What is so wrong with suicide Veeky Forums? Should one not have the choice to end their own life if they so choose?
What is so wrong with suicide Veeky Forums? Should one not have the choice to end their own life if they so choose?
life-addicted cucks can't accept some would rather not play their game
Suicide takes the burdens you had in life, and dumps them on everyone else. Essentially it's just one more way for your loved ones to suffer for one's shitty choices.
I don't think anyone has the right to commit suicide tbqhwy. You don't have the right to ruin the lives of your loved ones so irreversibly, your life's not the only one being ended.
That being said if you're thinking of suicide, you may be depressed. Treat depression as figuratively an external disease trying to kill you, and get medical attention asap; there's only shame if you don't seek it, no one can fight depression forever.
Sorry for my English.
>That being said if you're thinking of suicide, you may be depressed.
bullshit everybody contemplates suicide at some point in life
Sure, but when you get to the point that it's once a day everyday; it's no longer you that's in control, and you should seek medical help.
Suicide is for quitters
>you have the right to live in misery and be a joyless black hole of negativity for your loved ones who hurts others and himself but you don't have the right to escape that misery
>dude depression is, like, the flu lmao
Sunshine and bubbles normie detected. Shouldn't you be busy tweeting john green quotes
>you have the right to live in misery and be a joyless black hole of negativity for your loved ones
I recommended seeking medical treatment so you're not this way.
>dude depression is, like, the flu
Nice strawman. It should basically be treated as a disease that can't be self-cured, just as one would be unwise to preform surgery on themselves.
>Sunshine and bubbles normie detected. Shouldn't you be busy tweeting john green quotes
>"I can not be held accountable for my own actions"
actually depression is, in fact, like a sickness and can be treated as such, if you're willing to get off your ass and do something to change your state of mind.
Man I love how out of touch moderns are with their own minds are they need to treat their pain like a leaky faucet in their heads you just gotta call the plumber for. I workout, exercise, eat clean and still want to die. Sorry that refutes your buzzfeed checklist of what to do when you get the reddit blues. Pathetic.
The only pathetic one here is you. Find Jesus, my suffering friend
The way I see it, There are two choices.
You either actually go through with it, or you say, 'you know what I'm too scared right now, I don't want to do it."
If you go through with it you die, as we all must at some point.
If you don't go through with it, the choice is essentially to suffer and inflict suffering onto your family, and then die; possibly in a way that is considerably more stressful and painful than this way.
So you've got death, and you've got suffering and death. And you know what this makes a whole lot of sense to me.
I only value the opinions of people who've had a taste of despair. The rest of you are tourists.
Finding Jesus is running from your problems and living abidingly in purpose-denying nihilistic doctrine of the Church. If you want to fight, then read some Jung (or perish like a dog).
> falling for the life Jew
>read some Jung
Been there, done that. Next someone's gonna tell me to read Meditations lol
if Jung didn't help try cutting your balls of, that will surely help.
Suicide, same as the death penalty, is nothing more than an damning indictment against the state for failing to provide and rehabilitate its citizenry.
Suicide is only wrong if it's preformed with a gun, because it pads stats for gun-grabbers to cry about.
This will never not be the least intelligent thing to say when discussing mental illness. All it does is show what a childish, stubborn and extremely misinformed worldview you have.
I honestly would commit suicide if I didn't have my parents.
I don't want to put the burden on them.
same desu senpai
fuckin rekt
Because its easier and more pleasant to shame people into staying alive than dealing with their suffering and its consequences.
considering literally the next two posts
the only one with a childish, stubborn and extremely misinformed worldview is you.
Suicide is devastating to the people who care about the person. It rips apart families and parents never truly recover. It's taking the coward's way out instead of addressing your problems like a rational adult
yea, but if you don't have people who love you then you can kill yourself happily
IIT:ahh poor me and my sad life
its the easiest thing to kys its hard to fight in life
just kys you fucking pussy
If they let their child get into such a depressed state that they commit/concider suicide you can not say they cared about the person.
That's bullshit. My mom loves me dearly and is the only things that stops me from just necking myself. She's the best mom a man could have and she worked hard all her life for me.
How little empathy you have for the people who are actually in pain, not to mention you take it as axiomatic that a person considering their problems like a "rational adult" would never, ever opt to check out. People who do things about their irreducibly unique situation can't possibly be acting rationally from their perspective, right? Please dude
That's completely normal. Humans are tribal animals who literally need the affection and interaction of other humans. We're simply not evolutionarily equipped for long term solitude
its your own fault you make your own decisions
you cant fault anyone for the things you did
if you want to be happy you will if you want to be a miserable piece of shit you will be
i fucking hate your r9k way of thinking
>How little empathy you have for the people who are actually in pain
My position could not be more empathetic.
It starts with admitting that your problems are not something beyond your control, that suicidal depression is not your fault but something which can affect anybody even famous successful people, and you can work through it with the right treatment and return to the normal condition of being alive, which is not wanting to kill yourself.
You speak as if depression was the only cause of suicide.
Seppuku for bringing SHAME AND DISHONOR UPON YOUR FAMIRY isn't at all that popular these days
Suicide is only acceptable if you're a military leader who's lost a great and shameful battle. Cato was just in righting his failures.
Physical pain. We don't live in an utopia. Some people have no access to medication which would ensure them a painless life, either due to finances (most of them arent able to work) or the medicine just hasn't been invented yet. Then you come along spouting bullshit about "It's not beyond your control!" as if you knew shit.
If you're ending it because of physical pain then it becomes euthanasia.
The vast majority of suicides are not this, however, and are completely preventable
This topic wasn't about depression and suicide prevention. OP asked a clear guestion whether or not suicide should be a right. It was you who projected the problem of depression and your own faulty morals on it.
>the vast majority of suicides are completely preventable
this is impossible to ascertain without actually being the people in question. you can sympathize, you can empathize, but you can't comprehend from an external perspective
Cato acted purely from spite, he knew Caesar would make a big show of forgiving him and he didn't want Caesar to have the satisfation.
If you refuse to change the society that engineered the suicide in the first place but force the suicide to not suicide, you are engineering your own damnation.
Because the mentally ill people you saved are going to be the ones changing society now. You're already witnessing it.
OP did not ask if suicide is a right, he asked what's wrong with suicide.
If you're ending your life because you're in unbearable physical pain, and doing so with the blessings of your loved ones, that's wholly different from offing yourself because you've got a mental condition which you pathologically refuse to treat, or some teenager who thinks that high school will last forever.
Sure you can: you can ask people who tried to commit suicide and failed. Most of the times they end up being happy that they failed, that they instantly regretted their decision the moment they lept off the bridge, that they were in a temporary bad place and acted on impulse, and what they were really doing was crying for help and attention.
I agree with this, the mentally ill should get the treatment they deserve, and by neglecting them we're making society worse overall
But it's just as neglectful to say "they should just kill themselves and stop bothering people", especially when society has the means of treating them but refuses
If humans have a right to life, they must have a right to suicide. A "right" to have something without being allowed any alternative is not a right, it's an obligation.
everyone can end their life pretty soon.
wherever you are there is a ligature and somewhere to hang yourself from
there is no need to justify suicide. because, to whom? you can just kill yourself and not bother, why must you prove to someone you are 'allowed' to die before you die?
that said it's really tragic, and only happens when someone is in some extreme amount of psychic or physical pain that they desperately try to escape from lethally harming themselves
it just shows how bad life can get for people, that they get into such a bad state of suffering and pain they'd do anything including literally ending themselves to make it stop
it's just a tragedy all around, including the suicides effects on those around them.
I do not judge people who suicide in any way negative or positive, it is not my place I do not really know what it's like to be someone else at all. it's their decision, it's just sad maybe something more could have been done before it came to that
t. sister necked herself
Tulpas can help, though.
>implying that other people are real
with that cancer you schitzo son of a bitch
>this many people think the government should get bigger and use my money to pay for weak people's incompetence
Those that can, need not concern themselves with those that can't.
Well, the way I see it, there are two options in the aforementioned scenario. A: kill themselves from being alone
B: tulpas
You'll notice that I said nothing about going out and getting friends IRL, and there's a reason for that: those who live their lives with that much isolation, do so for a reason. Thus, this is not a realistic option. It also precludes treatment for whatever keeps you isolated. If you claim to value life the way most anti-suiciders here do, you can only support one of these two options, in this scenario.
So which do you advocate here: tulpas, or suicide?
the idea is more to allow people born in circumstances less fortunate than you get the ability to attempt a life not utterly miserable and filled with struggle.
it sucks that your personal emphasis on the value of selfishness does not coincide with the collective societal decision for a more humanitarian system but i guess you'll just have to deal with it exactly like you expect those more unfortunate than you to deal with it.