"On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution. The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.
[...]But, you say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social. "
"On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain...
I get the dress and shit but whats with the horns?
>queers get a whole month dedicated to them now
still think neo-liberalism is cool?
Will communists finally abolish capital when family is abolished or will they preserve family structure for the party elite?
>meanwhile in the soviet union
>pic related
>meanwhile in nazi germany Goering didn't leave a dick unsucked
>the whole SA debacle
I think labeling whatever the sociocultural "left wing" is up to right now as communism or Marxism is fallacious; if you ever have a conversation with them in person, they're not bad people or assholes or anything, but you'll notice they don't really have any coherent ideas about society, economics etc. That's why so many identify as "progressive", because they stand for progress, whatever that means (more personal freedom? Less inequality? More social justice? What about when those goals conflict? Progressives themselves can't answer because they haven't thought that far - not to mention "progress" implies culture is some kind of linear video game or some shit).
My rambling point is that THEY don't even know what their ideology is, so any attempts to figure it out are pointless.
>stopping at being accepted as a woman even though he's not
This guy thinks they can be satisfied in any way.
There are transgendered muslim who say it's ok to be both, my guess is some of them are going to demand that you worship them someday
>communism or Marxism is fallacious
they are, in the truest sense of the word, neo-marxist. And these people are bad people for the most part. Just screaming and violent retards and are directly responsible for this ID politics shit that has infected america and the west right now (that news report listing all the politicians who won who were the first [insert irrelevant minority statues] to win in each state for each position)
>THEY don't even know what their ideology is
you are correct about this though. Most of them just regurgitate talking points and have no real idea what they are saying or where those ideas come from. But some fully embrace the communist motif, but probably dont realize they are repeating failed New Left dogshit.
That's a drag queen, not a trans you stupid nigger. Literally a man just playing dress up
Yes but what's with the horns
It's dress up, you can bee urself :^)
If a man wants to be a shrimp who are we to tell him otherwise?
the problem isnt that a man wants to be a shrimp, the problem is leftist want to force everyone, by law, to acknowledged that the man isnt just dressing up like a shrimp, but is actually a biological shrimp while suppressing all academic research into the causes of this
You are trying to say that now that 100 years of degeneracy they betrayed Marx and the ''pure ideals of early communists''. shut up user.
The destructive ideas spread by Marcuse et caterva are found in Babeuf, Marx and Robespierre.
Yes, I agree.
Those in the cultural left are idiots, not evil geniuses. Unfortunately they somehow managed to have a lot of power.
>No one is born man or woman
>that's why I have to change my sex and demand people to call me a man or woman If that's what I want
the state of western society. We have fallen. Muslims will conquer soon.
>Muslims will conquer soon
Can't fucking wait.
The hell has this have to do with leftists?
Im just fucking asking why is s(he) wearing fucking horns
>think labeling whatever the sociocultural "left wing" is up to right now as communism or Marxism is fallacious
>implying "ackchooal" Marxists aren't just useful idiots for globohomo liberalism
Don't indulge them.
Thats why I wrote s(he) rather than she
>tfw you see leftist who shill for this stupid shit be all doom and gloom about "the coming collapse of western society" as if they arent the cause of it.
they want the muslim savages to brutalize and enslave them, they're truly women inside
M8, I just want to feel what my ancestors felt during the Reconquista.
endless despair for centuries?
do you think it was -fun-?
>he's a dayoos vault fag
>he thinks there will be a reconquista in his lifetime
wanna know how I know you think you're a strong man who will create good times?
it's much of what they want but what they are told to do
Same with Karl Marx. Marx didn't see the whole picture. Most of his writings were political ideas he was promoting not ''philosophical'' or ''scientific''.
You can't destroy a society without replacing it. Islam will fill the power gap destroyed by enlightenment values
At this point in time anybody can conquer the west, they are just introducing it slowly
>killing muslims
>not fun
>wanna know how I know you think you're a strong man who will create good times?
I'm just an bitter twink who enjoys the sight of pain and despair.
I'm a Christian. The best thing would be if the Church recovered its power. But Islam is an improvement over mindless hedonism and "muh feel-ism".
>mfw Germany now has a former Stasi agent in charge of arresting people for saying anything negative about islam
>mfw a german reporter was arrested for posting a picture of Hitler and the Grand Mufi of Palestine meeting together
nice to see milo yiannopolis giving back to the community
Looks like a Slaaneshi daemon
Fuck off /pol/.
>left is people having fun
>right is some no fun allowed autistocracy
Gays need to be flayed to death
not your safespace, cuckold
not yours either, if you're gonna spout bullshit be ready to be called out
the traditional family was destroyed in capitalist societies, people still bred a lot while cheap abundant workforce was needed, but the family unit was atomised trough urbanisation and labor intensive economy, as standards and education rose around the 50is the nuclear family was invented in the west, it basicaly went hand in jand with the development of consumerism, but it started collapsing in the 80/90is as a result of a couple decades of deregulation and offshoring and nowdays its pretty much dead
now the average inhabitant of a developed capitalist country isnt realy interesting to the capitalist system as a producer, not even as a consumer any more since eventualy whatever youre selling theres market saturation and you might as well be selling socks, so you realy only profit on rights and rent and credit so on, but realy today the individual is interesting as a debitor, as someone paying of loans and credit, doing pretty much whatever in the meanwhile, meaning the system no longer cares if you even breed or not, let alone wether you work or what that is, its just using you as a financial mechanism at this point
generations have formed their identities to a great degree based on corporate capitalist facilitated mass and social media, each developing their shitty pseudo-self from echo-chambers, mmorpgs and ''communities'' of this or that sort, and generaly overloded with information and distraction, while at the same time faced with the bleak and perspectiveles reality of life in current year
you can ask why so many kids turn queer or why so many joined isil couple years ago, the answer is the same
>Be me, reactionary fag
>Used to be hardcore leftist back in the day because I read a lot of Bakunin, Marx, and Kropotkin
>Always thought leftists were more pro family and anti-degeneracy as consumerism was the source of people's misery
>Start talking with leftists online
>Discover what anarcha feminism is
>Realize most ancoms are just consumeristic hypocrites , lumpenprol LARP'ing as revolutionaries
>Become so disillusioned with leftism that I start reading into reactionary doctrines
What a wild ride this life has been
Communism sees itself as a continuation of capitalism, not a destroyer of it. Remember the difference.
except that he didn't say anything that's untrue, you leftypol subhuman
>>Always thought leftists were more pro family and anti-degeneracy as consumerism was the source of people's misery
a leftist should be and is pro-people, meaning his people, meaning the majority of the population living and working day by day by his side
you can tell when someone is a pseudo - they hate their own people
its like a neurotic reflex, as in, you have to hate someone and apparently your own are the only ones youre allowed to hate, which is perfect cause you do hate your own allready right, yourself, mom, dad, neighbours, kids at school etc...
and consumerism is a source of misery that parts is right
He did
Given that you were always an idealist rather than a historical materialist your dilettantism is normal.
Left wing/right wing ideology as a whole is brain dead materialist garbage that's below the level of anyone with half a brain. We need to bring back the concept of nobility.
>Being anti-consumerist makes you an idealist
Wat, literally how
>Pffft you were just a n00b nothin personal kiddo
Keep telling yourself that buddy. People can change their philisophy , even from yours and still be well versed in that ideology
You're implying that the average person you talk to holds the entire ideology, and is not just a cog with enough belief to function in the culture crushing machine.
>stupid behaviour suddenly invalidates theory
Wew lads, political theory is not a religion.
I hate liberals so fucking much.
>hurr durr Tru-
I don't like Trump or conservatives, but I loathe these people. Communists (old school) would be preferable at this point.
So you stopped following an ideology because there were retards among those who followed that ideology?
Dude you seem more preoccupied with your image than your convictions and that isn't a good thing.
Communists are irredeemable quite frankly, even Mussolini realised this and made up his own blanda up ideology of anti-Marxist socialism combined with ultra nationalism.
fun is a buzzword
Is there a more pseudointellectual board than Veeky Forums?
Yeah, it's called AVGVST(VS)
Alot of the social structures they wish to tear down I can't really disagree with them being unneeded, but it becomes really clear that they only care about tearing things down instead of building things back up.
>tfw want nothing more than more progressive and open version of the 1950's american dream
>you will never see happy lesbian couples pragmatically practicing the closing thing to idealistic "family values"
>way too many black people in the hood think that following common courtesy is being "white"
I've had anarcho feminists honestly relate my dad teaching me use to the terms "Yes Sir" "Yes Ma'am" to fucking chattel slave owners, and I'm a fuckling libtard by /pol/ standards.