>Metric system
Metric system
I'm curious actually, all physics work in one, are you poor souls converting everything every time using formulas?
>"Hey bartender, can i get 568 milliliters of beer please"
We round it up to 500.
That's just as stupid
Noone does physics using imperial measurements...or the original measurements are converted to metric
American Enginqueer here, I work almost entirely in imperial. Stay mad faggots.
>568 mLs
If youre gonna go above half a litre, you go to 750, Imperial pleb.
Or a 2L growler, that works too.
568 ml is a pint you dumb metricfag
Yeah, and Im saying you dont get a "pint". You get half a litre, or 3 quarters, or whatever.
I don't know what weird part you live in where people say "hey can i get a half a liter of beer" but normal people use "a pint"
Kys burger
Since most of the world uses metric, a "pint" isnt even a thing for them. Only English-speakers use the term.
Places that use the term but arent American just convert it to mLs, or round it to half a litre for easy measurement.
In normal bars:
>Large beer please
In hipster bars:
>Large number 13 please
All the euros itt need to take their bad English and bad math back to /int/.
Go back to your containment board stop pretending you're a conintent.
Never heard anyone asking for a exact measurement of a drink, people asks beer, cider, wine, whatever, or more likely the type/branch/trade mark they want to drink.
americans use imperial to practice the concepts, when they do actual shit they work in SI. It puzzles me why they even persist with it, they end up learning 2 systems whereas everyone else doesn't. I guess it boosts their ego but no one really cares until money is involved such as;
>pic related
This orbiter crashed into mars because some amerifag software supplier forgot to change the measurements from imperial to SI, which was and still is the NASA standard. Nowadays NASA double checks all unit measurements to make sure its SI.
>Places that use the term but arent American just convert it to mLs, or round it to half a litre for easy measurement.
Well i live in Canada, and everyone i've met uses a pint, even the bartenders.
Just a friendly reminder.
>which was and still is the NASA standard
metric wasn't a standard in nasa you dumb europoor, they used both (space shuttle was imperial)
>metric wasn't a standard in nasa
No wonder they lost the space race.
They didn't you retard, there was whole moon landing, which used imperial measurements by the way
>moon landing
My mistake. They lost all the relevant parts of the space race.
They were calculated and programmed in SI, then converted to imperial at the end
this was in the late 90s where NASA already made the shift towards SI but suppliers didn't follow through (some of them)
>With respect to units, the LGC was eclectic. Inside the computer we used metric units, at least in the case of powered-flight navigation and guidance. At the operational level NASA, and especially the astronauts, preferred English units. This meant that before being displayed, altitude and altitude-rate (for example) were calculated from the metric state vector maintained by navigation, and then were converted to feet and ft/sec. It would have felt weird to speak of spacecraft altitude in meters, and both thrust and mass were commonly expressed in pounds. Because part of the point of this paper is to show how things were called in this era of spaceflight, I shall usually express quantities in the units that it would have felt natural to use at the time.
moon landing was done in SI but dumb americans needed imperial to comprehend it
Nice lies, cuck.
Round here we just say "Can I have a beer?"
Standard bottles and all that.
>captured german engineers learning imperial
So the supposedly superior had to be converted into Imperial because it was easier for everyone to understand? How interesting
>Imperial system used for moon landing
>Metric system used for Nazi death camps
really makes you think
Don't act like those Nazis didn't deserved it.
>So the supposedly superior had to be converted into Imperial because amerifats are retarded?
>Metric system so retarded that even NASA scientists prefer the imperial system
Well, yes. As I said, amerifats are retarded.
Why do Europoors like yourself irrationally hate the superior measurement system?
If it's so superior, then how come NASA lost the space race?
They didn't, they landed a man on the moon, a larger achievement than anything the USSR could boast
Why did Europeans abandon the measuring system of their ancestors?
Because they're numale cucks.
Because it was pur dogshit
Cause using a single system made more sense to us.
Nice argument detailing why my statement was wrong
There's no need for any arguments because it's self-evident and you're just butthurt.
No, not really. Russians topped Apollo 11 in just a year.
I'm not butthurt about anything, i proved you wrong, are you the one that's butthurt?
why would NASA even bother with metric? Surely there must be some reason for this?
You mean you proved yourself wrong.
> Having a base-10 system of numbers
> Using a system that literally has no logical sense in converting from one unit to the other just because daddy britain told them too
> Getting defensive and patriotic over it when someone suggests that they should use a system that actually makes sense
it relay makes thing simple and logical, i do metalwork, we count in milimeters, i have no fucking idea how in five hells we would ever get around doing anything accuretely if the measurments werent divided into 1-10-100-1000...
>Use metric system because doing conversions is hard work
because napoleon
and there wasnt one system of measurments, every fucking village had its own variation on the subject, especialy in central europe, same thig as with keeping time, thats why we have time zones today
we dont do conversions so it isnt hard work at all
> Realizing you have no argument other than thinking making things harder for yourself is a virtue.
>Taking pride in making yourself dumber by avoiding any actual math
>>Use metric system because doing conversions is hard work
That's perfectly fine argument. Why should one remember how much niggercocks is in rabbitjump or how many dog poops is one elephant?
That´s the point of a measure system bro.
To be able and of measure stuff and compare it in the simplest way.
At least post the superior version
>taking pride in doing unnecessary busywork
It's not as if anything involving numbers larger than 10 is real math.
>It's not as if anything involving numbers larger than 10 is real math.
That's pretty smart actually, did you came up with it on your own?
Might have. But if I did, it wouldn't be a terribly original idea, I'm sure. I mean, just look at basically any university level math course. You're not going to see a lot of large numbers.
>a "pint" isnt even a thing for them. Only English-speakers use the term.
We use it in French. Pinte is an ancient unit of volume, and still in use for beer glasses.
Also we use fucktons of terms when it comes to drink beer.
Dutch and German use it as well (pint/pintchen)
But of course anglo's think it's all about them as usual
As if they could teach us something about beer... Also pint is not even an English word, as usual, it's French.
First, maybe look at countries that don't speak English.
We don't do milimeters.
Portuguese beer cup sizes:
15 cl Lambreta
20 cl Imperial
33 cl Tulipa (1/3 of a liter)
50 cl Caneca (mug, 1/2 of a liter)
1 L Girafa
t. worked at a bar
It's really not. It was cool, but putting up satelites is much more useful than planting a flag in a cold, dead, barren rock.