>The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيره الصباح) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign which was run by an American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.[1][2]
Remember that time the USA went to war on a FALSE Testimony in 1990?
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Kuwait should have been punished for that, maybe made to pay coalition forces the costs of the war.
No, but I remember furiously masturbating to footage of her testifying before Congress.
>fapping to a fully clothed uggo
>a 15 year old uggo
Her crocodile tears made me hard beyond imagining. And I am not in any way ashamed to admit this.
I first found out about this event while watching a Holocaust denial video. Not sure what that says about the state of the mainstream media that clear, well-documented atrocity propaganda can only be found out by looking at shit like Holocaust denial videos.
Oh really libtard? You think Saddam and his army were angels and its America's fault?! Baathism and liberalism is Nazism. You just hate Israel.
>You just hate Israel.
Maybe I do. What are you going to do about it, Kike?
it may have been a lie. But it was a lie, that people should believe
You'll get the shortest rope.
Like all liberals and leftists you hate Jews. Spotted the libtard jew hater.
Keep trying to pin me down as a liberal, you Protestant Jew Worshipping Cuck.
they always said I was on the fast track to heaven
Was it worth it in the end?
Yes, ((they)) got one stage closer to greater Israel.
go back to /pol/, muh nigga
>Was the diplomat's daughter, so she had immunity
>Wasn't sworn in to testify, so perjury isn't an option
well played
>Her story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International[3]
Imagine my shock...
This world is rotten by those who sincerely think they're the good guys.
Go back to the oven.
Imperialism never lets facts get in the way. We destroyed Iraq for the same reason we destroyed Libya and tried to destroy Syria -- they challenged our dominance.
which time..
>The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990
I was 23 years old.
>Imperialism never lets facts get in the way. We destroyed Iraq for the same reason we destroyed Libya and tried to destroy Syria --
To insure Israel's security.
What's it like being 50?
>our dominance
you mean Israel's dominance
Why do you libtards like Saddam so much?
what are you doing on Veeky Forums, sir?
oh dont try to pretend this lady had anything to do with it, we were going to invade either way
Neocons were a mistake
>Iran-Iraq war commences
>Iraq becomes huge debtor to Iraq
>once stalematewar is over, have large standing army
>send them south to capture oil and erase debts
>after the fall of the USSR, the US with its idea of permanent global peace under a permanent benevolent Pax Americana and "End of History" does not like
>kicks them out of Kuwait extremely effectively
>too effectively, libs cry at the highway of death
>we leave, but keep bases there
What the fuck does this loli have to do with any of this?
No one here is a liberal, brainlet. Did you get fed that line by your kike media?
>Iraq becomes huge debtor to Iraq
Woah, so it was a civil war?
You know my drunk ass meant Kuwait, don't play games.
>/pol/tards deny reality once again
Worth it. The only good Fedayeen is a dead one.
If you hate Israel and support Saddam over America, you are by definition a liberal and a leftist.
Retards love appeal to emotions and who better to deliver the message if not an underage crying girl?
How badly did you fuck up to be here at your age?
>If you hate Israel and support Saddam over America, you are by definition a liberal and a leftist.
It's the truth you fucking libtard. Go live in Iran or North Korea if you like Islam and tyranny so much. I bet you're one of them leftists that welcome the rapefugees and support Sharia law like Saddam the Muslim did.
And I thought the crucible taught us all in grade school not to listen to 15 year old girls crying witch
Don't you have a safe space and a playdoh session to be going to little snowflake? You triggered by America by it simply existing?
Ummm sweetie, it won't exist for long
Had to make a moral reason. Kind of like the rape of belgian
what does she look like now?
Not when we round up you antifa traitors and you get a taste of American freedom you pussy. I voted for the Iraq War faggot, now if you want to be a camel jockey lover you'll stop with the Saddam support and start liking America and Israel again. Fucking millennial snowflakes.
>what does she look like now?
That's the funny thing. She literally disappeared off the face of the planet.
>I voted for the Iraq War faggot
Go to bed, Hillary.
Libtard I didn't vote for that socialist hag Muslim lover and Saddam supporter, I voted for Trump and Pence. You milennials just make me sick.
her father died in 2012.....you think shes ok anons?
>Her story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International
>Imagine my shock...
My study of history is not equipping me to deal with the present, but the present is making me understand history.
>advocates for the policy of a deep state shill like bush
>supports the distortion of truth by a public relations firm in the human's right commision
>neocucks like you built up Saddam's military potential in the first place
>supports isreal unironically
What a good conservative you are...
Seriously, people like you are responsible that conservatism became so unpopular in the last decades.
But the most absurd thing is that your idea of containing the US as a hegemon by unconstitutional foreign intervention and the construction of a totalitarian union state, supports the decline of american supremacy.
With a tear in your eye watching desert Strom 1, you say "Support our Troops and the War", while the military-industrial fucked up the genetics via uran ammunition of their own soldiers.
Fucking bigot
"Baathism and liberalism is Nazism."
nice memed, son.
t. og conservative
I hope not.
"I voted for Trump and Pence. You milennials just make me sick."
You just elected the other deep state swamp, geez.
You are the intellectual milennial here.
/nupol/ please get out and take your stupid meme politics with you.
here take a look how the german government legitimated the our first war since '45 with same priming like the us did with the first gulf war
german documentaries are G.O.A.T
Piss off grandad
How old are you? I assumed you were an underage
It's not about liking Saddam, it's about recognizing we fucked up his country for illegitimate reasons
>tfw you fabricate a casus belli to puppet a country and don't even get any infamy
>implying our hedge over the Middle East is not tied up with our butt buddy Israel being safe and powerful