Was the Reconquista a genocide?
Was the Reconquista a genocide?
No, it was decolonization.
I wouldn't say so, I would say it was just an incredibly violent war. Not to mention that the Spanish kicked Jews and Muslims off the peninsula, not killing them off.
Massive mobilization of people is technically a genocide
As much as throwing the trash into the containment is vandalism
The Muslims had no right to be there in the first place.
That's irrelevant tho.
Because you say so?
"It's not colonization when we do it." - Muslims
How they didn't have the right to be there?
>invasion is legal
If he's OP then yea.
>How they didn't have the right to be there?
How did the British didn't have the right to rule India?
Watch him say "might makes right" when it comes to the M*slims but then fall back on morality arguments when it comes to the Spaniards/Portuguese. It seems to be a favorite M*slim trick.
>might makes right >:)
>what about native america-
>fuck off :(
Nice try goatfucker, nobody mentioned the New World.
Muslims unironically believe that the arab conquest was pacific and not a conquest but Allah's will.On the other hand they see the Spanish kicking them out of their country as a genocide.Not even kidding.You can search any video about Andalucia and you will always find a goatfucker claiming that
As expected
Yeah, I have absolutely no sympathy for dead Muslims. Not even human as far as I'm concerned.
Typical hajji non-response. Kill yourself and your family.
Killing a Muslim is always self-defense.
Vamos a ver saco moruno de mil y una mierdas.
Cuando la moronegrada entró en ESPAÑA con el beneplacito de los arios germanos herejes los españoles de bien emigraron al norte en la montaña y fundaron CASTILLA.
Cuando la moronegrada intentó invadir CASTILLA el conde Fernán Gonzalez a lomos de su caballo se puso en su camino con su noble ejercito.A pesar de ser superado por diez lanzas a una el conde decidió defender a sus compatriotas Castellanos en la muy noble y muy leal villa de Simancas.Viendo el altísimo tanta valentía decidió mandar al apostol Santiago y a San Millán para ayudar al ejercito de DIOS.
Tras aplastar a la moronegrada San Millán se bajo de su corcel y dijole al bravo conde Fernán.
>Oh grandisimo hijo de Dios Conde de Castilla y señor de Alave yo te otorgo la independencia por la gracia de DIOS y sobre este CASTILLO seguirás protegiendo a la cristiandad de la plaga saracena que invadieron estas bellas tierras.
Y es así como el glorioso condado de CASTILLA nació.Utilizando el castillo celestial al que se refirió San Millán cubierto de un peón carmesí por la sangre derramada contra la moronegrada.
>Allah helped our empire
>That means he won't ever help any other of the empires that believe in him!
Classic Abrahamic autism.
Yes but that is when you take people of their homes not when you force them to return to their own
No, it was a war