Okay what the hell happened here? Look at this mess.
Okay what the hell happened here? Look at this mess
Didn't the Rugii already move from Rogaland to Switzerland at this time?
Gavelkind succession is a hell of a drug
Celts going back to their old decentralized ways
They always fall for the decentralized maymay
looks pretty comfy to be honest
>you will never march off to war a neighbouring tribe that's so close you can be home in time for tea
Celts are autistic by nature
Well, the one time they did centralize it failed miserably
that fucking pic
post the rest
>Celtic Empire
Why were celts utterly incapable of forming a polity without significant Anglo/Frank influence (like Scotland and Brittany).
how fucked up does one must be to make these frog pics
they originated (or were popularized) on /r9k/, so pretty fucked
Hello newpal
Please have a nice stay
Britanny was a cluster fuck too, and there is still a divide between KLT languages and Vannetais and between Celtic languages and Gallo
>why greeks couldnt unite into 1 nation?
Too much freedom loving.
The Celtic man is an autist by nature, forever squabbling with his neighbours and throwing stuff at them
>Celts utterly incapable of forming a polity
>without significant Frank influence
Franks were Celts so you're wrong
>Franks were Celts
Didnt romans said celt were swarthy?
No, he said they were fair.
Oops, forgot to take my false-flagging name off :^)
>yellow teeth
You're projecting too much, Nigel
Were you attacking me?
No, I was larping as you.
Why were you larping as me ?
its LARPing not "larping"
Guess whom I'm larpING as
fooking kek
You all are LaRPiNG as me
Paul O'Connell is pretty based tho