What peoples have the best folklore? pic unrelated
What peoples have the best folklore? pic unrelated
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North West American natives
New Zealand Maori folklore is pretty autistic. They actually believe that the South Island of New Zealand is a large canoe, with the Southern Alps being fisherman inside the canoe. The North Island is supposed to be a giant fish which they reeled up from the depths.
There is also one about the sun. A guy called Maui who can shapeshift into a bird whenever he wants is said to have tried to capture the sun with a net.
Injuns and Greeks if mythology counts as well.
Worst is Central European (German, Hungarian, Czech etc., Eastern Slavs haves some cool stories though.)
Do you realise that Witcher is mostly based on Central, Northern and Eastern European mythology?
The pre muslim arab world was cool
It's better than than Japan's creation story.
Kiwi here, pretty funny hearing about this shit in school. What with him carrying around fingernails and his grandmothers jawbone and just being a general menace.
Yeah the burning fingernails lol I remember that
Germans.Grimms are the most know i guess
Finnish folklore is patrician compared to anything else.
Here's a brilliant example of Finnish folklore.
Japan, the ancient middle east, ireland and germanic countries have quite a decent folklore desu
The Grimm brothers are great though
Scandinavian is pretty good. Norwegian and swedish has the most to offer, while danish is kinda... meh
I had a Russian Fairy Tales book as a child, i loved the illustrations by Ivan Bilibin of mythical Muscovy and Tartary.
More Bilibin
Pretty sure it was something about piss and poo.
Rhodoks deserve genocide
Lords of Tartary
Tartar cavalry
I want to know more about this one.
Hahahaha fucking degenerate continentfags not appreciating the superiority of gaelic folklore. I bet these niggers haven't even heard of the Táin. Gods it must be terrible to be a foreigner.
British Folklore
(I am biased)
19th century American folk tales are pretty good.
Davy crockett is essentially bugs bunny.
Irish desu
>the salmon of knowledge
>Finn MacCool
>Cú chulainn
The previous inhabitants of Ireland are worked into the folklore of the Gaels as having fled underground to take shelter with a magical race whom humans also defeated in a great war
My mother has this translated to Swedish. Enjoyed it alot as a kid.
Yes the myths of Ireland are awsome!
Welsh is quite similar to Irish i find Welsh mythology quite interesting as well
Dark too
>Changlings were demonic creatures who would eat newborn babies, then assume their form to trick the parents into nurturing them
>if you suspected your baby was a changling, you would test it by putting a red hot fire-poker up it's rectum
Literally inventing cool myths so you can kill deformed babies
>when you get tricked by the normies to let the sun out
This. Kalevala and Kanteletar are the best books ever written and the syncretism of religion was interesting and well documented. Too bad the ancient uralic mythology is almost dead there tough
South american
What makes you think it's so bad?
Cú Chulainn's story was such a strange one. I mean it might be just my lack of knowledge when it comes to mythologies, almost every has it's weird story. But killing a friend by launching a barbed spear with a foot through his anus just sounds weird. Apart from that and the hound part it was quite an interesting story.
Cú chulainn was the original Chad
Just like in nardo
It was translated into many languages if you look for copies on ebay. Our parents got us an English copy here in Australia in the 1970's
bilibin's artwork gives me a huge art boner
Fuck you faggot everything being egg spawn is cool