What did fox news mean by this?

What did fox news mean by this?


What are you trying to say you dirty commie?

they meant "i didn't graduate high school"

That Venezuela is state capitalism but the rest are commnist

Probably used an outdated wikipedia article and wasn't aware that NK abandoned Marxism-Leninism outright for Juche.

No Venezuela?
Good to know they won't be invading our retarded neighbor soon.

China is not even remotely communist.

This is current events. Not history. Fuck off.

This. How the hell do you get a job at a news company if you don't know these basic geopolitical facts? I know freshman political science students who know these things well.

China and Vietnam still have 'communist' parties as their leadership but in don't really carry out communist ideals. Laos is similar I think and North Korea stopped professing communism in the 70's in favour of Juche. I think Cuba is still going with communism though I'm not sure. Communism in China is now mostly an excuse for the government to do something questionable or ban something.

the only one they are wrong about is China, which is fascist

t. Breitbart.

t. retard

Fox news is spinning drumph as a christian crusader

>murican ejukayshun

>muh super special brand of communism!

shut up

>Being a State Capitalist/Mercantilist makes you fascist.
I guess old Monarchies were fascists then.

Fucking communist greenlanders

Communism is a religion


>muh slightly different brand of communism hasn't been tried and erases the failings of every other attempt at communism
>*inevitably fails*
>n-not real communism
I loathe Marxists so much.

>I loathe Marxists so much.
By showing emotions you kill any reasonable arguments you might have. It's just about your feels.

I don't care for free or planned market. The core idea for me is true democracy, "power to the people", state run by the people. This is what I consider true socialism. This is not what was seen in USSR and not what most western countries have today. Parlamentar democracy or presidental d. is usually hijacked by the rich. The nearest nation to direct democracy is Switzerland.
Now go on, call me a different brand of commie.

Xi Jinping Thought is the purest form of communism because China never left feudalism before Mao took over, so they need to become capitalistic first

North Korea is it's own thing at this point. I can't comfortably call it communist or even fascist.

lol that was on Special Report with Bret Baier. They had some clown- James Rosen I think- give a five minute thumbnail history of communism. It basically amounted to "the philosophy of Karl Marx is fundamnetall unworkable and The Soviet Union were a bunch of bad guys who were finally defeated when Ronald Reagan told Gorbachev to tear down the wall, thus saving the world forever." It was quite comical.

They call themselves Communist. The ruling party is called the Communist Party.

They're trying to convince the old people who watch Fox News that the cold war they remember is still a thing so that the Republicans have to stay in power.

This. I don't care if people want to organize their government to distribute resources as if it were capitalists. I just want people to realize that the way property is defined is a societal issue, that can be changed by society, not some sort of inalienable right and government is stealing your money that belongs exclusively to you, because the government is the one that establishes your property rights in the first place.



I was worried for a second, but then I checked snapped back to reality, oh there goes our humanity. With the way US/China are preaching, those might as well be religion.

Protip. Communist gov means state ownership of businesses. Exactly what those two countries who are "not communist" are doing.

So if a king owns everything in his country it's communist?

No and no. They actually editited references to communism out of their constitution too.

King runs a monarch, So its by definition monarchy. There is no state.

Unless its one of those "constitutional monarchy", in which case, the king has very little power. And thus is not a "state".

Literally only Laos still follows Communism. Cuba is quite socialist though.

>Choson Rodongdang.
Workers Party of Korea.
>Ideology:Juche and Songun.

1. 25-year rule.
2. There is nothing wrong with this map.
3. Leftypol is the other way.
That is all.

American media and politicians know that their people are extremely sheepish, so they dumb it down for them.

They mean that these countries say they are, therefore they must be.

Theological debate is a hyperbole.

People still watch Fox news?

puckered old farts who are retired and have nothing better to do with the remainder of their miserable lives than sit around angrily screaming at all the negroes on the television