What was the point of European high culture of past centuries if it lead to unprecedented genocide anyway?
What was the point of European high culture of past centuries if it lead to unprecedented genocide anyway?
What's the point of anything
FACT: the SS would blare Mozart from camp speakers while bludgeoning Jewish children to death with the legs of chairs that they forced their parents to manufacture
FACT: 11 million jews died in the holocaust genocide camp known as Auschwitz
Those heroes and antiheroes who fought the Nazis were inspired by European high culture
Fuck off kike
Europe is gay, who gives a shit if a bunch of literal inbred retards kill each other. So what if they made some gas ass naked dude statues.
The whole "mustard gas" thing might've been up there with hooking Jews up to masturbation machines and jacking off 500,000 men to death.
Sounds like some jewish masochist fetish to be honest.
I seriously think the russians did far worse to the people of their country than the germans did to theirs. Still think the world wouldve been better off with Germany fucking up Russia and not the other way around. if only England wouldve joined the cause.
I hope you're not implying that the Nazis was part of european high culture
The nazis are the equivalent of a gypsy king or a mexican drug lord buying a manor.
I remember my sweet sixteen.
that was in germany, which is not really the best example of european high culture
Thats not really correct.
There was literaly no better place to live for young people than Reich mode Germany before all out war. Amazing things happened in economics, science, children care, animal rights etc pp. it couldve been something great but it turned really fucking sinister and dark.
How so ?
Amazing literature, amazing poets in general, science, engineering.
I mean you can say what you want about the third reich but they did a lot for progress, maybe even more than they did to destroy europe.
When I think of euro high culture I think France, Spain,Germany,Netherlands,Belgium,Italy,Austria
The big known countries with plenty of literature,culture and science.
The Nazis knew that Mozart was underrated. Take note.
That's not what high culture means though. High culture is humanistic subjects such as art, philosophy, architecture, dance, lyricism etc.
Weimar era Wien and Prague was a lot higher culture than the Nazis and their stone age tier 'thinking'
Some things had to be done for the good of the people. You can not fault the government for that.
Are you purposefully ignoring England or do you consider as something British culture separate to the rest of Western Europe?
Thats absolutely not true, the nazis had a real interest in the arts. Not modern art thats true but most of that was weird shit anyways.
Remember how Hitler admired Wagner extremly and orchestrated the biggest and greatest Wagnger Festspiele ever? How is that not high culture? And all the militaristic/roman architecture they used in their buildings, was amazing to look at id assume.
Have you ever seen videos or picture from Germany around that time that are pre war?
If thats not high culture, I dont know what is.
That thing about Wien is pretty much true but a little secret people from Wien are arrogant decadent airheads, you heard it here first.
And I cant connect stone age thinking to the nazis, as bad as they have been. Nothing stone age about it.
>Amazing things happened in economics,
>user was paid .50 Reichmarks in MEFO bills for this post
The Nazis did genuinely have an extreme interest in Wagner, Beethoven, Mozart, Strauss, Wolf, Tchaikovsky, Bartok and Sibelius.
Fun fact, I still have a few Reichsmark from my granddad.
And they did. I know a lot of lefty /his dont agree on that but it was a fucking miracle what the nazis did to the economy and general workers.The whole country pulled itself out of the shit.
This image is always relevant.
Also "high culture" is vital, even when it's resurrecting classical forms. The Nazis could imitate the Romans, but they lacked the true glory you can find in Goethe's writings or Augustus' building works. Can you really compare their oppressive rows of Swastikas and columns to the subtleness Augustus' Mausoleum?
Remember the degenerate art and entartente musik and all that? They banned actual performers that unironically match Wagner because he was jewish, they created their new, tradition-less genre of culture to stand against western enlightenment values, etc..
As already stated, Nazi high culture is the equivalent of Trumps Manhattan penthouse. There's no thought behind it at all, only MUH COOL with a dash of racial purity etc.
The militaristic and roman architecture is a good example. They completely ignored thousands of years of architectural progress because they liked the roman, totalitarian aesthetic.
Because >muh arische musik
Not because of its own accomplishments. I refer to Schoenberg and the entire second viennese school.
Cant compare it really, but its certainly where they got their inspiration.
Weve never seen a lot of amazing interior structures and the likes because they werent photographed or the pictures got destroyed when most german cities were reduced to rubble.
my hometown cologne looked like your high culture wet dream before the bombings.
Now its basically Germanys New york, with crime and all. And all kinds of ugly ass brutalistic "modern" buildings etc.
And I didnt feel like these rows of pillars with eagles and swastikas on top were "opressive" what teh fuck do you even mean with that word.
It looked strong and asthetic. I also thought that a lot of UDSSR monuments and statues are amazingly strong looking.
Maybe im just drawn to that militarstic asthetic, I dont know.
And I never denied that the Nazis destroyed and banned a lot of good things, but only because it didnt fit their narrative. Just like most countries these days did. Doesnt change the fact that they gave humanity a lot of progress before that retarded war that shouldnt have even happened like it did. (Thanks Churchill, Thanks Hitler, Thanks Poland)
>fucking miracle what the nazis did to the economy
Running the country at a larger deficet then you can actually pay for so you can go to war is not exactly a good long term idea (and look where it got them)
You're confusing high culture with pretty buildings, my man.
I said pre war.
Yes, the pre war focus on rearmanent which pumps money into the country is great for people until the money has to paid back. Arms dont produce any wealth for people like any other good unless they are used to take it from other countries.
The Anglo was the pinnacle of European high culture and they defeated the G*rmanic and never committed genocide or any atrocities for that matter. What's your point?
>Mozart instead of Beethoven
wtf i love nazis now
>Thanks Churchill, Thanks Hitler, Thanks Poland
Love this soft revisionism. The only one responsible for that war was Hitler.
>(Thanks Churchill, Thanks Hitler, Thanks Poland)
I see what you're trying to do here, you absolute fucking moron.
Fun fact: If your shit Reich didn't go to war, they would collapse. There was no economic miracle, just a bunch of loans and war-economy, meaning you have to be on war for it to fucking work.
thats a given, the whole political shebang at that time is at fault.
Also England being piss scared of Germany getting even more power. But the biggest reason is hitler of course. then comes churchill.
Western Civilisation would unironically collapse if you played Ode to Joy in a concentration camp.
>Also England being piss scared of Germany getting even more power. But the biggest reason is hitler of course. then comes churchill.
You have absolutely no clue. England created the Nazi Reich and allowed it to gobble as much land to steer them up against the Soviets.
You people really didnt actually read any good documents on this did you? Of course they turned into a war economy at some point. What happened before had nothing to do with it.
its not revisionism. Im not defending nazis. im looking at it quite stoic.
>my shit reich
Dont fucking start this anglo game of lefty vs larpin nazi. I dont do that.
Im jsut a german with an interest in history who smelled a lot of bullshit in recent times looking through documents on all sides to be exact but the worst propaganda machine ever came out of the anglosphere.they literaly painted every german like the devil even the common folk etc pp. they painted it so bad and devilish that they couldnt go back at all on it after the war.
Mustard gas you say?
Im gonna need some sources here mate.
You know Im talking about the times were Hitler was man of the year in the time magazine etc pp.
Of course the rise wasnt done completly independent from other nations.
But the English noticed what was happening waaay to late to think of a non war solution to the growing german landpower.
We are both correct but you cant see it.
>the nazis had a real interest in the arts.
Nah. They were the equivalent of /pol/tards posting token "classical" (actually they post neoclassical kitsch most of the time) paintings/sculptures that "look cool unlike that fucking degenerate modern art reeeee". As other anons said, there's was no tought behind it.
>the Nazis didn't revere degenerate jewish art therefore they didn't revere art
Fuck. Off.
There was a lot of thought behind it. Obviously not your way of thinking tho.
And classical paintings look a lot better than fucking picasso. But thats all a matter of taste.
I for one love marble, statues, cathedrals, big stone domes etc.
It looks mighty and lasting. To each his own.
And the nazis at least had some form of art and culture interest unlike the soviets for example.
>High culture
What the actual fuck am I reading. We're talking about a political party lead by a failed painted and fan-fiction author.
Yeah, sure.
Fucking anglos, you are not even european.
>wow churchill sure is responsible for the war even though he wasn't in office when it started
>every piece of art I don't like is part of a jewish conspiracy that plans to overthrow and enslave my race
>They didn't like what I do so they sucked. Wahhhhh111
>And the nazis at least had some form of art and culture interest unlike the soviets for example.
That guy's retarded but so are you for implying Stalinist era Soviet Union had no culture.
Nice discussion you got going here?
Who are you people? just turned 20 at uni and in your first "commie" phase?
All this instant German hate, jesus christ youre worse than the nazis
I couldnt think of a good example which you could call art except extremyl effective and cool propaganda.
Culture was probably only for the elite, watching ballerinas and the like. But the common man? too busy hoping hed get food and vodka.
Moron. Swine. If retards like you had their way you would ban greats like Van Gogh, Monet, Munch just because they don't conform to your autistic fantasies and sensibilities. You lack any kind of nuance and I bet you can't even explain what makes what you call "classical" (which you, in your never-ending ignorance, use as a catch-all term for renaissance, neoclassicism and classical Greek and Roman art) art better than that which you don't like without resorting to "muh technique".
Go ahead, tell me what makes pic related good. Tell me what is Michelangelo's relationship with classical art, what he takes and what he rejects and the difference between him and his contemporaries. I bet you can't, dumbass.
Because you don't know anything about the Soviet Union.
Europeans have a long history of war and fighting, it will be better if we remove the borders, allow immigration and mix people together, so there will never be any more wars since all people are the same, one love
>Moron. Swine.
There was actually a lot more thought put into Soviet art. Nazis were mostly just larpers who liked big things.
>Nice discussion you got going here? Who are you people? just turned 20 at uni and in your first "commie" phase? All this instant German hate, jesus christ youre worse than the nazis
Delusional. Nazis were cretins of the highest order and shunned their own composers for making music that is 'too Jewish'. Art was merely an agenda, a propaganda organ.
Also you don't know shit about 1920s German expressionism so I suggest you shut the fuck up, pleb
>it was a fucking miracle what the nazis did to the economy and general workers.The whole country pulled itself out of the shit.
Read literally any history book ever.
>Moron. Swine.
>tfw militaries aren't allowed cool uniforms anymore because of nazis
fucking krauts
That’s completely the opposite of what I’ve said. The question is that what was the point of humanist ideas if they lead to the ultimate barbarism of the early 20th century?
>tfw the Bundeswehr adopted gay berets instead of Veeky Forums Schirmmützen
Why must we suffer like this?
>And classical paintings look a lot better than fucking picasso
Confimed for brain-dead mongrel
>It looks mighty and lasting
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair"
check chiles army.
And no one ever had uniforms quite like the nazis.
Timeless amazingly cut uniforms. No matter who wore them, they were amazing and nothing can ever compare.
Im sorry i dont like "modern" art the only one that hit a note with me was Dali. I dont know why but he had something existential in his works.
Never understood Picasso.
>anyone who doesn't share my taste is a mongrel
wtf, I'm convinced
Yeah that's a pretty good comparison
Middle brow LARPers seizing control of the nation, its culture, and even it's history
>seized control
Notice how all pictures of hitler is him withhin the people of the nation, no strict security except 4 ss men no glass no nothing.
Surely he was hated by most of the people and ran a horrible shit show innerpolitical.
>"mustard gas
It's called "homemade diamonds"
>Moron. Swine.
>that thread from yesterday where the stormfag didn't know aushwitz was divided into subcamps
Yeah, nah.
>high point of European culture
They are nigger of Europe.
>all these niggers ITT which fail at basic reading comprehension
he means that the nazi rearmament WAS the economic boost that got them out of destitution, and the the reich had to go to war in order to keep it up. Like it or not, the ww2 german economy was dependent on war and expansionism
>worse than nazis
shut up retard, nazism is a plague, just like communism; you dumbasses were just as bad as the slavic hordes
Genocide is like a sandwitch, you have to shit on your balls to make it right.
It has to happen once in a while to cleanse.
We don't deal with points or purposes. You want politics. Get back.
t. Merkel
aber mein opa :(
>what is Weimar Germany
>ya know taste is subjective. Not everyone likes Picasso.
>well urrrrr stooooopidd
Was that before or after the Temple of Doom mine-cart rollercoaster into the furnace?
Came here to post this.
It's truly disheartening to see so many condemn the cultural pursuits of Germany during this era solely because of your hatred of the Nazis.
>with highs comes lows to think or desire otherwise is to be mediocre
OP has never desired anything truly great in his pathetic untermensch life
This user is certainly an Anglo with dental issues
This user probably wants to fuck his sister while his wife gets schlonged by a negro
Enjoy your Muslim mayor faggot
>believing that one entity can be the cause of anything
The world isn't a vacuum
Lol a meme country which should belong to Netherlands or France anyway