Do not fall into the shilling here and buy this shitcoin, unless you hate your money
Dont trust me, do your own research
Do not fall into the shilling here and buy this shitcoin, unless you hate your money
Dont trust me, do your own research
>The Founder of Ethereum said he hates this project.
first post best post
im done accumulating faggot. Stop with your FUD and let the reel go
You mean when he said, "Oracles are awesome"?
He doesn't hate the project at all, he said oracles are fantastic.
He just had doubts about the value of them.
In reality the oracles are just the tool used for achieving the goal, so it makes no sense to cast doubt about the value of them here.
That's why it's under ICO price ($2).
Someone isn't done buying.
Sry friend. Too slow.
Seriously though, why do you shill shitcoins like this which VItalik clearly said is overvalued ? I mean new people here read your posts are buy these only to LOSE all their money.
It has one more pump att least to. 30
>shitcoins like this which VItalik clearly said is overvalued
We are talking about LINK, not Ethereum.
It's going much higher than that before SIBOS.
ico price was $7, lmao, linkfags absolutely btfo. it's bancor 2.0.
Vitalik said oracles are overvalued.
LINK is its utility, oracles are just a means to an end.
honestly, what does money skell know? he thinks ETH is 300% over valued, yet it holds this value and will probably hit $500 very soon.
my point is Vitalik is a coder/creator not a financial guru.
Another FUD campaign, fellow Linkie?
C'mon $0.25 is still a good price.
It might dip to 10 cents or less
Dumb fuck he said ETH was overvalued as well. He said his own project, his pet, his magnum opus is over valued.
The dude is a fucking tech nerd savant, he knows shit about what is actually valuable.
Case in point, look at current market.
Yeah I know a ton of people who can't wait to dump this below ICO price just weeks before one of the most important happenings this year.
>Vitalik is a coder/creator not a financial guru.
This. Why anyone sees him as anything more than a lucky charm for the shit he endorses is beyond me.
have you noticed how only 35% of tokens are with the public ?
This is already valued at 200MM and Vitalik said it was OVERVALUED WHEN IT WAS AT 32MM
>Dumb fuck he said ETH was overvalued as well. He said his own project, his pet, his magnum opus is over valued.
Then I wonder what are his thoughts for OMG at 1.5 billion hmm?
It doesn't take a financial guru to say that there's no reason to pay LINK/GAS when you can just pay GAS to do the same thing. Pay attention to the center of the image.
vitalik didn't create link, you moron.
Lol he's asking for a link you double nigger
Fucking beggars, go buy some on your own.
he should buy it himself, fuck off.
Nah fuck off I already bought enough, stop the FUD I need this to go up.
>this entire thread
>The absolute state of ch-inkers ability to comprehend and reason
This. And Kyber.
They don't even work yet, while LINK is doing a demo at the SWIFT conference.
I'm strapped the fuck in. See you in Lamboland faggots. This is coming from someone who rode Antshares, Omisego, Walton, BNB....
you mean cha-chinkers
LINK isn't tied to ethereum though, it's independent from any specific blockchain.
That's why the token is there.
Pay close attention, this is the actual use case for tokens.
And Etherium is the most utilitarian of the three. There really isn't a reason for LINK nodes, it's an additional cost, I'm sorry.
You can't even spell Ethereum, no wonder who don't know shit about it.
you're serious ? I bought ICO at 7, fuckin sergey scammed me
>there really isn't a reason for LINK nodes
>LINK partnered with major company
>in development for 3 years
>user on Veeky says there is no reason for LINK nodes
better sell guys, surely these imbeciles have been wasting years of their lives developing and partnering, without realizing that their product is 100% unnecessary and serves no greater purpose to blockchain.
hahahahah. headshot
Also Vitalik didnt think Eth was worth more than $8
"ChainLink is blockchain middleware that allows smart contracts to access key off-chain resources like data feeds, various web APIs, and traditional bank account payments.
By providing smart contracts secure access to these key resources, ChainLink allows them to mimic real world agreements that require external proof of performance and need to make payment in widely available payment methods e.g. bank payments.
The ChainLink network utilizes the LINK token to pay ChainLink Node operators for the retrieval of data from off-chain data feeds, formatting of data into blockchain readable formats, off-chain computation, and uptime guarantees they provide as operators. In order for a smart contract on networks like Ethereum to use a ChainLink node, they will need to pay their chosen ChainLink Node Operator using LINK tokens, with prices being set by the node operator based on demand for the off-chain resource their ChainLink provides, and the supply of other similar resources. The LINK token is an ERC20 token, with the additional ERC223 “transfer and call” functionality of transfer(address,uint256,bytes), allowing tokens to be received and processed by contracts within a single transaction."
It's the link (no pun intended) between real-world exchange and the blockchain. You're a retard, I'm sorry.
>Also Vitalik didnt think Eth was worth more than $8