Every educated person acknowledges that the religion and philosophy of China--that is, the combination of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism--is superior to the Abrahamic faiths of the West. Why is it, then, that the European powers became dominant? What were the historical factors that overpowered the clear philosophical superiority of the Chinese?
China's Superiority and Subsequent Failure
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Maybe, but they can't compare to India in that regard. Only Chinese political and social philosophy is better then it's Indian counterpart. No, I'm not Pajeet.
>Why is it, then, that the European powers became dominant?
1. The Scientific Revolution happened in the West.
2. China's hegemonic position made them compacent and unwilling to innovate. The fact that they already had every resource and product they knew and that they had no rival threatening them gave China no incentive to expand or interact and learn from other powers.
3. General incompetence of the Qing.
Because pre-abrahamic western theology and ethics was absolutely superior to everything else. China is the only other place worth mentioning thanks to some of their ethical and political texts.
because chinese philosophy wasn't superior
it teaches you to uphold tradition and conservatism to the point of stagnation
China didn't suffer from resource shortages that incentivized it to seek those resources elsewhere like Europe did.
Reactionary Ming who looked inwards when Europe was looking outwards. Retarded steppe nigger Qing and the near constant rebellions and civil wars.
Scientific Method, Industrialization, and exploitation of New World Resources.
Asians are impious, hence God punishes them with being conquered and humuliated
>OP starts with hubris and sucking on various opposed's faith trinitical conglomeration by western idiots who don't understand the faiths are separate and competeing
you're an example why even their own governments murder the fuck out of them. From China, to philippines, to indonesia's commie purge. It just doesn't stop, even they want to put each other out of their misery.
This is why you should stick to chart analysis, this region has had dips that lasted for centuries, this past dip only really lasted for about 200 years at the most. Keep in mind during this 200 years, the sick man of asia nevertheless outlived the British, German, French, and Russian empires. If the game is last man standing China is the clear winner. 1000 years from now people will only remember the things that last. Ever hear normies talking about the Empire of Palmyra? Culture and wealth doesn't get you a ticket to the popular consciousness.
It goes without saying, for an ancient empire that existed since the dawn of time to survive and expand with territory largely intact and syncretized into a nation state is extraordinarily remarkable. It'd be like if Ancient Egypt was still around today. Every other empire that could be reasonably comparable has become the ashes of history.
>Abrahamic faiths of the West
*Middle East
This is the complete opposite of what it does.
In the east Confucius says "Man is born Good." In the west the Bible says "Man is born evil." The East values human nature and benevolence. The west values law. The law is necessary to curb the natural vices. But the law is an unfeeling, unthinking thing. How many times have you heard of a verdict, that technically correct under the legal system, nevertheless made you sick to your stomach? There is no legal system that can replace virtue. Divine Commandments do not inspire goodness, they only provide technicalities.
In the East, it is known that man is the source of good in the world. Does the tiger show mercy to its prey? Do wild animals provide charity to the downtrodden? Do they produce arts or culture of the trappings of civilization? To say that man is evil is to insult everything that we stand for. Only a degenerate society could come up with such a notion.
China has never been a nation state.
>oh look at me im so great i have a 3 inch dick and ancient history of losing my wars to every foreign power
>the dawn of time
you're delusional. Your hubris is without bounds. No wonder that chinese history is literally the mandate of heaven and being conquered by foregn powers. Its all just chiense getting murdered fpr hundreds of years. Did tehy get anything out of it? Ire. Ire from every westerner and almost all of their neighbors and own territories to this day.
>nation state
>a state unified by common feelings of cultural/ethnic identity
I won't even go into the rest of your post because it literally isn't even written in English.
China is not a nation-state to this day, it was not during the three-kingdoms period, during the HAn, nor after the three kingdoms with the Sima family in charge. Nor was it one prior to the mongol conquest, nor was it one during the Yuan dynasty. And it was not one when it was a republic.
>common feelings
Go ahead and cite examples from before the concept even existed. Those are the lengths you will go to to derail a thread over a single word.
just admit you worship chinks who are history's fodder and two-faced con artists
Eastern religions are closer to truth but Christianity is more conducive to building a civilization.
What happens now that Christianity is getting crushed by scientism/technologism in the West?
Did the Chinese fail to develop modern science before the west because they lacked a strong outer law/ruling judge concept? Their focus on harmony probably made them less questioning.
china has always been a bunch of larpers going around saying "you're all chinese" and the people went along with it. they never had any real cultural clashes because the people are cattle
Rather it is that the west was forced to adopt modern science to make up for their lack of benevolent governance. A lot of people forget that the basic tenets of Confucianism involve a small government and low taxes. Under the first Han emperor taxes were reduced to 1/15 of crop yields (the feudal frankish tax rates on peasants were 1/10 to the church, and 8/10 to the local lord who may or may not have actually paid anything to the crown; in china the peasants owned their own land), and there were no restrictions on commercial enterprise, Chinese historians use the term "laissez faire" to define the economic policy of the period.
It can be argued that the onerous tax burdens and frequent military exertions forced the people of Europe to make more with less, and technology is a logical means to that end. This is reminiscent of when 19th century poets visited Greece and instead of a land of milk and honey found rocky barrens and hills. But it could not have been otherwise. The poverty of Hellas was what made it great, and it was prosperity that brought their decline.
>"Man is born evil"
>300 yuan has been added to your account.
Nice post, thanks.
>what is original sin
To answer that question you got to learn how science was developed. Science developed from Greek writings imported to Italy after the fall of Constantinople. It would be hard to develop it without this historical base of thought. Why Chinese philosophy did not go through a similar route, idk though I remember there we're some pretty empirical and mathematical schools of thought focusing on building seige engines
>What is a spook
>what is the death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Well now you're just full of shit; Confucius never said 'Man is born Good". Don't even bother replying unless you have a citation to the primary source material.
It's a remission of sins not a removal. You still have to actually follow the religion for it to work.
Ignore him. He's a christcuck
The success of the West came about accidentally. Abrahamic religion is as spooky as traditional Chinese religion. Certain strands of pre-christian western philosophy is more palatable to me personally, but the success of the west is not based on that either. It is a result of historical and geographic conditions that, among other things, compelled Westerners to advance by competing with each other and eventually compelled them to explore and conquer most of the world.
>muh guns germs and steel
Opinion discarded
>all old world civilizations originated in river valleys
>but geographic determinism is a meme
We need something new.
The most science favoring Chinese dynasty got invaded by Mongols.
The Mongols themselves didn't care too much about science and technology.
The next dynasty became extremely reactionary as a result of the Mongol invasion.
Then the last dynasty were steppeniggers.
>medieval china was laissez-faire
Wow what a great post!
Basically this
>During Song, had better tech than Europe
>Get invaded by Mongols
>Finally overthrow them, figure that in order to assure your peoples independence you should act insular
The fortunes of China will change again, as they are now.
>Every educated person acknowledges that the religion and philosophy of China--that is, the combination of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism--is superior to the Abrahamic faiths
Stopped reading there. OP is either a cucked college kid or a baiter. Either way, fuck off.
Even european philosophers like Voltaire acknowledged the merits of a society based on Confucian rationalism, rather then Abrahamic faith.
Get fucked eurangutan.
>Thinking citing the beliefs of Voltaire gives him any credibility
Literally hang yourself brainlet.
>Thinks his brainlet ass can compare to actually influential philosophers that have proven the merit of their thought through their survival to modern day
I hear it's really pleasurable to masturbate with a tightened noose around your neck, maybe you should try that.
>thinks restating what has already been stated is wisdom
>Thinks the survivability of an idea verifies it.
Oh really? So I guess Hitler was right because National Socialism lives on today. I guess Communism is right because that's still around. You're digging yourself a hole brainlet, stop replying.
Certainly, the logic is that if a philosophy or certain cultural institution survives to the present day, it must have certain valid traits that assure it's survival.
Hell, you could even make an analogy with evolution, traits that are beneficial will remain, while traits that are detrimental will be bred out (although, not to mention vestigial traits, which certainly have an equivalent within human cultures).
In fact, by that same logic, the Renaissance (the rediscovery of roman texts) was based on completely invalid beliefs due to the antiquity of it's inspirations.
Trying too hard brainlet, might be family problems, is the bull forcing you to prep a little too harshly?
>Avoiding the fact that using his logic both Nazism and Communism are right
Alright, retard. Have fun with your pea sized brain.
>"If the majority of people believe it, it's right"
is not a valid argument.
Nazism and Communism both have certain ideal traits, but Nazism only lives on in fringe communities, and Communism is basically non-existent (except in failed states, China is not really economically communist anymore)
I'm not saying it's 100 percent right, but that certainly means there's merit to that belief.
Wrong on both accounts
The ancient Greeks often took boy lovers and often sodomized them. There are accounts that boys as young as 4 or 5 were taken as lovers. This tradition and the idea that it was ok lived on for centuries so using your logic it had merit and was possibly right. It's time to hop off your mum's computer and go to bed Jimmy, you're making a fool of yourself you pseudo-intellectual brainlet.
>implying there's anything inherently wrong with making love to young boys
Your entire argument is based on the false assumption that the standards embedded modern Western morality are objectively correct, it's not.
>Thinking it's ok to make love to young boys
I rest my case, you're fucking retarded. Have a good night brainlet.
>"Your entire argument is based on your personal belief Western standards are correct!"
>*his own entire argument is based off of his personal belief that chinese religion > western*
>Neither side is right
I fucking hate what this site has become
This was meant for
>t.Retard that has his spooks up in a jumble
>Arguments are based off of assertions of personal belief
No, really? Who could have thought?
>Trying to sound like an intellectual even still
Arguments are based off of personal beliefs but good arguments are based off of personal beliefs with evidence to back those beliefs. You two are just slinging senseless shit back and forth and should both just go to bed.
t. professor
We making non-sequiturs now?
>The ancient Greeks often took boy lovers and often sodomized them. There are accounts that boys as young as 4 or 5 were taken as lovers.
Oh, they often did that, did they? There are accounts?
Post them. Post the primary source citation for 5th and 4th c. BCE Hellenes having sex with toddlers.
Even if you could offer us ONE, just ONE primary source from that period, any money it refers to a Boeotian.
Christianity and Islam are proselytising religious, that implore adherents to convert others as their duty and destroy the nonbelievers. Confucianism and Taoism are not, they're just philosophies for how to live life harmoniously. Buddhism is Indian not Chinese, but even then
> In the eighth to tenth centuries, a then predominantly Buddhist China was aware that Buddhism in India, the ‘Holy Land’ of its birth, was in crisis. But while a similar crisis in Christianity’s ‘Holy Land’ was about to bring wave after wave of Crusaders from European Christendom to Palestine, not so much as a knight from Chinese ‘Buddhadom’ ventured into northern India. And this despite heart-rending reports of the neglect and devastation to which India’s Buddhist sites were subject and despite a demonstrated capacity for successful military intervention south of the Himalayas.
And Christendom isn't inherently conservative, looking to the past and tradition?
Alot of bad leaders, hubris and arrogance towards the outer world
the china is a monster that most cannot "really" comprehend, 1.5~billion (counting all chinese people) are now aware of the world outside of their country, and no longer under the threat of roaming nomadic tribes.
The behemoth has awakened, and the world will feel it's wrath
>And Christendom isn't inherently conservative, looking to the past and tradition?
No, it actually orients its followers towards the future and the coming of Christ.
>Every educated person acknowledges ...
Stopped reading here
>the world feel it's wrath
Yes, i'm feeling it right now
>because chinese philosophy wasn't superior
it teaches you to uphold tradition and conservatism to the point of stagnation
As long as we're talking "every educated person" that is indeed the main-stream academic explanation.
I actually don't entirely agree with it, but it was certainly part of the "problem".
One can certainly argue that Chinese philosophy and religiosity as a whole is more calm and benign than much of western philosophy and religiosity... But calm and benign is rarely the fastest runner in the race - particularly if that race involves people with guns.
>china not a nation state
Since the earliest times China has defined itself as Huaxia apart from its neighbors, like DongYi , and Nan Man Etc. The original Huaxia only occupied the yellow river anything south was considered barbarian. This can be seen in autosomal DNA, the northern plain is very homogenous while the south is diverse, with a lot of migration from the north.
the world, like yourself, will not realise untill every industry leads to china
How is it possible to be this retarded. This... is a thread comparing eastern and western philosophies and religion. Clearly you despise both, except for the parts that you selectively appropriate for your national socialist ideology. This is why everyone hates /pol/tards, you insert yourselves into discussions that don't involve you. Get the fuck out of this board.
>But calm and benign is rarely the fastest runner in the race - particularly if that race involves people with guns.
Tortoise and the hare son. In half a century, when historical opinions have been sufficiently altered by current events, your interpretation will be conveniently forgotten. Sorry, it's just how the field works.