What does Veeky Forums make of apartheid?
Remember fellas, being denied access to white people is the greatest crime against humanity of all time, white people are THAT awesome and everyone has a RIGHT to be in their presence at all times that must NOT be infringed!
Something something Smuts
All I can say about Apartheid South Africa is that the flag was arguably the worst one in history.
It worked
The logical result of when you mix the worst parts of French, Anglo, German and Dutch cultures together, personally I think they did the blacks a favor by not subjecting them to their presence
>disenfranchising the largest population in your nation
South Africa should have been ruled tightly by the Anglos
Image being the retard that designed this
>flag with other flags in it
>one of those flags is a flag with another flag in it
This one is great
Best flag
>Zeg ken jij dat volk vol heldenmoed starts playing
>worse than the new one and worse than other meme-flags from Africa
More passable than any contemporary African flag
A necessary "evil", if you'd even call it that, which promotes true diversity.
Apartheid promoted retarded racial angendas and segragated people. Think of it like racial segreghation in the US but on drugs.
The dismantling of it was equaly retarded.
When the whites were more than willing to give the local blacks and indeginous people an equal share of responsibilities and reward for hard work, Mandela went full retard and allowed every Nigger from sub saharan Africa to come to SA and get free gibs.
This whole shit led to the situation we have now where violence, racial tension and murdersquads are the norm.
So remember kids: if you want to give equality to vengeful people, to it smart.
It was infinitely better than what followed.
just change the interior flags with a nice coat of arms and it's fine
As weird as the concept was, it worked better than the current clusterfuck.
>god tier country for whites
>shithole for nigs
>god tier economy, health and education for whites
>shit health and education for nigs
>ignore all nigger stats
Obviously a nice country
>mix both negros and whites
>get a clusterfuck with slightly below average stats
>worked better than the current clusterfuck.
>ignore all nigger stats
Oh no, I don't ignore them, they lacked of many things that's for sure, but the lower individuals had a far better life than their current counterparts.
Rhodesia didn't need apartheid.
How did they classify mixed people?
It needed to spray anthrax and cholera on guerillas instead, a far superior system
All of those flags have other flags in them.
oh fuck off
They're literally getting genocided
Utterly glorious.
Greatest way to fuck any nation over. The NP (party that implemented it) got great tips from Canada and Australia on to really make it go far.
Not even close at all.
>but the lower individuals had a far better life than their current counterparts.
That doesn't even make a bit of sense.
Anglos basically set the foundation for apartheid.
Non whites being equal or close to it in a political and eventually economic manner sends and colonial power (and settlers/citizens) into an paranoid frenzy.
Exactly the kind of autism I'd expect from a people who decided things like the abolition of slavery or equal treatment of races under the law were so abhorrent that they were willing to uproot their lives and trek hundreds of miles away into uncharted wilderness.
Bit racist imo
Black people dont like white people so whats wrong with seperating blacks from whites?
Apartheid is the natural state of things, blacks use to only exist on their continent until the West European cancer brought them around the globe.
t. Australian
There's the persecution complex again user.
Wait, the Boer forebears were puritan?
Historical oppression against Australian and Canadian aborigines is usually conveniently swept under the rug these days
A necessary divide between two very different races. South Africa has been destroyed since the blacks took over and even the king of the zulus admits this. It would have been best for them to part ways so that they both had their own countries but unfortunately life doesn't work the way it should
>le 97.2% face
They're literally genociding them you retard. You know you can actually look this up right?
>king of the zulus gets gibsmedats from the government
>his subjects get arrested and sent back across the country if they forget their work permit at work.
Clearly they weren't retarded though, just look at the place now, seems like they were aware of what would happen and tried to prevent it
Yes. Kind of. They're Calvinist (Puritanism is a descendant of it, Jehovah's Witnesses are a spiritual successor without the racial aspect and keeps the concept of the "elect" going to heaven AKA predestination)
Are you joking? You know you can go on genocide watch.com with the click of a button? Or are you some leftwing fag who thinks blacks are perpetual victims regardless of the facts?
I'm guessing you're one of these limp-wristed faggots who has never lived in a black area? Nice to see you're using ideas invented by white men to attack white men, you'll do well at university
Nice try, m8. Live between Baltimore and DC and regularly go into both shitholes.
If it sounds like such a great idea, user, then how about you uproot your life and trek off into the wilderness so you don't have to deal with the darkies?
>muh white genocide
White South Africans are literally, literally, the safest and least victimized non-elite group on the entire bloody fucking continent.
As someone who has actually been to South Africa and visited townships, I can tell you that whites have it disproportionately better and are still fucking the native population in the ass. But that bring said, it's a strange and mesmerizing culture.
>Muh bourgie bubbleman existence
Of fuck off you know nothing about Africa , Boer history, or the history of South Africa. You probably know nothing about how the British treated Boers or tensions between Germans and the Brits in South Africa, let alone anything about the coloreds( they aren't black), Khoisan, Zulus, or ANC in general
>Safest in Africa
>As someone who briefly visited the tourist areas of South Africa and never extensively lived in the rural areas of the country
Opinion discarded
That's not what he said though, retard
>As someone who has actually been to South Africa and visited townships, I can tell you that whites have it disproportionately better and are still fucking the native population in the as
t. Western soyboy
I worked in the karoo m8.
>oh no whites control the land and most of the economy with wide support from the black middle class, they are so oppressed.
I don't give a fuck how the white elite lives, what about the rest i.e. those that couldn't afford a ticket to a whiter nation?
>I care about the regular whites.
you mean boer farmers?
Still armed with guns and farming along.
More of the populace is getting tired of zuma's shit
>More of the populace is getting tired of zuma's shit
*votes him in for another term*
Are totally fine? Have you been to South Africa user? They're still out in their rural homes in the country with their guns and police protection while the Townships continue to be an unmitigated disaster in every regard and largely ignored by the government. Fuck, they even built walls along the highway from the airport into Capetown before the world cup so that tourists wouldn't see them. Your average white is fine.
t. Western Civic planner who went over with an engineering firm and had to deal with constant missmanagment by the government.
Why should anyone care about some bantus that wouldn't be half as important as they are if they didn't move to a nation like South Africa?
>citizens of a country
>no one should care about them, care about the whites!
So that's why the walls were there.
Interesting. I mean you can see into the shanty towns if you are driving to kalk bay.
>T. Another visitor who worked their
As a visitor once again.
Ffs, what is it with damn tourists and migrants workers in other countries thinking they know a damn thing about daily life in countries they were not brought up in? Never ceases to amaze me the arrogance which these types of people will met you with in order to give off a facade of expertise.
>Inb4 ad verecundium
My side of Australia was flooded with South Africans after it ended and they're either nice weirdos or absolute arseholes.
White "Africans" were a mistake.
You can not be racist towards white people!
White people systematically enslaved the world!
White people systematically oppressed minority's!
White people systematically Killed count less culture for there own gain!
White South African here. Apartheid was doomed from the beginning. All it did was further the divide and resentment between blacks and whites which still carries on to this day.
Being a kaffir under apartheid was not a pleasant experience. At the end of the day, I sure as fuck wouldn't want to experience that kind of discrimination due to my race. Why should I wish expect anyone else to be okay with that?
Stay in school champ
you got troll'd, kid!
>I put a flag in your flag
How would you feel if the abos took over so you have to flee to some shitty island thats mostly a giant desert and everything wants to kill you, while your relatives back home get raped to death?
Because if you don't the niggers will rape and kill you and then seize your land?
forgot to add
t. native Rhodesian
It was justified.
>set the stage for apartheid
>gets visibly hated by the Boers
>When the whites were more than willing to give the local blacks and indeginous people an equal share of responsibilities and reward for hard work, Mandela went full retard and allowed every Nigger from sub saharan Africa to come to SA and get free gibs.
Absolutely retarded answer with zero source or anything. It was the opposite. The ANC promised the people in the 80s that they would enact a policy of resource sharing
But when they came into power It was the white and western "advisors" who hobbled the political power of the government to do anything to fight poverty.
It's funny how you brainrents only speak of "gibs" when it comes to poor people, never the rich people.
Your mistake is thinking that 'white' interests and 'western' interests are remotely in the same category
The Boers were the first to settle in that region.
>bu- but a handful of tribespeople lived a few hundred miles away so it's not their rightful land 1111
Arguing with people who actually think racial segregation is okay is impossible. I hate the Internet for giving you people a mouthpiece to spew your vitriol.
t. Lower-middle class white American who had been surrounded by different races and ethnicities his whole life
No they aren't. Sporadic hate crimes committee by maniacs don't constitute genocide.
Horrible idea that just contributed to further inequality and resentment. Created an unsustainable system that depended entirely on white majority, and had no real long-term vision for how to democratize the country.
If South Africa had slowly taken steps to assimilate black and Coloured populations and equalize the distribution of wealth, education, and power, there would not have been the catastrophic white flight that wreaked havoc on the economy and brought mist professionals out of the country.
K... noone asked.. nor cares...
Better than Islam doing it. At least Islam didn't take over South Africa and Apartheid it.
Coloureds were their own group, people descended from centuries of earlier mixing mostly between Dutch settlers and native Africans.
Somebody with a white parent and a black parent was basically forced to hide their identity. Mixed race couples would often vacation to other African countries and marry, and there are many stories of black women pretending to be their husband's maid.
>White "Africans" were a mistake.
Absolute agreement on that one. White people should not, under any circumstances, be living in Africa. There is zero reason for it.
>t. Lower-middle class white American who had been surrounded by different races and ethnicities his whole life
that's so crazy, because I am all of those things as well but came to the exact opposite conclusion
t. somebody not living in Canada
all we hear is how shitty theyve had it, especially in the 20th century
I have been raised to think it was a very bad thing
I have learned that the aftermath after its dissolution was even worse
Despite the host of reasons why that is so, I still have come to the belief that maybe, just maybe, some people are better off as subjects to their betters
Always in the "we did vewy bad and meanie things" kind of manner though lol. Not really genuine to be honest.
Trevor Noah's father who was a white swiss german ditched his family when he was young and his mother got fired and imprisoned a lot solely because if her relationship and her sons existence.
They could have done it right away years ago (many coloureds and blacks fufilled the normal franchisee requirements before cape colony government bumped them up massively to exclude non whites and made laws that made fulfilling the new standards impossible) but the decided to fuck over non-whites and delay full equality at a way to late point in time. Now you have a massive ex disenfranchised population and extreme wealth disparity.
Not really lol. Khois were actually pretty populace and in the eastern cape Bantu-khoi mixes existed in pretty notable numbers.
Judging by the state of South Africa, replacing it with what they have now was a mistake.
Why the fuck are you Obsessed with boers.
GenoCidewatch thinks everything is a fucking genocide.
They'd call the apartheid states physical and state oppression a genocide
As much as I hate A*glos and D*tch, Pr*testants, and their disgusting bastard baby product in the south of the African continent, I can't muster a shite to give about black Africans wanting to live in the society of the former, and their not being admitted.
Does anyone know if it was legitimately a case of conquest, usurpation of land and subjugation of the natives for South Africa, or it was just whites building something and blacks from surrounding regions being attracted to it and wanting to garner their sustenance from the white society?
It tells us that the /pol/ white supremacist view of whites wanting an """ethno""" state will ultimately fail, because all other countries (non racist, IE all other) will boycott them. They will never get their sweet dream nazi country again, South Africa is a perfect example of how they would be boycotted and loathed.
Justified. One group was made of immigrants from an advanced European society, the other was made of people 1-2 generations removed from hunter-gatherer savagery. They would never have been able to co-exist peacefully and recent times have proven that that is still true.
>Does anyone know if it was legitimately a case of conquest, usurpation of land and subjugation of the natives for South Africa.
This. You basically need to do that for Whites to actually build wealth. White Africa's wealth hinged on conquest, usurpation of land and subjugation of the natives because that's how extraction colonies and the racial hierarchies in those places work.
If you kick people off their land or make sounding farming very unviable due to your laws, then make laws that Blacks can't own or be sold land, can't be tenant farmers so white landowners and ONLY laborers and then depress wages down low for years and years that pretty much any white middle class person can afford a team of house servants , physical labourers are extremely cheap and normally unviable resource extraction sites are now viable. For this latter point it's the similar principle behind Uzebikstan and The South cotton plantations, if people are forced to take days off to work at the fields due to a government law and the latter is due to slaves. Even though normally nonviable farming plantion (that are using normal wage labour) are made viable because of free labour and no costs from wages. However because of that modernization and mechanization of farm labour is gimped and lack of economic growth due to no wages really being given out and being spent in the economy or in South Africa';s case the Coloured+Black middle class being hamstringed in growth and numbers. In contrast, it was only in the 1970s that the real wages of black gold-miners in South Africa began a sustained rise above their early 20th century level.
If you take people's land from the the wage floor actually ceases to exist because farming is now not an option and they have to take any job for any wage you want.
genuine enough to give out millions to residential school "victims"
it was paradise for white people now it's a shithole for everyone