Is everyone on this board underage and/or NEET? Are you really trying to get rich by gambling? Do you actually believe that you are going to be able to pump and dump shitcoins forever? I don't think anyone is ever going to adopt crypto if you do that. Do you think that you'll get your "financial freedom" and the powers that be aren't going to take control no matter what?
I'm curious
Other urls found in this thread:
No I work as a software developer, yes I think I'll be free of wagecuckery soon enough regardless of who controls crypto. Adoption is inevitable, but I don't care.
Slavethink: the post
Crypto NEET reporting in
living from welfare and moonmissions.
blah blah blah blah
When you stop working, what are you going to do every day?
Yeah, there was a poll a couple weeks ago and the average age was something like 11.5
Not going to answer any of the questions?
Made almost a quarter million in 4 months.. don't be sad you missed the ETH rocketship pussy. You can still get on the ARK an float to space.
Do you have it cashed out? What are you doing with it?
Surf, read, travel, have sex, do drugs, read books, create art, learn.
I'm gambling for financial freedom cause I've nothing to lose and safety is ALWAYS off.
No, I'm a freelance web developer. I AM getting rich off of crypto. I don't think this will last forever, I'm making the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity while I can. It's hard to care about the powers that be while travelling the world renting out the condo I bought off crypto gains.
Make the most of this while you can. New markets like this aren't created often. A lot of us were too young to be early investors in Apple, Google, Amazon - but this time, we aren't missing it.
What is rich to you?
Death is preferable to wage slavery
What the fuck is this looney toon selling
naw I wage slave to meet people, I could be a neet since I already have a couple patents and millions in the bank.
Watch Veeky Forums ignore stuff that breaks their small minds..
This stuff is hilarious
I didnt even read past your first question lol, get fucked
Ok, I will assume your answer to that question was "Yes"
how do I short my birth certificate?
>dotcom bubble
>2008 bubble
>crypto bubble
user it comes every 5 years or so