Face of Ancient Greek warrior digitally reconstructed from skull.
Face of Ancient Greek warrior digitally reconstructed from skull.
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Looks Samoan.
looks like he can crack a skull with his own head
Hey, I know that guy. He works in his uncle's dinner downtown.
impressive how they can tell how his hair and skin looked just by his skull
they based it on a mosaic on his tomb
I bet they got the smartest kike in the room to do it too.
would fuck
You believe ancient greeks were blonde people with pale skin?
I dont talk to niggers
Still looks Caucasoid to me and not really negoroid
his sword looks like a toy
snowniggers are even worse than regular niggers when it comes to WE WUZing
>those eyes
looks like he's about to crack someone's skull open with his bare hands
ancient greeks were BLACK
wypipio been trying to hide this for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, but it's a 100% true certified fact. DO YOUR RESEARCH!
Lol what
Ancient greeks were EUROPEOID
I wish that once people on west stop use that shit termins like white and black for races, its fucking disgusting
Looks polynesian
Minoas was not white but Red.
That is why and how Bronze Age Collapse happen.
They were red ruling caste over brown people but then diseases come and wipe leadership and white people from north invade.
Actually this make sense.
>sea civilization
Wiped by whites.
looks like a good looking Oblivion character
The guy pictured is Mycenaean, ie mainland Greek.
how could they have gotten his skin color from a mosaic? wouldn't the colors be severely altered after 3500 years if present at all?
They conquered Crete, Anatolia, many Aegean islands and also migrated to Cyprus, they also traded west with Italy and its islands and east with Syria and Egypt
Do not question stuff.
So you telling me that Native Indians were native to Greece before Aryan invasion?
Global rule 7
That's a Roman, it's Augustus
What did I told you?
>Do not question stuff.
Where do you think you are?
If you want question stuff go back to >>/pol/
Why can't you just debate your point without being an autistic?
>Wiped by whites.
Since when?
>not being autistic
>on Veeky Forums
Wiped by diseases that whites bring.
Greeks got wiped by disease????
Hawaiians and Mycenaeans.
Myceneans? Source me up, I don't know this shit.
Can you read Turkish?
Look at this pure European man :DDDD
No I am Greek
There is any difference?
but im not a nigger
I will take it as Yes.
Ask the other guy, he knows stuff.
pls stop bullying I come to Veeky Forums to learn not to cry
Seriously though, what does the link say?
Some guy - looking for it, give me some time, I think I should have it saved somewhere - analyzed Bronze Age collapse and compared it with Meso American population collapse.
He noticed some similarities including
>population decline
>civil conflicts
>abandoning of urban centers
>regress in agriculture
>regress in tool making and crafts
>regress to more tribal structures
>ecological change - as keystone specie(humans) decline it also change controlled before environment
>decline in trade as most of old trade routes were destroyed
>disappearance/replacement of ruling classes
>influx of foreigners resistant to diseases
Interesting, wondering why this theory isn't more popular, it would cover a big historical plothole.
I think it is because current academics mainstream is less interested in explaining things and more in academic carrier. You just choose discipline and specialize in it knowing little in other fields. If we get any works it would come from amateurs or non professional historians who also have knowledge in other fields.
Anyway its little know that when Americans were wiped out by diseases similar thing happen also in Polynesia(Hawaiians), Kamchatka Or Siberia(in different frame rate but still).
Whole expansion to East done by Moscow was only possible because Slavs and Urgofinns were resistant to diseases that decimated Tatars and Mongols.
Also it would point in difference in human specie. So it would be essentially racism. You will not here about it from professional western academics.
>difference in human specie
>germ theory is racist.
Well if you have whole subspecies/race of people wiped out then not every human is the same.
>I think it is because current academics mainstream is less interested in explaining things and more in academic carrier. You just choose discipline and specialize in it knowing little in other fields. If we get any works it would come from amateurs or non professional historians who also have knowledge in other fields.
And probably writing everything they write under a very political scope, as is common nowadays. Like you say below with racism and all.
>> indigenous Siberians
>>The parallels with the Indian experience are striking. In 1768 the virus struck Siberia’s Pacific coast, apparently for the first time. “No one knows how many have survived,” confessed the governor of Irkutsk, the Russian base on Lake Baikal, apparently because officials were afraid to travel to the affected area. A decade later, in 1779, the round-the-globe expedition of Captain James Cook reached Kamchatka, the long peninsula on the Pacific coast. The shoreline, the British discovered, was a cemetery. “We every where met with the Ruins of large Villages with no Traces left of them but the Foundation of the Houses,” lamented David Samwell, the ship’s surgeon. “The Russians told us that [the villages] were destroyed by the small Pox.” The explorer Martin Sauer, who visited Kamchatka five years after Cook’s expedition, discovered that the Russian government had at last ventured into the former epidemic zone. Scarcely one thousand natives remained on the peninsula, according to official figures; the disease had claimed more than five thousand lives. The tally cannot be taken as exact, but the fact remains: a single epidemic killed more than three of every four indigenous Siberians in that area.
>>After a few such experiences, the natives tried to fight back. “As soon as [indigenous Siberians] learn that smallpox or other contagious diseases are in town,” the political exile Heinrich von Füch wrote, “they set up sentries along all the roads, armed with bows and arrows, and they will not allow anyone to come into their settlements from town. Likewise, they will not accept Russian flour or other gifts, lest these be contaminated with smallpox.” Their efforts were in vain. Despite extreme precautions, disease cut down native Siberians again and again.
Damn...I guess having immunity was a very big deal after all.
Also consider this.
If disease strike(especially if its unknown) it will strike strongest in urban centers that are naturally a center of leadership, knowledge and power.
If disease is deadly like in this example the best surviving rate would have rural folks who are either not too well educated or bright(as if they have long established civilization bright guys would move to urban centers - old brain drain).
So when urban centers fall country lose not only its elites but also crafters and knowledge of high arts(STEM not arts).
Native population of Kamchatka had urban centers and higher social organizations but after disease strike they were left with handful scattered population who revert to hunter gatherer lifestyle.
Its hard enough to rebuild when disease not strike again but imagine that it strikes in each decade or even often and there is influx of foreign culture that is resistant to it.
This is why the Indians were deleted instantly when the Spanish arrived.
>>A particularly poignant loss occurred in the summer of 1701, when the leaders of forty native nations convened in Montreal to negotiate an end to decades of war among themselves and the French. Death stalked the congress in the form of influenza. By then the Indians of the Northeast knew such diseases all too well: sickness had carried off so many members of the Haudenosaunee that the alliance was forced to replenish itself by adopting abductees and prisoners of war. At the time of the conference at least a quarter of the Haudenosaunee were former captives. At great personal risk, many Indian leaders attended the conference even after they knew that influenza was in Montreal. Dozens died. Among them was the Huron leader Kondiaronk, a famed orator who had, more than any other, convened the gathering as a last-ditch effort to avoid internecine conflict. His body was placed on a bed of beaver pelts, covered by a scarlet cloth, and surrounded by a copper pot, a rifle, and a sword. In their diversity, the objects symbolized the peaceful mixing of cultures that Kondiaronk hoped lay in the future.
>>Nobody knows how many died during the pandemics of the 1770s and 1780s, but even if one had a number it wouldn’t begin to tally the impact. Disease turned whole societies to ash. Six Cree groups in western Canada disappeared after 1781; the Blackfoot nation, blasted by smallpox, sent peace emissaries to Shoshone bands, only to find that all had vanished. “The country to the south was empty and silent,” Calloway wrote. So broken were the Omaha by disease that according to tradition they launched a deliberately suicidal attack against their enemies. Those who did not die quit their villages and became homeless wanderers.
we wuz µinoans n shiet
They are two completely different languages puppy ass
Still another fucktard who doesn't know the difference between Mycenean and Minoan
>> Even less is known about these people; the remains of their villages were discovered only in 2003, after ranchers clearing the tropical forest uncovered them. According to the Finnish archaeologists who first described them, “it is obvious” that “relatively high population densities” were “quite common everywhere in the Amazonian lowlands.” The Finns here are summing up the belief of a new generation of researchers into the Amazon: the river was much more crowded in 1000 A.D. than it is now, especially in its lower half. Dense collections of villages thronged the bluffs that line the shore, with their people fishing in the river and farming the floodplains and sections of the uplands. Most important were the village orchards that marched back from the bluffs for miles. Amazonians practiced a kind of agro-forestry, farming with trees, unlike any kind of agriculture in Europe, Africa, or Asia.
>>Not all the towns were small. Near the Atlantic was the chiefdom of Marajó, based on an enormous island at the mouth of the river. Marajó’s population, recently estimated at 100,000, may have been equaled or even surpassed by a still-nameless agglomeration of people six hundred miles upstream, at Santarém, a pleasant town that today is sleeping off the effects of Amazonia’s past rubber and gold booms. The ancient inhabitation beneath and around the modern town has barely been investigated. Almost all that we know is that it was ideally located on a high bluff overlooking the mouth of the Tapajós, one of the Amazon’s biggest tributaries. On this bluff geographers and archaeologists in the 1990s found an area more than three miles long that was thickly covered with broken ceramics, much like Ibibate. According to William I. Woods, an archaeologist and geographer at the University of Kansas, the region could have supported as many as 400,000 inhabitants, at least in theory, making it one of the bigger population centers in the world.
>>Rather than domesticate animals for meat, Indians retooled ecosystems to encourage elk, deer, and bear. Constant burning of undergrowth increased the numbers of herbivores, the predators that fed on them, and the people who ate them both. Rather than the thick, unbroken, monumental snarl of trees imagined by Thoreau, the great eastern forest was an ecological kaleidoscope of garden plots, blackberry rambles, pine barrens, and spacious groves of chestnut, hickory, and oak. The first white settlers in Ohio found woodlands that resembled English parks—they could drive carriages through the trees. Fifteen miles from shore in Rhode Island, Giovanni da Verrazzano found trees so widely spaced that the forest “could be penetrated even by a large army.” John Smith claimed to have ridden through the Virginia forest at a gallop.
>>Incredible to imagine today, bison roamed from New York to Georgia. A creature of the prairie, Bison bison was imported to the East by Native Americans along a path of indigenous fire, as they changed enough forest into fallows for it to survive far outside its original range. When the Haudenosaunee hunted these animals, the historian William Cronon observed, they
were harvesting a foodstuff which they had consciously been instrumental in creating. Few English observers could have realized this. People accustomed to keeping domesticated animals lacked the conceptual tools to recognize that the Indians were practicing a more distant kind of husbandry of their own.
bump for this
polcucks on SUICIDE WATCH
>Greek civilization mostly built off of the Mediterranean
>have strong Mediterranean features
anyone who honestly believed/believes otherwise is deluded
Looks kinda like that reconstruction of a Phoenician man.
Can not find it. Either I lost it or I can not find it.
But if you interested I can upload
1491 and 1493.
>1491 is talking about both Americas and how it look before and after Columbus plus how things happen and why, plenty of little details you would never expect
>1493 is more about Columbia exchange of plants/animals/other life forms and how it effect world around, pretty interesting and again full of details you probably did not know
Both written by journalist. Its well written and full of info you probably know or hear about but was not aware of implication or not connected things that after reading it look pretty obvious.
go for it
Blonde people don't have pale skin
so why does he has brown hair and green eyes?
Mycenaeans were Cretans who were Anatolians. This guy is basically Luwite/Hittie/Lycian aka Modern day Turk.
Gayreeks are LARPIng Slavs.
Use a trip so I can filter you, you filthy nigger
>this kills the europoor
Maybe I should create another thread and throw some fragments to interest people?
i'd get on that
Macedonians are Larping Slavs.
Greeks and turks are similar - none of themadmit it.
Still they are also kurds.
lol at you because im not even black
im 5 11 200 lbs man, i could dominate and ram your anus, boy
Looks Indian
Post picture of face.
Either that or nipple.
Brown nipple=nigger
post anus
pink anus == i ram it
Macedonians are different larping Slavs. But so are Greeks. Greeks are larping slavs and larping Albanians.
Only from the front, try and find a picture of this recreation from the side. You'll see.
I have my dads blonde hair and my moms fair skin, fight me.
Because he's not a nigger like you.
Myceneans spoke Greek and conquered Crdte, get your facts straight, retard
>This guy is basically Luwite/Hittie/Lycian aka Modern day Turk.
the more you repeat this the more counter evidences i'll post debunking this.
Stop relating us to your subhuman cracker race.
also isn't it strange how you retards can't form sentences without using the meme word larp :DDD whites are subhumans indeed.