>Coworkers found out I use Veeky Forums
Coworkers found out I use Veeky Forums
>using Veeky Forums
disgusting, I'd fucking slap your dirty mouth if I saw you
Do they care or even know what Veeky Forums is
>work with a bunch of normies
>One coworker accidentally slips out his power level
>we both now share and revel in our degeneracy
not too bad
>not using Veeky Forums as a way to elevate yourself above the normie-ridden society kek kys
In case they open this thread and they see you been looking at underaged girls.
this is legitimate
>be in new call centre job
>email a guy for help
>never spoke
>genuinely mis spell teh and leik due to typing too quick
>guy replies "do you liek mudkipz"
Bros since that date
>discover he was a furfag
5% of normies might know what a /pol/ or anime are because of lib rags, the rest wouldn't care unless you had a thread with porn or gore in it open
your career is officially over, OP.
>use Veeky Forums
>normies think you'r a 1337 h4x0r because of that
I only trust people who encompass Veeky Forums ideology. My existence has been both a blessing and a curse.
Veeky Forums is normie central and I gurantee 80% of college kids browse Veeky Forums, just look at /soc/
Honestly I dont even hide the fact I browse, makes it easier to find people I'd get along with
The hacker known as Veeky Forums
I brag about Veeky Forums
and show them all the fresh new memes
They know you use one of the most popular websites in the world?
most normies wouldn't believe there's a thing beside facebook, whatsapp, twitter and instagram.
i guess some people are only browsing facebook when they don't buy china stuff from amazon. sad.
I'm browsing Veeky Forums front of them, btw those threads with hot chicks on front are NSFW.
what job?
Who the fuck talks about internet shit irl? That's as cringe as it gets.