Jeanne d’Arc

How did she fucking do it?

Other urls found in this thread:

she loved to get DP'ed, she also had a multiple creampie fetish, so the soldiers took a train on her

>be cute girl
>tell people to do a thing they should probably do regardless of whether or not a cute girl is doing it
>they listen

Well summarised.

she worshipped greek gods and got punished for her hubris with the tragic fall


>>be cute girl
>>tell people to do a thing
>>they listen


she was ugly

She had God on her side

Inside too lmao see

Remember that there's literally no evidence that she was schizophrenic and that she shows no signs associated with it. No other explanations work as well. She truly did hear the Archangels and saints.

t. Nigel Featherbottom

t. anglo subhuman

>it's another francaboo thread

typical frog to defend their demagouges

>she heard the spirits of the dead
catholics are subhumans

Fuck you she was a pure and honorable woman



frenchmen projected their animas on her

She was a nutjob and a tool of her political factions.

Remember that Archangels and saints don't talk to you, only God talks to you sub-human Catholic swine.

Wrong Gabriel talked to muhammad

frenchmen are cucks who listen to young girls
and that's why they lost


>butthurt Nigel Protysworth

They've won tho

No one talked to Muhammad, he was a psychotic murdering pedophile.

Hello newfriend (-:

so she was....a male fantasy?

>tfw no Jeanne d’Arc gf

Islam's claim to Abrahammic roots is fucking retarded. No where in the prophesies of the Old Testament are Muhammads claims justified. He created a new religion to get himself power and status, not because he was some prophet of God.

>Jeanne is the manifestation of France's collective unconscious
Would make for a nice anime.

nah, she was a cheerleader

who the fuck cares? it's the same Semitic desert cult
go worship some circumcised hippie from Palestine
or a pedophile Arab
same shit

Do brits really think they won the 100 years war?

give me one (1) consequence of the war that benefited the french

Joan is the only time I side with the French over the English

That's pretty hot.

Gabriel talked to Zachary and Mary you fucking retard.

>France wasn't annexed
>Charles VII cucked Edward out of the French throne

The fact that the British had to give up most of their holdings in France and the English monarchy had to forfeit their claims on the French throne forever?

t. anglo-slavesons defending their beloved tyrants

Does anyone have those screencaps of the guy BTFOing Islam, about how Muhammad was a giant autist and such?


Probably because the guy in command of the English war effort was seven years old at the time and his subordinates were preoccupied with taking advantage of that fact to focus on the war.

I dislike julius ceasar as a ruler, actually.

>America's goal was to prevent South Vietnam from getting taken over, end up failing their objective
>widely considered a loss by everyone, even most Americans say they lost the war
>England's goal was to conquer France, they get close but ultimately fail their objective
>widely considered an English loss by everyone except the English

>first make sure it's actually a maiden
That's what they did, hence the nickname Pucelle.

>pure and honorable

Literally the sluttiest, most pervese degenerate peoples in existence

Most English are fine with accepting it as a loss. Just because one guy who is known for exaggerating and making things up for comic effect, doesn't mean it applies to an entire country.

Yeah, I guess you get your opinion on the entirety of England from a Samoan basketweaving forum, but most English (those who know or care in the first place) see it as a close loss.

t. Witch

> How did she fucking do it?

>win Aquitaine
>win Normandy
>win Anjou
>puppet Britanny
>gain an ally in Spain

>be brit
>lose the half of France you own because you decided to start shit with the French

Hearing voices is sufficient evidence, compared to the literally impossible, other symptoms could have very well just not have been reported

>compared to the literally impossible

Why do Brits larp as if they were somehow relevant ?

No Anglos fought in this war, this war opposed the French and the French warrior-class/ruling-class of England + their Bourguignon proxy.

That was a beautiful read.

>they're still literally French after 300 years

so this. gawd im so fukking tired of bluepilled normies even on a 'redpilled' site like 4skin

fuck off italians are germans, we the IBERIANS and the FRENCH are the true succesors of rome


The countless Germans that invaded their land(Cimbri, Ambrones, Teutones, Lombards, Ostrogoths, Alamans, Normans) corrupted their blood. RIP Italia.

She was tenacious and got lucky enough to convince two noted knights that she was divinely inspired.

Aren't the Iberians just as "corrupted" by Muslims?

God hate the Anglo

Cuck that stole Normandy , Guyane and Calais and kick you out of Europe tanks’ to this young women

They have already purified their blood

>war lasts another 20 years after her death

By the Grace of God.

>blessed by God Himself to bring victory to the army she joins
>decides to fight for the stupidest cause imaginable

>Normans are French after 100 years
>Yet Normans aren't English after 300

God I wish that were me.


Plantagenet weren't Norman. A Duke from Anjou married daughter of King of England and their son ended up inheriting Normandy and England, on top of their titles in Anjou and Aquitaine.

Wrong ep for the situation.