Average communist

>average communist

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why do people do this?

>it's another thinly veiled /pol/ thread
You have to go back


>Karl Charizard

Well go on OP post the rest

A classic


what in the fuck


>hey guys, if you really think about it the world of Pokemon is kind of fucked up
What an astoundingly original observation.


>One hundred years ago today, the most audacious revolution in history took place in Russian. Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks imagined a world completely remade, on the principles of justice, equality, and solidarity. They imagined a world where everyone works together for the common good, free from the class divisions that tore Russian apart, and continue to tear the world apart. The workers would no longer have to obey their bosses, women would no have to obey their husbands, and everyone would live in true freedom and equality. They imagined a state that was controlled by the common workers, not the powerful property owning elite.
>Regardless of what happened next, and why, we can say that largely in the hundred years since, the dream itself has been destroyed. Today we are taught that we cannot imagine a new form of society, only make minor, superficial changes to what we have. But what is life without a dream? When we awake from a beautiful dream, to the harsh reality of the world, do we vow to never dream again?


you know I find some of his stuff funny, but I have trouble respecting anyone who takes Marxism seriously. Is he forgetting that they essentially overthrew the new democratic government and slaughtered anyone in there way?

Their revolution was no different or noble than any other minority party overthrowing an elected government and putting themselves in charge by force.

>Is he forgetting that they essentially overthrew the new democratic government and slaughtered anyone in there way?
That was the Jacobins

>Their revolution was no different or noble than any other minority party overthrowing an elected government and putting themselves in charge by force.
>murricans didn't rebel
>tsar was elected


Well I'm gonna go post this on /vp/ now.

Are you literally retarded and don't know what a provisional government is? The reason for the october revolution is that they didn't hold elections.

They were attempting to form a liberal democracy, which was undermined by the soviets who illegitimately seized power

They were not elected. Where do you think they got their "legitimacy" from? The provisional government got it's legitimacy from the Tsar. He just abdicated, but the legitimacy was rooted in the old state. Which was arguably illegitimate. You're also ignoring the fact that mensheviks were also commies.

>muh libruhl democrazy
Oh, that's where you got legitimacy from, the fact that that's the only legitimate form of government because fuck yeah america, even if you need to overthrow a legitimate ruling monarch to do so, since monarchs are kind of illegitimate because fuck george.

The American revoluiton did not overthrow Brittan,it just kicked them out of a remote territory.

I will admit the word illegitimately was a mistake, they just seized power and instituted a terror.

And yes, liberal democracies are better than monarchies and any "socialist" state or dictatorship

So France is illegitimate because fuck France they're a bunch of white flag waving coward midgets with Napoleon complexes.

So if you have a revolution and force the king to go live on some tiny little island somewhere but take the rest of the territory, that's legitimate?

>liberal democracies are better than monarchies and any "socialist" state
A socialist state could be liberal and democratic, it just doesn't recognize your individual right to separate workers from capital in order to extract profit margins.

Wow just wow "pokeMEN" not pokeKIN


>taking an view espoused by existentialcomics seriously
Brainlets, he's taken a hundred contrary views for the sake of a joke. This is just using communism and furry autism to get some laughs.

I dont think I commented on France but if your asking me if I endorse the committee for public safety I do not. Lious XVI was pretty incompetent though.

>So if you have a revolution and force the king to go live on some tiny little island somewhere but take the rest of the territory, that's legitimate?

Well its better than killing him and his family after he already abdicated.

>A socialist state could be liberal and democratic, it just doesn't recognize your individual right to separate workers from capital in order to extract profit margins.

being as liberalism is based on individual rights and recognizes property rights that extend to capital I fail to see how a socialist state could be liberal.

While theoretically possible, no socialist state has been democratic for any significant length of time

>implying any of that is wrong

> In the U.S., the word "libertarian" has become associated with right-libertarianism after Murray Rothbard and Karl Hess reached out to the New Left in the 1960s.[6] However, until then political usage of the word was associated exclusively with anti-capitalism and in most parts of the world such an association still predominates.


> They imagined a state that was controlled by the common workers

He wanted a state run by bolsheviks

Notice how I never used the world "libertarian" or advocated for it.

>Oh, and also, let's not put Stalin in charge next time.
Oh, because Trotsky would have been so better for the Soviets eh?

>>Regardless of what happened next, and why,

>Lets ignore the fact that the dream was based on a false understanding of reality, or the costs to humanity it involved. Why would a philosopher want to address the moral or practical implications of a grand vision?

I dunno, the way he wrote the epitaph for the October Revolution seemed rather genuine. Now I'm not saying that his comics aren't satirical, but he does seem to be sympathetic with the Soviet uprising.

It's more about being able to espouse something that isn't the status quo because pure ideology sniff

That is hardly any difference considering the Americans were in a said remote part of America. The American revolution has the same legitimacy than the other two.

Although desu French had the most.

> he does seem to be sympathetic with the Soviet uprising.
But not with the Soviet government, hence the Stalin dig. Not every revolution can have their George Washington be Cincinnatus

Well, I mean supporting the ideology that led to the soviet government isn't that much better.

Its like a fascist criticizing Mussolini's Italy

Are we just posting retarded shit from Deviantart?

I don't understand

Or republicans criticizing the Napoleonic Empire.



Probably, yeah. Dude was willing to tolerate even former imperials so long as they brought useful skills to the table.

>there won't be any owner

Why do people poorly draw webcomics about philosophers they haven't read?

To be honest he only has a meme level understanding of Sitrner. You can tell from his other Stirner comics.



I think that man is insane.

What seems to be giving you trouble?

Am I the only one that thinks that humans should be exterminated. I mean all humans not black people, not Muslims, not Asians, not white people no all humans need to be exterminated because humans are subhuman creatures in general

>four ears
>four eyes
absolute madman

>because humans are subhuman

human = human - 1
infinity = infinity - 1
human = infinity

Didn’t Lenin like Trotsky more than Stalin?

>lenninism is marxism meme

>mocking communism is /pol/
YOU have to go back.

Why does GF push Lucario so hard? It's such a shit mon

I really liked Lucario, as a kid, after they made that movie with him.

>if we just try communism again it'll work for sure, it totally won't result in massive loss of life this time, I promise

Revolutions happen because things are going to shit anyways mate.

>massive loss of life under communism is due to the revolution
Haha okay

Sure he did.
He totally wasn't one of the people who kickstarted the violent type of self-regulation of communist party that Stalin later applied to him with an ice-pick.

>not elected
Hol up

The Bolsheviks were the majority at the time. That's why the revolution worked.
Also Kerensky's government

>fuck up experiment

Its a wonder why proles will defend an ideology on the relevancy level of flat earth theory.

>Kill millions of people










>Let´s just impose war comunism to take over the country despite losing the elections
>I mean.. having the people fighting a bloody civil war instead of farming and working is the solutions to end hunger, after all it´s always less one mouth to feed
>Btw let´s steal from those who did work all this time and force them to live in poverty anyway, they will sure keep working for us







I want to breed Nihilist cat and tell her it doesn't matter.

I don't even know half of those leftist cats.

You can dream all you want, just don't be unrealistic when trying to put your ideals into practice.

What happens when an engineer or a scientist fails? They figure out why they failed and make alterations. Ask yourself. Does the commie do this? What do they do when faced with failure?

>intentionally post pics from /leftypol/ despite already declaring it to be cancer

Oh sorry comrade, here is a better pic

Why is nihilism right-wing?

>fascism, national socialism and nazism are the same thing

>ultra leftists (like extremists in general) are degenerate furfags and/or other types of shitty fetishists

Color me surprised.

Isn't this the kind of shit already on /pol/?

It's really not. You can dislike them, but /pol/ is, honestly, much better than the tumblr/reddit far leftist shit we're mocking here. Yes, even that autist who painted himself green and went to the zoo is better than the shit we're mocking here.

>national socialism and nazism arent the same thing

Indeed, both are cringy as fuck


>blatant racism and trolling is better than fursonas and fursona based manifestos

I'll take harmless retards over /pol/ any day.


It really is.

Not to mention the endless fucking pointless infographics filled with bullshit, like goddamn son.

That's because Leftism is political autism. 9/10s of the Commies pictured (and the same in ) only differ in mind bogglingly minute details. Even Fascism and National Socialism differ more than any two of the Commies pictured.

Dr mengele, I'm Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

>Everyone who disagrees with me is part of the opposite extreme so their criticisms are invalid!

Son of a bitch, he killed Mario

> Slaughtered anyone in their way
The revolution killed some hundreds of people altogether. The civil war and Red Terror began only months later. I mean, Kerensky survived and made it to New York. The royal family survived, the white generals who had tried a coup only months earlier survived and so on. And Kerensky government wasn't democratic.

>Trotsky in charge instead of Stalin

Literally everything wold have been 10x worse. WW2 would of had twice the casualties

>>Regardless of what happened next
No, please, elaborate.

get out of Veeky Forums plz

Based niko bellic