Is the entirety of Celtic and Germanic history a long string of defeats to the Romans followed by genocide and enslavement? Other than isolated battles, did the barbarians ever win a strategic victory over Rome?
Why couldn't the tribes in Gaul ape what the Romans were doing to offer a better challenge?
Celtic, Germanic
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>did the barbarians ever win a strategic victory over Rome?
Brennus sacked the city of Rome itself.
Arminius betrayal and vanquishment of three roman legions lead to Augustus reassesing the ideal borders for the Empire which influence roman policy ever after.
The goths sacked rome and got a nice piece of land and titles out of it.
Those are just three examples from the top of my head.
>Why couldn't the tribes in Gaul ape what the Romans were doing to offer a better challenge?
They did with Vercingetorix. That's why Caeasar had such a hard time with him.
> and Germanic history a long string of defeats to the Romans followed by genocide and enslavement?
>The goths sacked rome and got a nice piece of land and titles out of it.
Their goal wasn't really to sack Rome, though, if we're talking the 410 sack.
No, their goal was the other stuff I mentioned. The sack of Rome was just to demonstrate the empire's impotence against them.
I'm talking about the Roman Republic when Gaul was made a Roman province
>the guy who was stripped naked, imprisoned, and executed in Rome
Wasn't Gauls population reduced by 20% after Caesar's war in there?
>I'm talking about the Roman Republic when Gaul was made a Roman province
By limiting the timeperiod like that you get an obviously skewed result.
>the guy who was stripped naked, imprisoned, and executed in Rome
What are you implying; that wars can't be harshly fought? Just because you humiliate and utterly beat someone doesn't mean that he didn't put one hell of a fight.
>Wasn't Gauls population reduced by 20% after Caesar's war in there?
Something like that yes. People call it a genocide for a reason.
>Germanic tribes in modern-day: Poland, Belarus, Ukraine , Czech and Slovakia
Not a chance. They were already enslaved by Huns and Slavic folk.
The Huns got btfo by the Germanic tribes though
Can you tell me a period when Gauls or the Germans utterly defeated Rome's army in a war and making Rome a vassal state before the Goths came?
The only time the Germans defeated Rome was when it was wracked by instability and civil war
Oh nonononono
Why are you putting all these weird qualifiers on it?
The questions in the OP are this:
>Did the barbarians ever manage a strategic victory over Rome
Yes, they did
>Why couldn't the tribes in Gaul ape what the Romans were doing to offer a better challenge?
They did, Caesar's Gallic campaign was very hard-won.
Okay, just tell me when the Celts defeated Rome in a war.
I'm talking about war, user, not battles
The Romans were mostly French rape babies by the time they invaded Gaul, and they only won thanks to Gaulish infighting
The last time a few tribes united the entire Northern Italy was taken and colonized by the Gauls
Are you fucking retarded?
*laugh in Gaulish*
>800 year gap
haha by then they were rape babies
French and Germans weren't a thing in those years, you utter fucking moron.
French is just a codeword for Gauls
Pic related is another Gaulish king, King Henry 2 who rampaged through Italy
You're a codeword for an idiot. There was no such thing as "French" back then.
gaul is just a larpword for french*
But french comes from frank, a germanic tribe
Stil 6/10, made me reply
He is that poster from france
>Name me some example of x without mentioning x1.
Why are you talking about vassalisation? That's not how the barbarian people operated.
With that in mind Brennus is the most obvious example of a time when the romans got utterly wrecked by a northern barbarian foe. He and his celts trashed the roman state so bad that they had to spend like a century or so remaking it IIRC.
That was the modus operandi of the roman state.
>french comes from frank
Dumb nigger
Frank comes from Old French "Franc" from Latin "Francus" from Latin "Frangare"
Franconian(Germanic people) are unrelated to French (Gallic people)
Pic related
Apologize to your white overlord now