"I really don't like losing land and the fact States can secede Constitutionally pisses me off...

"I really don't like losing land and the fact States can secede Constitutionally pisses me off, so I'm going to wage the bloodiest war in US history as the complete aggressor to re-conquer land and anyone who says it's a bad idea publicly is going to jail because fuck you." - Abraham Lincoln

What the fuck was his problem

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=oOQXAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=the proslavery argument&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5_56ez7DXAhVi6YMKHebCDzkQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=the proslavery argument&f=false
books.google.com/books?id=Xo9W239i2q8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=anti slavery argument&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXlLD1z7DXAhWK5IMKHZ-vDh0Q6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=anti slavery argument&f=false
dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/12013312/DGF_A Southern Stewardship.pdf?sequence=1

pretty sure that's not a 1oo-percent accurate quotation there

Sherman didn't go far enough tbqh

Black people. He wanted to deport them and make America white again, but dixie's wanted to import more coloreds for cheap labor and breed them to increase population and voting power of their states. Some dixie got so mad he assassinated him, and the south has had black people ever since.

This, the confederacy was in the wrong but not for the reasons liberals think

That's stupid, you're both stupid and if true Lincoln is even stupider than he already seems.
Why wouldn't he just say, "Hey South, niggers suck, let's vote to get rid of all of them"? That would be unanimous.
But no Democracy and being in a Constitutional Republic is too hard for such a tyrannical retard. Instead of just making a good pitch to deport blacks he decides to rape the Constitution in multiple ways and get hundreds of thousands killed.

You do realize the south literally fought the civil war for the right to own slaves right?

Good post, the intellectual tradition of Veeky Forums shines again.

You do realize you're a fucking brainlet right?
Study the Civil War and actually process the words you are reading and hearing. Don't listen to biased Leftists, or at least cross check their statements.

>mfw the men who fought an suffered for four years of terrible war got over it
>but the fat autistic boys, on a Taiwanese pottery finger painting forum can't

this man lost a fucking leg he got over it


childhood is thinking the civil war was about slavery
adulthood is realizing it was about state's rights
sagehood is coming full circle and realizing it was totally about fucking slavery.

South Carolina literally mentioned the right to muh slaves when it seceeded

You made a reddit collage of my post JUST FOR ME?
Aw shucks I'm fucking flattered. I'll add it to my collection.


>acts like a retard
>uh...you're reddit

>>uh... you're reddit
They're not my reddit, big guy

>Anglos and frogs deflecting the blame for the Middle East being fucked onto the burgers
what a shitty meme

>Complete aggressor
>The South attacks a federal owned Fort of the US and starts the Civil War.
I'm a southerner, but I'm not a dumb ass. Also fuck the rich plantation owners and their feudal circle jerk.

>The South tries to reclaim their fort on their land occupied by a foreign military

>their fort
>their land
Did you forget about them selling it to the federal government? A contract is a contract, my friend.

Why are you so against the sovereign right of the people of Fort Sumner to secede from the confederacy and join the Union?

>Reclaim their fort.
Same, user you responded to. The state sold that fort for money to the federal government which it was mainly used in 1812 to protect harbors. To attempt to reclaim it without consumption or diplomatic relations is an act of war.

Stop this fucking shit.

>tfw the Confederacy was built on hypocrisy that it opposed.
>tfw Southerners who loves the South and who joined the Union are always shitted on by Veeky Forums Yanks & Confedcuks for wanting to defend their birth nation (Union/U.S), unify the nation once more, and have the South become prosperous.

It was about slavery- the slavery of the south by Puritan and Jewish factory owners who wanted cheap cottön.


lmao, Veeky Forums btfo

There was no precedent that states could leave the union, they ratified the consitution, it was law, if they were so legally minded then they could've proposed ammendments to allow for secession, but instead decided to subvert democracy because they thought they'd be outvoted.

>mfw this autist got btfo in the last confederafag thread and just rewrote his shitty post as an OP

>jewish death cult
>founded on reason

>founded on reason

Marfan's Syndrome and auto-genocide.



He was literally a black Republican half-gorrilla of a man

Niggers and Northerners all deserve extermination

>Why wouldn't he just say, "Hey South, niggers suck, let's vote to get rid of all of them"? That would be unanimous.
You're absolutely retarded.

General Lee should have listened Old Jack and burned Pennsylvania to cinders.

Nothing of value would have been lost.

>the South LITERALLY votes consistently for the party of Lincoln

>he thinks political parties in the US haven't changed in the past 150 years


Recucklicans should all be gassed too desu

dixiboos BTFO


You lost, get over it

>What the fuck was his problem
nigger genetics. literally the first cuck, in a time decades before the fed and mainstreaming (((merchant))) culture

>Niggers and Northerners all deserve extermination
best post on Veeky Forums fucking EVER

Fort Sumter being continually occupied after south carolina had seceded was an act of aggression

>some dixie

>foreign military
They were literally the same people. Do Dixiefags seriously believe they're a distinct ethnic group?

>Heritage, not hate

"Hurr durr I don't wanna adapt to a more efficient and productive form of economy. Imma secceed and have mah banjo playin' cracker ass fight for muh clusterfuck of corrupt plantation Aristrocrats. Gon' bide mah time, dem nice folks up dere in England will help."

>yay muh confederacy
>20 years later, the eternal Anglo strikes
>50 years later, rest of europe carves up south like a cake

"B-but muh states rights"

Shut up Early, Lincoln kept us together and remained a powerhouse. Now we're the most powerful nation on earth, land of plenty. Now go make me some cornbread.

as if it's wrong to own slaves.
every culture from the beginning of time owned people.
American slavery was no more brutal than most other forms of slavery, and decisively less brutal than some, such as Islamic slavery and Aztec slavery.

>Defending the morality of slavery

This should be one only those instant lose lines in an argument. Like Exodia but in reverse

>Faggot Luther decides all the plebs can interpret the Bible for themselves
>retarded plebs immediately go full blown retarded communist just because of a few lines about sharing and start hundreds of years of religious wars across all of Europe.
Luther was a fucking imbecile, and even if the Catholic Church needed reforms, he did it completely the wrong way.

there should be legal slavery only for people who say slavery wasn't that bad.

Tell it to Aristotle, pussy.
People in society have different roles, based on their capacity.
Some people are literally only good for ordering around and cannot make their own decisions.
Such is the state of most Negros with their **AVERAGE** iq hovering at about 70, just barely above mentally retarded.
This is why Negros are always in trouble with society, because they are too dumb to manage their own affairs, and must be more or less taken care of, which is why they are so disproportionately on welfare. If we're gonna take care of them, we might as well get some work out of them or if we find slavery too abhorrent, can't we at least get them out of our society which requires about 100 iq to function normally.

>he doesn't know about liberia

You realize that slaves were the largest investment of wealth in the South, right?
To outlaw slavery overnight would mean most of the wealthy Southernerners are rendered near penniless. Sure, Lincoln offered buybacks, but at a fraction of the market value at the time.
You also have to remember that in that time the average wealth per capita in the South was almost double, had a stronger military tradition, and in that time people still identified with whatever State they came from. There were no 'Americans' at that time; only Virginians, New Yorkers, Georgians, etc. People really did believe the USA was more of a confederation of invidual countries united for the purpose of fending off invasion and ensuring rights, nothing more. This is all on top of the fact that in that day many people, if not most, were appalled by the notion of a central government using its coffers in such a way.
If you've the time, take it to listen to this:

>reddit collage

I hate what Veeky Forums has become

This is what gets me the most. I'm told this time and time again but every time I open a Civil War thread I'm always treated to Dixies going on and on about how black people were better off under slavery or how we should have killed all the niggers, etc. It's pretty easy to tell why nobody takes them seriously in real life.

This. Don't forget that slavery was effectively undermining wages for poor Southerns and was creating a massive gulf between the rich and the poor in the region.

The South seceded before Lincoln was even in office. He was just quelling a rebellion, like presidents such as Jackson had done before

No he changed his mind about that by the end of the war
Why would they get rid of the slaves making them rich retard? Southerners argued deportation of niggers would be too much of a costly burden that would drive the country banktrupt to achieve and slave labor drove cotton making America econonically strong at a rapid pace for it's young age.
George Washington also wrote a letter that's pretty implicit of secession not being allowable.
The morality of slavery wasn't as clear cut as poeple think of it today which is why it was contentious as to warrant a war over it.
books.google.com/books?id=oOQXAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=the proslavery argument&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5_56ez7DXAhVi6YMKHebCDzkQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=the proslavery argument&f=false
books.google.com/books?id=Xo9W239i2q8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=anti slavery argument&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXlLD1z7DXAhWK5IMKHZ-vDh0Q6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=anti slavery argument&f=false
dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/12013312/DGF_A Southern Stewardship.pdf?sequence=1

Slave labor was actually more efficient than free wage labor m8, it wasn't a war of economics, it was a war of moral standards over the concept of having slavery in a country founded on liberal principles. In the years after the revolution, the northern states all abolisehd slavery and in the south manumissions rose sharply. Slavery was seen as a necessary evil back then and was something to wither away ASAP. However, after the banning of the slave trade in 1808, the practices of slaveholders changed to make thier life expetancies higher, stronger, well-fed, etc. and this would cause slavery to flourish more than ever by the 1830s and as such apologists came to defend it as a positive good rather than a necessary evil.
Also see:

That was in response to some guy saying the south would be happy to ship black people off to Africa is Abe just asked them too. How about following the discussion a little?

>People in society have different roles, based on their capacity.
>Some people are literally only good for ordering around and cannot make their own decisions.

A position which seems to be championed wholly by those who are on the good end of the society stick and don't want to do any of their own work.

>it wasn't a war of economics, it was a war of moral standards
One hand washes the other, it was both. The South was intimidated by the dominance of Northern industry and were entirely dependent on the slavery system. It wasn't an impossible problem to fix, the south wouldn't have been left helpless, but nope, muh culture n heritage.

>Tell it to Aristotle
Aristotle is laughably outdated, literally the only people that reference him in argument are edgelords.