Why are they so racist and pro-nazi if they look more mongoloid than Slavs?
For real though, some of the Finns look like Native Americans.
Why are they so racist and pro-nazi if they look more mongoloid than Slavs?
For real though, some of the Finns look like Native Americans.
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Have you ever even been to Finland or even seen a finnish person? Also Finland was with nazi germany in military alliance at ww2 after winter war and had even Hitler visit Mannerheim for birthday.
t. injun
There's no denying there's some ching chong in the mix. Pretty much everyone outside of Africa was Russian/Asian at some point.
That is just a distant decendant from finno-korean hyperwar, one in a million.
Come on, now.
There was a point where the dominant race (dominant as in most numerous) in the world was the surprisingly Asian looking Khoisan, who have lived in Africa for 150,000 years. I wonder if some of them left Africa, and kept their eyes.
That mustache looks familiar..
Come on now.
Maybe, they do have enough brain cells to make bows and shelters. My guess is that 1.5 million years is more then enough time for the northern hemisphere to be filled with humans.
Finnish people originated in central Russia thousands of years ago. They were related to proto Native Americans but the groups split and headed in different directions
You should read through the history book before posting. Finns were not nazis. They tricked the nazis into giving them guns and men, then back stabbed them and had a war with them. Ryti was the original 4d chess master.
Also, finns are actually the most white race out there. Sure there is some mongol DNA in there, but due to them being mostly isolated until the 1100s, their genes are the closest we have to 100% pure white.
Watch this video, its pretty informative.
P.S. You don't have to be white to be racist.
They weren't really "with" the Nazis so much as "with anyone against the Russians".
Explain Wołyn. Explain why the Poles sided with Russia when the Ukrops sided with the Germans. Sometimes your neighbor is such a cunt, you take the side of the guy across the street, who might be an even bigger cunt, simply because you know he had your neighbor hate each other. Human nature, you nog.
Nobody gives a shit about your guess. Stop making shit up and leave human evolution to the legit scientists
>Little does he know.
fuck off
If you exclude the occasional mongoloid looking individual, Finns are quite a beautiful race. Whenever I see photos or videos of Finnish conscripts for example I can't help but notice how handsome all the men are (no homo).
Yes you homo
Nice bait. Everyone knows Finland is one of the least racist countries in the world.
>only white people can be racist
Thanks, neogaf.
Many finnish words are very similar vocally and in meaning with words used by native americans. I want a proper tomahawk goddammit.
ANE were white, Native Americans miscegenated with Mongoloids which brought about their dark looks.
suomi on paras
No they don’t, Saami subhumans are in the minority.
No other country has the balls to wave around a flag like this, regardless of its true history.
Many sources claim finns are much like the native americans, though not genetically same. Old murica used to have bars that didnt accept any finns or injuns. Their relations to forests and saunas/sweat lodges are also peculiar.
The backstab was forced by the russians. Troops and commanders were reluctant to fight properly againts germans until the soviet deadline approached and krauts torched Rovaniemi.
Rytis only trick was the personal agreement to assist germans, which would be void when he voluntarily gave up presidency to Mannerheim. All in all he simply gave up before the harsh facts, but made it politically smooth.