Does anyone else have examples of egregious history mistakes in the mainstream media?
From here btw, I wonder when they'll fix it
Does anyone else have examples of egregious history mistakes in the mainstream media?
From here btw, I wonder when they'll fix it
I don't understand what is wrong with this. Am I missing something?
if ben franklin was born in 1657 he would have been over 110 years old by the time of the american revolution
>I cannot read.
Retard. Try it again.
>The year the FATHER of the US declaration of independence signatory Benjamin Franklin was born
>Benjamin Franklin was born in 1657
>Another fucking illiterate.
I think we've found some egregious mistakes in the public education system.
the way its written it sounds like they're calling ben franklin the father of the declaration of independence
No it isn't. You're just dumb. You'd have to forget the word "signatory" is in there to even plausibly construct the sentence the way you want to.
The """""""""""""journalist"""""""""""""" was trying to say Ben Franklin's father was born in 1657, but they were literally too fucking stupid to just write that.
So they were trying to sound smart by stating something obscure and irrelevant but ending up making themselves look stupid?
you're being awfully rude
Inb4 holocaust denialism makes its way here
You're being awfully retarded.
there is no need for your bad attitude
>I read something wrong and now I'm pathetically trying as hard as I can to cover my ass.
This fucking thread.
>all 8 posters not including me are the same person
I hope you never vote or reproduce.
There aren't 8 posters in this thread.
OP here
I'm normally pretty sharp but it appears the writer was indeed referencing Franklin's father, in a very confusing manner
I propose we now discuss the following topics
A) How do we stop bad (not clear or unintentionally misleading) writing and
B) Why are South Koreans so autistic
who the fuck cares when that fat retard franklin was born?
woopsy I did an oopsy, I'm a human like you
Why not use ketchup as the president prefers?