Is Christianity more similar to Judaism and Islam or to European Paganism?
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I'm a Catholic, so take that for what it's worth, but I think the apostolic churches are generally more similar to Classical Paganism in terms of their worldview and cultic practices. Protestantism is broadly speaking more similar to Islam and Judaism in terms of their reliance on religious scholars rather than a priestly caste, as well as their general emphasis on interpretation of religious texts.
Christianity was heavily influenced by what was before it in Europe. Lots of idols and stories are reminiscent of pagan culture. In many cases there are literally pagan traditions with a new Greco-Hebrew name slapped on it.
The same thing goes for Islam, really.
Honestly the only thing these religions did was enable centralization through monotheism, the divine right of kings and shit like that. Religion is not a social glue, it's a governmental glue.
>Christianity more similar to Judaism
Christianity is pagan.
"Christianity" is Judaism.
It's unique, and unlike either.
Catholicism is pagan.
Catholics are not Christians. They're just told by their "priests" that they are.
Christianity is based on the person, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and Him alone. It has no pagan influences.
Halfway between Judaism and Paganism desu.
>Catholicism is pagan.
Catholicism is not pagan - Catholicism is devil worship.
This is a Christian - he doesn't even understand he's a pagan:
>worldview and cultic practices
Such is the state of catechisis in the modern world.
Aside from pseudohistorical minor saints, there is no pagan substrate in Christianity.
>Religion is. . . governmental glue
What is the Investiture Controversy?
It's literally the roots of the Reformation in Germany, so no, this point isn't correct either.
What the fuck is that Bible quote supposed to mean in this context? It's saying they are children of the devil rather than God, not that God is the devil
He is calling the Jews that rejected him the children of the devil.
Fucking lol.
Neither? It fulfills the prophecies of a dying god and self sacrifice for mankind all over the world.
Christianity is the truest incarnation of the archetype of religion.
>What the fuck is that Bible quote supposed to mean in this context? It's saying they are children of the devil rather than God, not that God is the devil
It means exactly what is says, that the Hebrew Text is devil worship - that's obvious by its content:
It's like you smoked pot for the first time and are in the middle of a really edgy new atheist phase.
The entire system of venerating saints is extremely pagan.
>It's like you smoked pot for the first time and are in the middle of a really edgy new atheist phase.
No, I was an atheist for over a decade until I met God.
But since the odds of meeting God are extremely slim I assume I'm in hell for some crime I committed before being born into this world and other people aren't real.
However, if other people are real, then they're in really really deep shit because God is real and definitely not what the monotheists worship - like Jesus said.
Paganism is also demon worship.
The parable you cite is about the Jews.
The meeting you had with God was ordained from the creation of the world.
Anyone who draws near to God will have God draw near to them.
God is most certainly real.
The righteous awe inspiring fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
>Paganism is also demon worship.
No, the vast majority of it is worship of God.
"God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." - Jesus
"He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!" - Jesus
Neither of your Jesus quotes have anything to do with paganism.
>Neither of your Jesus quotes have anything to do with paganism.
Yes they do. Jesus is an animist - Judaism is a nothing - not theism.
Jesus is God, the Creator of all things.
>Jesus is God, the Creator of all things.
Hm, I guess that means you should pay close attention to what the gospels say then and not what Paul, Moses or the "prophets" or the Church says...
Christianity has barely anything to do with Judaism, it is in virtually all aspects a Greco-Roman religion of the "Mystery Cult" type. Read up on Orphism and the other Mystery Cults and see for yourself the degree and depth of adaptation, and then consider that the whole central conceit of Christianity-- the divinity of Jesus-- is a direct contradiction of the most important Jewish AND Islamic commandments, "thou shallt associate no other gods with my divinity / name / face"
What's Christmas?
You can make up your own Jesus, if you'd like.
You cannot support your imaginary Jesus from your own sources, nor can you torture the bible into saying Jesus is an animist.
Revelation 1, John sees the glorified Christ Jesus for the first time.
And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me,“Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.
The Catholics set up Christ's Mass on Saturnalia, but all of the same pagan festivities that Saturnalia had continued into Christ's Mass.
Jesus was not born when the sun went away, only to be reborn in three days.
Jesus was born in the second week of September. "Christmas" or "Christ's Mass" has nothing to do with his actual birth, but is simply one of many ways the papists corrupted Christianity.
Christianity accepts Jesus as the Messiah.
The Jews who accepted Jesus as their Messiah became Christians; the Jews who did not remained in the Synagogue of Satan.
>nor can you torture the bible into saying Jesus is an animist.
Anyone can say anything is the word of God.
"This statement is the incontrovertible word of God and most of the Bible is definitely not the word of God."
Fools can say anything they'd like. You are certainly living proof of that.
In what way? This is just a blanket statement masquerading as a truism.
It's this kind of nonsensical disconnected rambling that really hammers home the point that Scripture must be interpreted in the light of Tradition
Oh I love this meme. My favorite part about people who parrot the 'Christianity is just a mystery cult adaptation' line is where you totally ignore the multitude of writings from the Ante-Nicene Fathers that categorically refute your premise but hey, they were taught by the Apostles and were contemporaneous with the active practice of some of those mystery cults so what do they really know?
The date of the Nativity has nothing to do with Jesus' birthday. It's simply there because it's a marker for the procession through liturgical seasons and years.
>this entire post
Hahahaha oh wow
Don't reply to this guy. He is a well known namefag on /x/ called @theimperial cult until he took off the name when everyone filtered him. He wastes his time rambling about how he's a prophet and shows everyone his autistic praise kek + paganism youtube videos
So I've read the bible from cover to cover, I'm on corinthians 2 right now about 100 pages from the end.
It was an alright read, the really good parts (beginning of NT) nearly made up for the rest of it but as I'm nearing revelations I just can't stand this "Saul" guy. Hes not a real apostle, admits it, but adds a bunch of new shit as he works way harder than the others to spread the gospel.
What gives? In romans, hes pulling some Plato dialogue style shit where he tries to justify the "justifications" and when he hits the dead end of his own argument he says "will of god don't question it"
like what a fucking turn off man, why is he trying to appeal to logic? Where does he get off giving directions whilst also acknowledging they are not holy?
Where does an individuals "reason" fit into faith
In a number of ways. First, all born again Christians are saints as soon as they are saved, and then forevermore. Saints are not people voted upon by popes and cardinals after their death. In fact, most Catholic "saints" are in Torment right now, awaiting hellfire.
Making an idol of a person and praying to that idol/person for a specific thing is the very definition of idolatry. Attempting to speak to the dead is also an abomination, even though they are living in the afterlife, as you will be deceived by demons masquerading as the dead person. For example, all Marian apparitions are demonic in nature. All of them.
The traditions of men are foul to God, and have no place in understanding the Word of God. You need to repent, and be saved, and have the Holy Spirit within you to teach you what the bible means. Not a group of crusty old pedophiles who haven't the first basic idea of how to be saved, because they are not, they worship satan, and they want to make sure you go to hell with them.
Catholics and proto-catholics are antisemetic to their shame, also demonstrating that they are not saved. It is hardly a badge of honor to hate Jews, when Jesus, aka Yehoshua, is a Jew.
It's there because Catholics are pagans, and worship pagan holidays. Constantine especially worshiped the sun god, and was a donor to the temple of Apollo.
Read anything.
His videos betray his mental illness.
Paul actually calls himself the greatest apostle.
As he grows older and wiser, his claims grow older and wiser, until he refers to himself as the chiefest of sinners.
And yet he remains the greatest apostle.
As Paul said, to the Greeks he is as a Greek, using philosophy; to the Jews, he is as a Jew, observing the Old Covenant, that some might be saved.
>Fools can say anything they'd like. You are certainly living proof of that.
>It's this kind of nonsensical disconnected rambling that really hammers home the point that Scripture must be interpreted in the light of Tradition
Like Jesus said: “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot."
Jesus comes bearing the title King, I come in the name of the Imperial Cult which understands that the divine Kings of Earth are gods. If these words: "King" - "God" - "Emperor" mean nothing to you - you are salt that has lost its saltiness - worth nothing. You will not enter heaven.
You're going to cite the book of Revelations against the gospels and say it's all equal in credibility.
But you have to be a little suspicious don;t you think, that all these "additions" should be made AFTER the resurrection by a converted ((pharisee))?
I have, and it seems like all you've read is the transcript to Zeitgeist.
The Nativity was secondary in importance to the Passion, Death, and Resurrection-- some Eastern churches grouped it with the Epiphany a little under two weeks later-- to the point that no one actually recorded when Jesus' birthdate was. It's simply December 25th for liturgical purposes, not because of whatever contrived mental gymnastics you think it is.
Islam is pagan, Catholic church has pagan practices but their people can be saved if people repent and turn from it. Jesus is the core of true Christianity, accepting him as lord and only salvation there is. If anyone proclaims christianity is pagan they are lying to you
What am I supposed to say? I live on a planet where a bunch of psycho-killing rapists are regarded more credible than the Kings of Egypt or the Emperor of Rome. And all the adherents to the "psycho-killing rapists are professional experts on intergalactic superhuman entities" theory are immune to evidence or teaching. I must be in hell.
Prots,Islam and Judaism are all satanic and enemies of Christs Church.
Remember folks, atheism is safe. Atheists can go to heaven.
>Remember folks, atheism is safe. Atheists can go to heaven.
They certainly can. Yahweh worshipers are in grave danger though. Claiming the right to commit genocide for a "god" that has been proven false is risky business.
Why is there a pig?
What the fuck is even going on in here?
I don't know but I'm intrigued.
I hope this thread keeps being secular non-sequitur bullshit
I'm used the fundamentalist Christians being in here sounding schizophrenic but this guy sounds like Ape of Thoth on PCP.
If you mean the comic page, it's an adaption of the original script for "The City on the Edge of Forever" where Spock prevents Keeler from being saved while Kirk stands by instead of Kirk stopping Keeler from being saved.
It's same shit for Orthodox churches.