so its meme or what
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i keep seeing threads about this shit
the guy with the COLX arby opportunity yesterday seemed to have a great idea
but what the fuck kind of name is "COLOSSUSCOIN"
is this some kind of pump n dump joke???
im too lazy to do any research, all i know is it's super low market cap... someone tell me what this coin plans to be in the realm of crypto? who are they trying to compete with? or are they bringing something completely new to the table???
well i could have just done the research in the time it took me to type this but fuck you
well its just started swap process to new blockchain called COLX based on pivx technology. they have pivx core dev (nickname presstab) on board, they made rebraning and cut supply by 60%. Its on fucking groundfloor with growing community witch chinks. dunno could be next expers (from 2sat to 40sat)
So its just a public utility coin with solid dev team and community thats still at the ground floor?
whatchu other fags gotta say about collassualcoin
I put a small amount into it, but like everyone else im clueless about it
Yeah looks like. Their telegram grows +200 since last day and mostly with chonks
Can you stake this on ?
It has pivx source code, presstab worked on upgrading the coin. Masternodes, like pivx, are planned. They do have a dedicated dev team, thats active and is promoting the coin, see here:
It surprisingly has a very active telegram, its growing quite rapidly for a coin with such a small marketcap, around 650 members, impressive. It might be worth to hold at least a small amount.
How do you stake, anyway? Just keep your wallet open, like Obsidian?
Pivx tech
With the Colossus environmentally friendly guarantee.
I don't know when it'll moon because it's only on shitty nova but it's going to moon HARD when it does
I need this moon
Your pajeets whining are hurting the coin and have no place in the COLX community. Colx is an Aryan green crypto project, you are welcome to join but not with those retarded ass banshee calls like 'mooooooooon'. Please don't come near our coin with that filth.
Especially this
I dont get it.
>our coin
If COLX can guarantee 1 dead poacher for ever 1 million I buy I'll put my life savings in
So when its gonna moon?
Nice oc
HOLD faggot
How long? Till december ehen swap will end?
Till it increases in value. If I were a fortune teller I wouldn't be telling you this advice
I am losing my patence
Then sell, no one is stopping you. My prediction (which really doesn't mean anything) is that the Moon will take place in the fourth week of October and it will be around 55-80 sats.
Still nothing ehhh
answer me you fr*cks
Staking doesn't start till block 10800, in a couple of days. And if your wallet is synced then you should be good. Don't add coins to an unsynced wallet. If your doing a masternode you'll have to add nodes in the conf file.
Thank you kind user
I have 16mln, worth it to buy 4 more?
I think so, there's some going for 7 sats. Might as well snatch that up at least