

I represent a group of 11 marketers that have been hyping, pumping and generally marketing Monero since the near the very beginning. We create popular memes related to Monero and post them to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat to educate newcomers on the benefits of Monero, show the true value of this new technology and bring in new investors and money to the Monero ecosystem. Please view our Instagram here www.instagram.com/officialmonero. We are currently doing a fund raiser to raise 100 Monero with the goal of continuing to support our actions and efforts to get Monero to the moon.

If you appreciate our work or just want to see Monero get an expanded online presence please consider supporting us by donating to our shared Monero address (please verify this address matches the one on our official Instagram to prevent scamming)
If you are currently unable to give please consider upvoting this post or creating a high quality Monero-related marketing image (memes, infographics, educational images) and submitting it to our public dropbox account here where the content will be vetted and posted on our Instagram and other social media.

Thank you and see you guys on the lunar base driving our lambos.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off.

you are nothing but a piss of bitchniger


nice, just donated 100k

nice just donated an unknown amount of monero

me too

What's with all the immature sarcausm? If you don't wanna support us or the Monero blockchain that's fine just don't comment here.

Our goal for this year is only 100 Monero. If our technology has helped you or you support it please consider donating

> If you are currently unable to give please consider upvoting this post
Upvoted bro

images like these are good. Can you submit all the Monero images you have to our official dropbox account? it's free

how will we know when you have reached your goal

We will let the Monero community know on Facebook, snapchat, reddit and instagram with a post.

Instagram account oldest post made yesterday and all the content is stolen from web nothing is OC. only thing that is OC is your XMR-address.

Just donated 100k ))

We have lots of OC. Some is reused from other people. Nothing is "stolen"

If you really want money you should go and get Monero Forum Funding, but you wont do that cause youre a nigger and everything you have said is bullshit.

>Monero Forum Funding
We already do participating in Monero Forum Funding as we have been with Monero since the very start. We are asking for donations in addition to that money. We are full time marketers

good job bro many followers and one post away from a cool 10

I made this post to support Monero and the team behind the marketing of Monero. No need for all the negativity. If you don't hold Monero or don't care about the tech then no need to post ITT

No. but whatever, if someone gives you money for this shitty attempt they deserve to lose it.

If you've been with Monero from the start you should have plenty of Monero to spare.

Fuck off you fucking cuck.

Have you even checked the Monero Forums for us?

the have been down all week


Why are you blatantly lying to make Monero look bad?

Your memes are shit and unoriginal. Your lack of effort is insulting. Get the fuck out.

This is a low tier scam dude. Keep adding to the instagram account over the next 12 months, step up your game big time and then come back. It's embarrassing to see this shit.