>Greek geography
>Greek geography
not bad considering the methods available to them at the time
It was drawn during the middle ages or later according to herodotus writings
That's how you sail the world, same reason why your standard map makes Greenland massive
Also Africa should extend because he only talked of sailing to where the sun rose elsewhere not that you could circumnavigate
Why is Thebes in Egypt not Greece
Thebes was an important city in Egypt as well
Tartessus was two days of navigation away from Gadir, this means it was in Portugal, just saying
>tfw you're near the beginning of a game of Civilization
>Such was the remark made by Artaphernes concerning the rebellion. Histiaeus, alarmed at the knowledge which he displayed, so soon as night fell, fled away to the coast. Thus he forfeited his word to Darius; for though he had pledged himself to bring Sardinia, the biggest island in the whole world, under the Persian yoke,
Incredible geography
pls be shitty bait
Not bad considering this was made 2500 years ago
>the biggest island in the whole world
they weren't aware of britain?
Not yet
Yup, I get it.
Why did they think the Nile's source was in the Atlas mountains?
get what? who were they?
Why do they think Libya just ends like that? Surely the Libyans would have told them about that fuck huge desert?
Did they just not know about the rest of Africa?
It was pronounced "theebeez"
Human sized microbes.
I like how the Mediterranean basin and Middle East are reasonable accurate, but then they're just like "and all this barbarian territory to the north is just a giant blob, now fuck off".
Britain will be discovered by the Greek explorer Pytheas of Massalia around 326 BC. There is also a theory that he was the one that gave the name Britain, by the greek word "βροντη", from the sound of the waves in the British coast, which reminded him the thunder. Then Pytheas arrived at the mythic Thule, near the Arctic cyrcle, which probably is Iceland. He descibed also for the first time the icebergs, and polar sun.
>thinking blacks existed there
Honestly this map just seems lazy. Even with the intelligence they had back then. You could have gotten a way better job. For example look at the Maeotian lake vs black sea. These areas were well known, and the maeotian lake was far smaller than the black sea. Any merchant would be aware. Then there is anatolia looking so retarded and thin. They knew how long it took to march from place to place. They knew it wasn't that thin
What they needed was to gather all the charts possible from around the world + data of how many days it took to travel from city to city. Using that they could have made something better, I dunno just seems like garbage
still better than pic related
that's literally exactly what the mediterranean looks like tho
>They have a relatively good understanding of the geography of places they have been and lack understanding of places they haven't
That wasn't meant to be geographically accurate. That map is meant to show the order of cities on routes and the estimated time between the cities.
american education
im calling BS on this map. How could they possibly have corsica and sardinia included in this? Theres no way they would have been able to sail there 2500 years ago let alone know it existed
"Ethiopians as black as apes, the Thracians ruddy and tawny." - Xenophanes
Only that they were zlready Greek colonies in these islands 200 years earlier. Also many of the adventures of Odysseus from 3200 years ago, are taking place in Sardinia, which probably is Calypso's island.
At least it's not upside down like Muslim maps
>tfw you can never be this guy
the greeks really did it all
macrobians, not ethiopians dumbass.
No, you're missing the point.
You literally couldn't sail there unless you had at least renaissance-era technology, else it would take years.
Wait, really? Weren't those islands a part of the Roman Empire?
I don't think so. Greeks, Cartaginians, and Romans had trade centers in Sardinia and Corsica, centuries before.
i hope you're just baiting this memester
>Their name is due to their legendary longevity, an average person supposedly living to the age of 120.[8] They were said to be the "tallest and handsomest of all men".[9]
fucking idiots I swear
Ah yes, John 2:1-10: And Jesus went before them and turned water into prison wine, fermented with smuggled yeast in the cleanest toilet. And the apostles said to Jesus, "what the fuck man Thomas brought jungle juice"
>They were said to be the "tallest and handsomest of all men".[9]
Confirmed for being black.
They knew of the tin islands but not exactly where it was
user I spent a whole history year braving up the courage to ask my teacher why the crusaders found it so hard to conquer Egypt if they already had Libya
user it's the rest which is tucked up, also remember this is an impressionist map for navigation, not a realistic one
That looks like they have accurate maps of the Medeterainian, and all the lakes and seas. Which makes sense since that's what they had explored.
Ever heard of the theban diaspora?
What she said^
There are Sardinian ceramics in Cyprus dating to 1200 bc and in Crete dating to 1350 bc
It was actually made by sicilian horsearchers.
>this thread
western education
Was it?
Yeah, no way you could sail to Sardinia then, it was only populated by Carthage, then Rome invaded it.
Its an older meme
But it still checks out.