*saves the world*

*saves the world*

From what?

The evil Hunnic menace

You seem to have misspelled "ruins"

1: The Fr*nk
2: The G*rmanic
3: isolationism
4: mercantilism
5: superstition
6: barbarism
7: savagery
8: violations of property rights
9: violations of the nonaggression principle
10: tyranny

thank you based anglo

the reason the world is shit is because anglos

Buy opium.

>*sacrifices the world for minor short term gains that prove to be null and void in the long run*

*ruins the world*

t. g*rman and j*w

>when you drop your perfidious load all over europes face and cause centuries of anal aggravation

*commits cultural and ethnic suicide*
Jolly good show lads

From strife by bringing in middle easterners.

>get permission from pope to invade neighbouring island of warring tribes because they're not being catholic enough
>fuck it up several times
>finally succeed
>influence reduced to a tiny area on the coast
>invade AGAIN because the tiny island of warring tribes is TOO catholic, needs to be protestant instead
>make it so that anyone on the island that isn't catholic can't inherit/really do anything of note
>create a society based entirely around a tiny minority of protestants and any catholics who convert
>impose massive limits on how successful or prosperous this society can be in case it accidentally gets nicer than your own
>get confused when people get annoyed at you
>use the island's people as cannon fodder for years
>allow the island to export massive amounts of food during a famine
>demand that they get involved in all your wars that have nothing to do with them
>get confused when they rebel
>crack down incredibly harsly on one particular rebellion
>lose control of the island
>set up a tiny corner of it to be still yours to stop more war with the natives
>your tiny corner goes on to start more war with the natives
>agree that the natives are allowed to be part of the government in your tiny corner
>a few decades later they have a majority in government

Ireland will forever be a prime example of just how inept the English are at ruling things. What a shitshow.


>3: isolationism
>4: mercantilism
>5: superstition
None of these are in any way bad.

Nah mate you've goddit all wrong terrorism comes part and parcel with living in a modern city innit

>German Jew
Fucking lol, tough luck pal.

>*loses power to ex-colony*
you cant make this shit up

>the eternal Anglo saving anyone from tyranny

nigger what?