How does God justify this under the free will defense?
How does God justify this under the free will defense?
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He sez itz gud den itz gud u kuk. He veri stronk and kan do everythin and shiet. And den dey go to da heven and shiet and be hapy. Ur small dick go to hell AHAHAHAHA.
No one is conceived sinless or without free will, that little shit probably tried to strangle the tube thing. You cant say God caused this.
But user, God told Adam not to eat that fruit!
God works in mysterious ways :)
An express ticket to beatific vision, or at least purgatory, better odds than growing up in a degenerate culture desu
God has a wicked sense of humour
What the fuck is that shit?
is he okay?
Yahu on m'akbar!
...Strangle the "tube thing"?
What the fuck is that thing?!
He just needs some paracetamol.
He's trying to give us ayys irl but the lmaos are just too much for their bodies.
A Harlequin Icthyosis baby.
Is this supposed to be ebonics or ork?
>b b b b b but what about the hat meme!
And why do they keep it alive? Obviously it will suffer an horrible life (not to mention the parents).
It's not so bad when they get older if they survive.
Do they still have apricot eyes when they grow up
>not so bad
God wills it.
No, they tend to look something like this
Doos bult brotha!
>It's not so bad when they get older
No face, no eyes, no ears, no toes, barely bits of fingers... Don't tell me all of this somehow improves?
So like... are they mentally disabled or are they basically just normal, albeit ugly, people?
>does a skin disorder affect the brain
What do you think Nimrod