Why is hinduism so strange and alien compared to all other major religions?
Why is hinduism so strange and alien compared to all other major religions?
blue eyed humanoid religion with invisible god and shit
I think it's because there's no strong core or concept behind it and also the fact that India is bad at exporting their culture so all we hear about is what we would find peculiar (i.e elephants) instead of the philosophy behind it.
I don't know much about India so I could be wrong.
Most of the evolutionary polytheism religions totally died out and Hinduism is the only one that remains. Hinduism wasn't founded by any one particular person, rather it is a long process taking hundreds, or thousands of years. Epics and poetry were then written by particular authors which form part of the literary culture of the religion. Thus it resembles Greek Hellanism quite a bit.
Most of the other religions are based on the Jewish model of monotheism, a small set of individual founders, and a focus on a Holy Text. Thus, this seems to be what people consider "normal" for religions.
God, I want her to jerk me off with her feet.
The blue half is a guy
*blocks your path*
*sacrifices prisoners of war so the gods have enough energy to stop the cosmic skeleton futa star demonnesses with rattlesnakes for penises from eating the sun and ending reality for the fifth time*
>the cosmic skeleton futa star demonnesses with rattlesnakes for penises
Just in case anybody thinks i'm memeing
wtf I love the spaniards now
Because it was created by high IQ Aryan-Nords.
India has spawned 4 major world religions.
Plenty more insignificant ones too as it is the country of ascetics.
So "Most of the other religions" claim is definitely not true. In fact, I'd say India has a huge chunk of the world's religion market. Not a majority, but a good chunk nonetheless. .
No it's not.
Two main world religions. Dharmic and Abrahamic.
Hinduism is very similar to Buddhism and other eastern faiths.
It's just that Abrahamic religion dominates the world because of European Colonizers
Abrahamic view: exploration is bad, just be moral
Hindu view: spiritual exploration is fascinating, hear some shit
>I think it's because there's no strong core or concept behind
Shut the fuck up you massive retard
It's older
only surviving polytheism
Because you’re a brainlet who’s been subverted by the Juden to only comprehend Abrahamic religions
hippie version of ancient greek/roman polytheism
Authentic Hinduism is the opposite of the new age hippie perversion of it that you see in the west.
It's even closer to Norse and Germanic polytheism but they're all related so you're not wrong
Hinduism isn’t polytheism, it’s kathenotheism. Although the basis of the problem is the term “Hinduism,” which means next to nothing, because there are literally millions of sects that would (and some that wouldn’t) describe themselves as “Hindu”. If you can think of something one Hindu says, there is guaranteed another Hindu who says the exact opposite, beyond shadow of a doubt. The only thing that links Hindus is a belief in the Vedas as scripture, other than that there’s people who say Siva is all powerful, people who say Vishnu is all powerful, etc etc
I think OP was talking strictly about extant faiths. Of course when you include long-dead ancient religions Hinduism is incredibly tame.
I want to read stories about Shiva. What texts should I look at and what sections?
Isn't there some religion where they claim to magically transform bread and wine into the actual flesh and blood of their God and then devour it? I can't think of which one it is now.
>Why is Hinduism so strange and alien compared to all other major religions?
It isnt. Vedic and Slavic cultures started as one.
It's why Slavic pagan gods bare striking similarities to the main Hindu gods, down to some almost exactly the same names and common symbolism.
That's true though.
Hinduism *can* be kathenotheistic, but it is improper to defune the entirety of Hinduism as such.
>>High IQ
Nice try, Varg.
Lynn's numbers are shit.
If these are means, these numbers are irrelevant.
Buddhism is from Nepal.
Also daily reminder that Nords are Germanic.
No, siddharta was born in nepal.
The buddha was born in bodhi gaya, preached throughout north and central india and died there.
No, they were Indo-Europeans, stop twisting words. Germanics are a mix of few Indo-European branches.
>jainism and sikhism
>'world' religion
Hail Greater Tartary!
they are more well known than ahmadiyya or meme american religions like the LDS
He said "major", while nahua religion isn't extant, it was essentially the de facto faith for all of mesoamerica, so I'd argue that's still major.