Which country is the true sucessor of Rome?
Which country is the true sucessor of Rome?
White people sure are pathetic.
If there is one, the Vatican
Don't say its not true
The Vatican. Unironically.
>conquers entire planet with Roman-Greco based society
nothing personal kid
I'll just leave this here, you can't deny the truth.
>There's a timeline where the western empire was reformed into a 2nd republic in latium
Truly and honestly? Castilla:
- Historical, social-racial and cultural imperative of the Pre-Lazio (Euskadi) peoples, Roma itself, Al-Ándalus and Asturias
- Convergence-nation of other peoples
- Massive colonial expansion . REAL colonial expansion, not those French and British """colonial""" empires
- Kickstarter of the modern state, modern militar and European supremacy
Castilla, through it's project of "Spain" has cpntinued the spirit of Roma.
Still, we are our own thing, we don't dare appropiate the name of the forefathers, unlike barbarians.
Literally Italy
>speaking a Latin variant in a former province
>have names like Traian and Claudiu
>literally still call themselves Roman
no one will ever agree on who WUZ the second rome, but everyone agrees the russians are the biggest faggots for trying to claim the title of third rome
>Which country is the true sucessor of Rome?
every other shitty empire that got eternally BTFO by chad barbarians.
Rome died in 1453.
Why not 1204?
both wrong. Rome died in 49 BC.
Fuck you Charlemagne is legitimate
It died in 476. But isn't 1204 considered the fall of Byzantine empire (the first fall at the very least)
*Constantinople a.k.a Istanbul
Rome is still the center of Christianity
The founding fathers were influence by Roman republican institutions and virtuous characters from early Roman history. It is a global western superpower and as such it has more right to be Roman successor than the weaker countries that directly succeeded Rome.
Not after germanic invasion
So why germanics want to be rome succesor?
Why not be your own thing?