Are you an Eastern Roman Beast, or Western Roman Pest?
Are you an Eastern Roman Beast, or Western Roman Pest?
>unconquered germaninan reporting in
Didnt attila marry many gothic and vandals women?
Latin dogs deserve nothing short of death!
04/08/1204 NEVER FORGET
But latins were extinct by that time
Their church lives on
>invite crusading army to help overthrow your rival
>decide not to pay them
>reeeeeee! stop looting you bullies
Rome, I'm magister utriusque militiae.
>all these people conflating the Western Empire with the Franks
Daily reminder that the Eastern Empire tried to save the West.
He wasn't alone.
You don't get to be commander of both services.
Ah fuck forgot picture.
East. The Greek East kept the civilization for 1100 years, until the days of the last Emperor Constantine Palaiologos, and the fall of Constantinopolis at the hands of the Turks.
Remember when that one dumb broad pretended she wanted to marry Atilla and invited him into imperial lands?
He did.
And got killed by her.
Chinks btfo
>Turkish saber
>Turkish scale mail
>grandmother on mothers side is Turkish
>trojans were the same haplotype as Turks
What more proofs do you need that Mehmed was the true heir to Byzantinum
Turks were Mongolic race, that came to Anatolia from Caspian Sea at 1050 AD. They didn't even exist in 1190 BC, the time of Trojan War. They have nothing to do with Trojans. Palaiologos belonged to the Palaiologean dynasty, that they were Greek Orthodox, not Muslims like the Turks. Byzantium has nothing to do with Islam. Actually they fought against Islam for 900 years before 1453.
>Turks were Mongolic race
Someone ought to have told Baiju Noyan, maybe he wouldn't have raped so many of their wives and daughters.
This was common thing between the various tribes of the Central Asia's steppes.
>Mongolic Race
>Language group
Mongolian tribes didn’t even exist until the 13th century
He means mongoloids and yes, turkics are/were mongoloid, those subhumans just mixed with caucasian people and many caucasians adopted their language and culture
Only that the Huns, a tribe of mongolic origins invaded Europe just 1000 years earlier at 434 AD. Then another mongolic population the Avars attacked Byzantium a couple of centuries afterwards.
Do you know what Mongolic is? It’s a language group. Huns, Xiongnu, Xianbei all existed before a common Mongolian Identity, so how can you call them Mongolic?
I' m talking about the mongoloid tribes, that inhabited the steppes of Central Asia for thousands of years, that they invaded Europe multiple times.
They werent in central asia, they were in siberia
>Roman thread devolves into ching chong shitflinging
What did you expect? It was either going to be that or BLACK T*RKS.