witg america
Got spooked hard by 911 leading to a giant military
Also europe committed suicide several times over

>implying that commies aren't doomed from the start

Untouched by war, rapid population growth allowing for huge industry, precedent of professional military due to Civil War, the USA was a superpower waiting to happen, it was inevitable.

Free market capitalism tempered with limited government and individual liberty.

Timing and location

>huge with lots of natural resources
>difficult to invade
>chose the winning sides in the world wars
>willing to spend a shit ton more on defense at the expense of the welfare of its citizens

>precedent of professional military due to Civil War
not true at all. Before WW1 the US absolutely hated the idea of a large professional standing army, and after every war the army shrank hard. This wasn't any different for the civil war, even before the war was over black units were being disbanded and sent home and within a year the army was back to it's pre-war size.

>mightiest military in the history of mankind
I doubt we could take China + Russia + Brazil + Nigeria + Iran + Pakistan when they all turn against us.

Yeah but Brezhnev was next-level retarded.

The US Army didnt really start to become proffesional till the 60's/70's

you are american and problably white

but how do i know this?

because only a white american would make a thread like this

they would get fucking rekt

Ok let's start a new thread: Why is the Dominican Republic such a shit hole?

I do love that WASPs need to put "white" before, even they know anglos aren't white.

This guy is right When the Spanish-American war started, we had like 10,000 active duty soldiers. It was meant for policing the frontier. That's why people like Teddy Roosevelt could raise his own division. That force dissolved until WWI, which we entered having an army smaller than Romania's.

In a no-nuke scenario (since with nukes, everyone would lose), we'd still win. Hell, the US Navy alone could forestall any landing all of those forces combined on the American continent. You don't realize how massive our military really is. Our force projection is light years ahead of our closest competitors.

so you are white and american?
pls tell me the truth

It was also true of WW2. After WW2 ended almost overnight we completely dismantled the airforce and navy for scrap. It's why when we went to Korea it was an absolute shitshow at the start. Just supply issues everywhere, too many guys who had no experience, too few vets. What a nightmare.

Name one other country besides the USSR in history that at any point could destroy HUMANITY literally 100 times over while being entirely self reliant and creating wealth?

Even today China only has the power to destroy the world once (its argued that it takes between 30-300 nukes to actually cause a nuclear winter, it depends how much debris is caused and 30 is probably a drastic overestimation).

USSR/Modern Russia is an odd one. They have a better concentrated force while we have better world force projection (though I'd argue their nuclear projection via silos/MIRV is even better then our .land based nuclear options whether it be better then SLBM is up for grabs). Its def initially better though given their Dead Hand system allowing for a second strike.

>Dead Hand

Unironically thanks Obama. This makes the Vatnik REEE.