Is there anyone (other than Marx) more responsible for the decline of the west as Theodore Adorno?
Is there anyone (other than Marx) more responsible for the decline of the west as Theodore Adorno?
Another G*rman jew.
You haven't actually read Adorno have you
not Veeky Forums
you have to go back
Nice one /pol/
Marx isn't responsible for the decline of the west. What we think of as "marxism" is merely the natural evolution of romanticism's beliefs. If not for Marx, someone else would have formulated a near identical set of ideological beliefs.
If you really want to lay blame for someone, blame Rousseau for making popular the belief that people are naturally good. It's from that belief that practically every modern societal ill (including non-marxist ones) stem from.
>can't tell this is a /leftypol/ bait thread
Are you autistic?
t. utter mongoloid
So a German then? There is no difference between germs and jews
Is that why Hitler killed himself
/pol/ doesn’t like Adorno because he tried to pathologize gentile group allegiance while surrounding himself mostly with his own co-ethnics and because he celebrated avant-garde modernist art.
>implying /leftypol/ cares anything else but arguing over eqch other's left ideologies
Reactionaries will be the final nail on the coffin of the west.
100 years ago most of those white and light red countries were a part of Europe.
There aren't really any strong reactionary movements anymore, most right wing populism is progressive.
but they went from nazbol tier to youtube skeptic tier in the last years.
>implying /leftypol/ doesn't love obsessing over how much smarter they are than /pol/ (heh, you talking about the "Frankfurt School" and "cultural Marxism"? Come back to us when you've read Dialectic of Enlightenment, you fucking pleb)
>implying they don't create threads like this exactly so they can circlejerk over the baited /pol/acks (~50% of whom will be /leftypol/ shitposters)
Well yeah, it's not a static movement or a movement in decline, it's a movement that's spreading. It will continue to change as it gains more followers who syncretize into the greater narrative. Years ago, Youtube skeptics were center-left militant atheists, but their community has been pushed to the right. This will continue to happen in spheres across society. Look at the NFL and the huge backlash by fans against the kneeling fiasco, for instance. The left has over-played their hand in attempting to push their ideals in too many new frontiers at once, and it's awoken a new movement that seeks to progress forward in its own direction. If you look at the type of people who are snowballing into it, you'll be hard-pressed to find typical reactionaries who want to go backwards to how things were. Instead you fine right-wing progressives who want to move forward into something new.
D-delete this!
Top cancer