Why is the Neoliberal status quo being challenged by both the Right and Left?
What went wrong?
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Wage stagnation for workers happened.
Because those freaks who can't adapt to this world are jealous of it, even though neoliberalism is the only system that allows both those alt-right and leftist freaks to exist, and has the strenght not to colpase
Both existed before, you brainlet fuck.
>Wage stagnation for workers happened.
Tough shit. The alternatives are Socialists and white supremacy.
>Hes an unironic Neoliberal ideologue.
Even if that is true it doesn't change anything. I agree that life would be easier if we could just ignore problems instead of having counterproductive knee jerk responses to them. 2/10 post
Populist demagogues like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump who promise utopian fantasies haven't, aren't, and will never work. Neoliberalism guarantees something
that neither of those can, and that is stability.
>Several writers have cited this scenario in which Rorty predicts the rise of an authoritarian strongman who gains popularity among blue-collar workers, as prophetic of Donald Trump's rise to political power.
Members of labor unions, and unorganized unskilled workers, will sooner or later realize that their government is not even trying to prevent wages from sinking or to prevent jobs from being exported. Around the same time, they will realize that suburban white-collar workers – themselves desperately afraid of being downsized – are not going to let themselves be taxed to provide social benefits for anyone else.
At that point, something will crack. The nonsuburban electorate will decide that the system has failed and start looking for a strongman to vote for, someone willing to assure them that, once he is elected, the smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers, overpaid bond salesmen, and postmodernist professors will no longer be calling the shots.
>So much immigration that the native populations in Western countries are on course to being replaced within a few generations
You mean European. The natives of America are almost extinct, and the Mexicans/other mestizo people are more native than the 1/8th Cherokees out there now.
It simply didn't deliver the prosperity and stability it was meant to do.
The idea was that by dropping protectionism, currency controls, regulations for big business and weakening the labour movement it would create economic growth that would wealth more efficiently and that this would benefit everyone - a rising tide that would lift all ships.
Whilst it did take care of the stagflation, the economic growth was erratic and produced big employment issues in Developed countries and saw rolling economic crises become the norm with the previously booming Asian countries (sans China) crashing spectacularly in the 80s and 90s.
Not only that but wealth became vastly more polarised in Australia for instance in 1983 the top 10 asset holders had 25% of the nations wealth and by 1990 it had shot up to 48% despite only a fairly small increase in real GDP
Really depends what you mean by neoliberalism. Danish neoliberalism? USA neoliberalism? etc.
But mainly all the political unrest stems from the 2008 crisis. Add that to those groups being most affected by that and general loss of manufacturing jobs in the west also being the least open to cultural change and hey there you go, you get extreme politics.
The Global Financial Crisis seems to be the most immediate cause. That and the media has created a massive divide between the ruled and the rulers in a democracy instead of bringing them closer together. Bad politics sells newspapers.
>those movements are destabilising my system which guarantees stability
Your ideology is showing.
>Socialists and white supremacy.
>existing in current year
>current year
>White supremacist socialism isnt applied worldwide yet
Just try it Kraut subhuman. I can't wait until the next World War to firebomb more of your cities.
Neoliberalism has not made the world more stable. The world is in fact less stable and predictable than it was 25 years ago.
Because it doesn't work. I'd unironically rather live under Soviet rule than soulless neoliberalism.
The alternative IS socialism and white supremacy