So what in your opinion would have happened in the AHE had WWI not broken out?
What do you think would have been the best way forward?
So what in your opinion would have happened in the AHE had WWI not broken out?
What do you think would have been the best way forward?
keep the dacians enslaved and move on to greece and constantinople
Federalization/constitutional monarchy under the Habsburgs (use the gold-n-black flag)
Federal bicameral legislature: upper is all nobility and religious leaders (like House of Peers), lower elected by proportional party list [I've thought about dolling out seats based off national populations from most recent census]
Federal government has authority over military/defence, finance/monetary policy, foreign affairs, key infrastructure that goes beyond states (i.e. rail, the Danube), and constitutional/criminal laws
have them meet in Budapest cause the building is aesthetic/right on the Danube, and it'll make the Magyars happy.
States should roughly follow the pattern of national populations outlined in the 'United States of Greater Austria' plan, but considering there's a lot of mixed areas, there would have to be compromises. either way, minority rights (especially language) have to be respected or you're gonna get civil war - the empire was a demographic clusterfuck
each state has its own legislature (unicameral) and a degree of autonomy like in other federal systems
integrate the military into one force. idk why there were still 2 separate armies AND a joint army in 1914. make sure at least the lower officers speak the language of the enlisted men.
other than that, just keep moving along with modernization in terms of technology, industry, communication systems, business, etc.
A-H was on a good trajectory. how to make this more regionally even (Galicia for instance was poor as fuck) would be challenge; but for instance Galicia had oil, so try and force companies to invest a certain amount of money where they made it?
i envision something of a supranational union, since there's multiple nationalities within the empire (and this should be recognized while discouraging secession), but with more power for imperial/central institutions unlike the EU
this was the IRL federalization plan I alluded to
the (mostly German) enclaves would have a lesser degree of autonomy within their respective states
also, another weird thing about A-H was there were separate citizenship (Austrian and Hungarian). scrap that, have just one.
Trialism. It was accepted in 1918 (and supported by heir of the throne, then deceased Franz Ferdinand) but that was obviously too late.
Or even Quadrupalism like in pic
Beat the shit out of hungary
Those bitchass niggas blocked every attempt made to save the empire
Hungary would rebel and try to separate if that was tried. It would be 1848 all over again but with better weaponry.
Federalization had support from the intellectuals of the other nations and from the Archduke but the Hungarians will fiercely oppose it.
This "Austro-Hungarian Reform Crisis" would also have geopolitical consequences.
>What do you think would have been the best way forward?
Kill all the Hungarians
hopefully they would've reformed it into a more federal empire
personally I blame Rita Faltoyano
The centrifugal forces would remain strong in the empire regardless of federalization attempts. The first economic downturn would see independence referendums spring up all over the place.
The Slavs and gypsies would have have the to learn their master's languages. The problem with giving slavs any independence is once you start where do you stop? Should Every little village be a separate country?
It still breaks apart and Wilhelm annexes Austria
why the fuck is Silesia under the Austrian governation
No idea. Quatrofantastico was a meme anyways, Trialism a bit less of a meme and could actually come true
What a literal Autist
>giving autonomy to the second poorest part of Empire instead of richest Czech part
Firstly, that makes actually more sense. Rich = happy and satisfied, poor = willing to start shit
But it's not about who's rich or poor, but who has right for such autonomy, or in this case, an equal kingdom as hungary had since 1868
>Rich = happy and satisfied, poor = willing to start shit
you arent realy happy when eternal Kraut steals all your money and blames you for working for enemy while shilling for Cuckhelm
Any plan that does not inclued beat up hungary will fail
Those guys will fuck every chance to save the empire if they think it might hurt their power a bit
>dividing an already divided empire
holy fuck you're a special one
Austria-Hungary was de jure trialist for a few days in Octover 1918 with the kingdom of Croatia and Dalmatia being the third crown. The Hungarian prime minister Tisza actually agreed to it. It was basically a last ditch effort to save the Habsburgs.
and like in 1848, show the Huns what's what
>save an empire you hate
You fucking ape
>destroys his empire
Has anyone else here grown to hate the eternal Magyar for ruining AH?
>butthurt slavshits and ROMA still butthurt they couldnt get independance
hahahahaha, we will be free you slave monkeys and you cant do anything to stop us
P-Please come back austria-hungary.... I miss you...
WW1 is a success, but the Austrian Empire completely collapses anyways because why wouldn't it. Austria, Bohemia and Slovakia join the German Empire; Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia get turned into Yugoslavia under Serbia as is only proper; Hungary stays independent unless it wants to join Germany; and Poland becomes a landlocked German satellite.