Pretty much everyone I talk to, and myself included, believes USA's involvement in the middle East is 100% about oil. It can't just be that can it? Is this just propaganda? Basically I just want to hear some counter arguments, because people just act like it's an accepted fact.
American imperialism
Well it's also about encircling and containing America's rival of the past ~70 years, Russia. The end of the USSR weakened Russia drastically, but just like with the end of WWI the core geopolitical problems haven't been solved. Russia seeks access to the sea and global markets as well as buffer territory to defend itself, while America seeks to control the seas for the same reason.That's why Russia is so invested in Syria and Iran, so it can have easier access to the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf.
40% Oil
60% Neoconservative retardation.
There's a very huge ideological component that people tend to forget
See this makes way more sense to me.
there´s also murrican religious obsession with Israel
ZOG desu
Resources, strategic control of areas, and competing against other empires. The only thing that stops an empire is another empire. Thus, America s are attempting to combat the Russian, Iranian, and other empires and prevent them from expanding too much.
This is just how the world is. Understand international Realism. All nations are morally amoral, and just pursue their self-interests.
Except for the fact that most realists regarded the invasion as a costly waste of resources with no benefit to America whatsoever.
Fuck off Neocon
>Not denying puerto Rico aid until they accept statehood
>Not annexing Mexico
>Not conquering Cuba when they had the chance
I'm an imperialist and the US is frustratingly not.
The US inherited, from the French and British, the desire to have friendly regimes in power who would provide consistent petroleum exports. European countries did it with joint venture companies (see AIOC) until the countries wanted a greater share in profits or to nationalize the petroleum industry in their own country (which wasn't what we wanted, hence installing Pahlavi in Iran). After that backfired the US was content with a hands-off approach, for the most part, until GWB invaded Iraq in 2003. But that was more about neocons thinking that neo-imperialism was still feasible in the 21st century.
>not annexing canada mexico and greenland right after ww2
This is what kills me the most
They had the perfect time and opportunity, yet they did nothing
Because we couldn't possible consolidate all that land.
Even if that was true at one point, the argument doesn't make sense anymore.
Mexico would have been tough, but Canada? 95% of the population lives within earshot of the US border already, it’s mostly barren forests. Plus similar cultures make integration easy.
Ressources, geopolitics, weapon sales and banking. Documents from the CIA confirm that they tried to cause a war in Syria before to keep Israel safe.
Originally it was about stopping slave raids. America's marines got their start stomping Ottomans.
The invasion was a mistake in that the goals could have been accomplished other ways. As an empire, the goals were logical.
>America stomping Ottomans
It almost sounds unfathomable today that the boot-licking amerifat would dare challenge second greatest ally. They get away with so much shit being the insignificant, annoying autists they are.
Not even close.
Iraq was a buffer against Iran. Instituting a democratic regime in Baghdad was a total failure since all it did was empower the Shia's into cozying up to their Arch enemy.
Turkey is a based ally and the second largest military in NATO.
because outright annexing land is retarded nowadays. canada is better left alone to maintain good relations with the UK who was in the process of decolonizing so we needed them to help set up west-friendly governments. annexing mexico would cause far more trouble than itd ever be worth.
You want to talk about American Imperialism? Look up the Banana Wars and the various interventions in Central America. Ironically, it turns out that the times they were under the thumb were the only times they actually had any type of stability.
Fucking cringe. Watch the news roach, America and T*rkey have been screeching at each other for the past year hoping one of them would break and apoligize so they could go back to beig mates. Turkish mobilized autism is America's entertainment unless it's aimed at them in which situation they try to difuse it using louder autism.
Why would we want Puerto Rico to join the big boy's club?
its not the 1600s nigel. we should have taken all British lands long ago