WTF..I hate Romans now
WTF..I hate Romans now
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good goy
This is par for the course for places Rome conquered, though. They did things in Gaul which make this pale in comparison
terrible post
>Siege of Jerusalem
>According to Josephus, 1.1 million non-combatants died in Jerusalem, mainly as a result of the violence and famine
>tfw Rome is the Nazi of their time
>Go into rebellion against the greatest power in the world for no good reason
>Get your shit wrecked
>Cry about it
Fucking jews man.
The speech of king Herod Agrippa II to the people of Jerusalem pleading against the war and resistance to Rome, as related by Josephus..
meh, they weren't given the Carthage treatment
they should be grateful
Absolutely based. There needs to be less kikery in this world.
We demand war reparations from the Vatican! And Italy! And Greece!
WTF.. I hate Jews now
The Semite cries out in pain as he strikes you.
>hebrews were the same people as "jews" today
If only they really did kill a million Jews then this wouldn't have happened
literally how
the actress actually used the words 'dindu nuffin'. holy roman kekorer.
This is what germanics believe
>1.1 million
>same as population of the city of Rome itself
Why do I doubt this?
Play stupid rebellion against a genocide machine.
Win stupid genocide.