What are you going to buy if you make it?
Goals Thread
food every day
A girlfriend.
middle class condo, deck the shit out of my room + computer , some electric car, and probably a hooker
To relax to be at peace to be free worry and stress.
100 hr playthroughs of the following
Divinity 2
Gta v
Sims 3
And ill play wow again
a couple whores to fuck and touch their tits whenever i want. thats it.
More crypto.
>house/condo somewhere snowy
>give current house to my mom
>range rover or porsche panamera
>vacation every ~3 months
Team of assassins. I literally want to be a mafia boss.
Basically just become entirely free from the money problem
In short: Spend some of the money in overpriced status symbols that I think will make everyone respect me and bring me happiness,
try to buy the love of people close to me with expensive gifts, give a small portion to charity to fool myself into believing I'm a
decent human being and invest a large part to make sure I will never again depend on anyone or have to contribute with my work in
order to get things like the rest of the world.
Assuming all numbers are after-tax
1-2 Million: If you could get at least 3% return, I'd retire. Buy a little house in a quiet town in a no-income tax state. Travel.
Maybe work some easy, part-time job a few days a week or seasonally, just for a bit of extra money.
3-5 Million: Yeah, I'm done working for good. Again, find a nice, quiet place to live. Travel still, but with better accommodations.
Would give serious thought to buying or building an albergue (pilgrim hostel) on the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
5-10 Million: Would for-sure be getting that albergue in Spain. Have a decent place somewhere out in the country, big acreage, in the middle of nowhere and a penthouse in the city.
10-15 Million: aka "Fuck You Money"
15-25 Million: aka "No, Fuck You Money"
25+ Million: Real "Fuck You Money"
How about some treasuries? but I'd also put money in index funds both foreign and domesitc (U.S, Swiss, U.K, Ger, Nor), municipal bonds (which are tax free), and some more exotic investments only rich people can do such as private equity groups, hedge funds, etc.
Treasury bonds return 3.49 - 4.35%. Low-Medium risk 4%-7% return and 11%'ish for high risk. (as of 2010-2015 - 2.5% on the 10 year U.S. treasury.)
Essentially the idea here is to keep your wealth from generating large amounts of taxable income and slowly shifting it to retirement accounts per annual limits
whose dividends and capital gains are tax-deferred.
If you are really paranoid, you might consider picking another G7 or otherwise mainstream country other than the U.S. according to
where you want to live if the United States dissolves into anarchy or Britney Spears is elected to the United States Senate.
Put some fraction in something like Swiss Government Bonds at 3%. If the Swiss stop paying on their government debt, well,
then you know money really means nothing anywhere on the globe anymore. I'd study small field sustainable agriculture if you
think this is a possibility. You might have to start feeding yourself...
Go live in St. Barts for a bit. Use that time to get in shape, to read up on the finances that will
effect your life so that you know what is going on. Go overseas and study your favorite subject at Oxford for a few months.
Go to Santorini and spend your next few months fucking beautiful women. The world is your playground now.
And use that time to sort out, rationally, what you want to do with the next X many years of your life. Figure out the best ways to
get to that goal with the help of your legal counsel and family office (which, if done right, will have a lawyer as part of it).
If you want to start a cupcake making business this would be a great time to start planning, and you can spend a bit of cash to be
taught what you need to know to make the best cupcakes by a world renowned pastry chef.
Don't buy a yacht. Charter them when you want to use one. They are an incredible waste of money. 1/5th the original purchase price
per year for maintenance alone, plus crew costs, fuel, etc.
Watch closely those who enters your circle of friends. You will have hangers on. You will have people try to take advantage of you.
If you're a guy, get a fucking vasectomy. I think the reasons are patently obvious and you can still have kids without issue.
There is no downside.
I want to be able to pay for a shit one-bed apartment without working.
I also want to help my parents retire. Basically, I want to do that the most.
new PC
Swift is a system u idiot
That's like saying "chocolate buys Facebook "
what?! ALL IN?!
My freedom for the rest of my life. I'm otherwise happy. Have hot wife, house, kids. Job is alright, but why would you work if you didn't have to?
I'd do anything to have her back. No amount of wealth can fill the hole she left behind. Angela please....
Being able to quit my job is reward enough for me. Everything after that is pure bliss. Real freedom, without having to be someones bitch
Its amazing how we're meant to believe that we live in "the land of the free" but most of us are far from free. Of course we have some choice of which slavemaster to work for but we are still always shackled by the boss and employment and have to spend most of out days making someone else tons of money.
Fuck that
Woah. Damn. Must be difficult having a high standard of living, the world work in USD, and being able to own/use a firearm.
I'd do two chicks at the same time, man.
I've been playing div 2 and for now it seems even better than the first, its a bit harder too
I don't know, it's not even about the Lambos, penthouses, the bitches or these kind of shits.
That's the kind of stuff that new riches do without being able to mantain that kind of life for the rest of their days (unless they make a real fuckton of money with cryptos, but that's unlikely for the average retard in this businness).
When you see around middle ages wagecucked emotionless faces, you just realize that you want a life even without all those excesses but worth to be lived.
a paramotor
Has anyone actually ever made it or is it just a meme so you can dump your bags?
I just want enough to buy a house. I don't need to "make it" from crypto.
-150k house
-commercial real estate that nets $50k/year post tax
long shot:
-buy/build hotel/resort
A lamborghini of course. And season tickets to my favorite NFL team
Where is this apt OP?
muh feels
huh? has anyone ever gotten rich off this shit? ofc, lots of people bought and held ETH when it was under $10 for example. One of my old best friends adopted BTC early, made a service website accepting it as payment back when it was under $50 and he kept a huge amount of it. He's worth like ~$4-5mil now roughly and we don't speak much anymore
Nice place except it's in a city and filled with shitskins and snowflake millennials
She's in jail now
Anons i know you're all a bunch of worthless good for nothing fags, but do you guys want to do some type of Guerilla marketing for BTC. Where do most people spend alone for about 2-10 minutes a day? That's right the restroom. Listen go to your nearest Mc'Ds , donut shop, fastfood establishment and wrtie " BUY BITCOIN" on the damn door. That way he'll atleast wonder WTH is Bitcoin. It's effortless even for you degenerates. What do you think? and then come back and post it on Veeky Forums.... Tomorrow let's do this and "Make Bitcoin Great"..
I'm friends with a girl who invested early and is a bitcoin millionaire now.
Why don't you faggots ever think about doing something for others if you were rich. You honestly think a fucking lambo is going to make you happy.
Having a lambo is doing something for others.
It will make your mom and sister wet.
And yes having a threesome with them will make me very happy.
Prepper bunker paradise and a personal D.U.M.B