Why do people still believe in the dark age meme when the Bronze Age Collapse was a legit apocalypse that ushered in a complete destruction of civilization?
Why do people still believe in the dark age meme when the Bronze Age Collapse was a legit apocalypse that ushered in a...
muh sea people
>HURR y peeps think there wuz dark age?
>DURR don dey kno dark age was caused by bronze age collapsss!?!?
There seem to be large segments of the population who have a vested interest in denigrating the Middle Ages ("dark age").
Greeks are brown, so any time the Greece is the dominant power in Europe it's considered the Dark Age
>when the Bronze Age Collapse
Because the events therein are almost completely conjecture as is both the lifestyle and finer points on culture of the populations involved.
>based Frazetta
A: Because there's so little that is known about the Bronze Age collapse that it's difficult to do anything but extrapolate.
B: Because Protestants have an interest in painting the Catholic take-over of Europe as a negative thing
C: Because fedora atheists and Nordcuck neo-pagan LARPers have an interest in painting the Christianization of Europe as a negative thing
Because the Dark Ages and collapse of Rome literally shaped Western society.
Yes the Bronze age Collapse was quite catastrophic however there are few reasons why it is not relevant to the commoner's eyes.
1)the dark ages are a literal meme, where there are still people who know in the most literal sense, nothing about the BAC.
2) little is still known about the BAC and you will see that the more time passes and more is discovered or researched, it will get more recognition.
3) The BAC wasnt the end of all society in the area like the Dark ages were. Sure the ERE lived on for another 1000 years, but two very critical places after the BAC still survived. 1 Egypt, 2 Greece. Though they are obviously not the same as they were before but their existance was still relevant and were able succeed their cultures.
4) Its not as relevant, but im throwing it in here because i know the Fedoras will chimp out if I dont: The Dark Ages bashes on the Church and Christianity pretty hard, as well as Islam.
Here's a cool pic.
>based Frazetta
Frank Frazetta and Robert E. Howard are the reason I’m into history.
You have to go back to Enlightenment historiography for the mainstream to regard the entire medieval period as a dark age.
>but two very critical places after the BAC still survived
Greeks wasnr even important
Fertile crescent civ survived and werent affected very much
I understand why you praise greeks so much as you own them your civ but come on, dont let that blind you
Because muh Rome
>Greeks wern't even important
They were in an indirect sense that their culture would succeed to become Roman and of course there is also their significance in the fall of the Achaemenid Empire.
>Fertile Crescent Civ
Do you mean the Assyrians? In which case that is true as well, they struggled for a time just as the otger Civilizations did due to the collapse but their eventual significance in things such as Judaism, the Babylonian Empire and arguably their contributions to creating Middle Eastern culture is all very relevant.
None the less it just backs up my previous statement even more, as to why the BAC isn't noted as being as catastrophic the Dark Ages were even though thats arguably false.
>why you praise greeks so much
I don't really see how I was praising them, just simply refering to their overall direct or indirect contributions to the eventual creation of Western Civilization. Of course Egypt, Babylon, and even East Asia can all be credited for the creation of Western Civ just the same by providing enough facts.
But I know you're notorious for shit posting and Baiting. Shame that you don't contribute in a positive manner.
arent we talking about 1200-1000 BC?
because greeks became relevant in 600 BC
Yes the Bronze age Collapse was circa 12th century BC.
The Trojan War between Greeks and Trojans took place at 1190 BC, and it seems that it's connected with the Dark Ages of the ancient times.
Dark Age doesn't mean "everyone was sad" it means that there isn't any historical record to illuminate events.
The level of literacy in Western Europe in between 500 and 1000 AD was lower than the level of literacy from 1 AD to 499.
OP is a fag.
Daily reminder everyone that shitposting is the #1 perfered way to bump a thread.
These biased Protestant myths are still rampant in the popular mind.
>Did you know dat in dah dark ages people thought dah world wuz flat cuz thats what the bible teaches OMG!!!
>Did you know the king had the right of the bride on her wedding night??/ ZOMG
And the successors of the Protestants, atheists, still continue the lies of their teachers.
Dark age wasnt for everybody, fertile crescent wasnt any dark ages
>muh c ppl
One of the many factors contributing to the collapse. Chaos that ripped apart the bureaucracy of the Mycenaean palace systems. On the bright side, your average farmers and craftsmen were unaffected for the most part. Life went on as usual just without trade and contact with the neighboring empires of the Med-region playing such a massive part.
checked, reminder Cyprus never suffered a dark age Cyptopion master race.
It really is beautiful how the people of Mesopotamia had such a significance when civilzations were so primitive but hold little value now. Kind of a noble savage complex.
idk but im gonna jack off now
Because most people don't pay attention to history before Jesus. At least in the US.
It's because Islam fucked it up.
>The BAC wasnt the end of all society in the area like the Dark ages were.
The only change that the Dark Ages brought was the removal of the position of eastern Roman Emperor which lead to the creation of the Ostrogothic Kingdom, which was later on supplanted by roman reconquests.
No, it's because the mongols fucked the islamic powerbase up.
>We will never know what exactly happened during the bronze age collapse
1) sea peoples
2) weak men
3) The BAC wasnt even a real collapse.
They were relevant since 1700 bc, they were major palyers and the Hittite king addressed the Achean king as his "brother" in 1350 bc, a title reserved for the most important kings
Cypriots were improtant, I wonder why they get so overlooked
Who is the people?
What is the meme?
In my fucking language "Dark Age" refers to post Bronze Age Greece.
>Nordcuck neo-pagan LARPers
statistically insignificant outside of /pol
>They were relevant since 1700 bc,
They werent relevant, sorry to burst your bubble
Shut the fuck up you autistic subhuman
They were major traders and their goods were appreciated as far as Egypt and Syria, Minoan Frescos were present in the palace of the Pharaoh at the Avaris in the 18th century bc, the Cypriots, which were one of the most important kingdoms in the Eastern Mediterraneans (all the relics found from the bronze age Mediterranean are Cypriot) adopted their script from the Minoan Linear A script.
They had incredibly advanced living standards, with indoor toilets and running cold and hot water.
Don't shit up this thread with your retardation and anti European complex just because you're insecure of your own ethnicity
>Because fedora atheists and Nordcuck neo-pagan LARPers have an interest in painting the Christianization of Europe as a negative thing
Fedora atheists and Nordcuck neo-pagan LARPers are not the only people who think homogenization of culture sucks. Dark ages are a meme tho
>weak men
Hahahahahahah kill yourself and bring ur other retarded dollar store hegels with you
>Replying to an obvious shitpost
No sir. You kill YOURself.
Blaintent shitpost with no references or facts.
This guy is literal cancer
That doesnt mean they were relevant, nubians were more relevant than them
Greeks were relevant in 600BC
Read history, just because they did some trade and had a little war with a little city state that doesnt make them relevant
any book recommendations on the subject?
They conquered parts of Anatolia, controlled the whole Aegean and conquered Cyprus, Nubians just existed and had a bunch of towns, much smaller than Minoan and Mycenean ones, and only served as mercenaries
Do you actually think this mongoloid has ever opened a book in his life?
They aren't, at least whenever I read a book on the Phoenicians Cyprus is heavily covered.
i was being sarcastic, i know he won't respond
What are your thoughts about this? Possible or not?
I don't know Mesoamerican history really well, but climate change was a huge factor in the BA collapse and the whole Mediterranean was affected from Anatolia to Italy
In Meso Amreica collapse was followed by climate environmental and climate change not the other way around.
It could be also thing in BAC.
> Fertile crescent civ survived and werent affected very much
>< Being this illiterate.
Damn she's THICC
Are they all tied to anti-Catholicism?
*smacks lips* HOL UP