tell me about these guys. why are they poor as fuck when the rest of the peninsula is rich. there's no oil in yemen?
Tell me about these guys. why are they poor as fuck when the rest of the peninsula is rich. there's no oil in yemen?
there is oil but it seems western powers want it to be unstable
>it seems western powers want it to be unstable
do you have a single verrit code to back that up?
>Western powers
Saudi Arabia isn't western
>your head
The himyars took all the money when they left
Yemen largely failed at building a state after colonialism ended, wheras its neighbours in the peninsula were relativley more successful
Yemeni Gov's authority barely extends beyond the cities and tribes control the country side as well as influencing who gets to be in power in the gov
One of the reasons why Yemen and Saudi dont get along is that Southern Saudi Arabia is full of Yemeni tribes who have more loyalty to their cousins down south than to Riyadh
Which is why Saudi denies them rights and there are occasional border clashes
t. Arab from the peninsula
And don't forget the fact that Shia muslims make up nearly half of the population, not to mention the close ties they are trying to establish with Iran.
Saudis hate both more than women at this point...
Really fucking ironic since Yemen used to be Arabia Felix, the only bit of the peninsula worth having.
Wasn't Oman and the UAE and the Persian gulf coast in general also valuable?
Not useless but still not nearly as good. Ancient Yemen had cities, fancy ass irrigation, coinage, coffee, point of contact to India etc with a half dozen separate kingdoms all fighting over it, it was it's own little sphere of civilization. Gulf coast was meh in comparison. Pic related was gardens of babylon tier and the whole area was full of stuff like it.
CIA or you dont know how the world works now
Didn't Oman also have contact with India and all that jazz? I mean sure not as significant as Yemen but still.
Also it is funny that Saudi Arabia was literally the fucking shits of the place, nobody fucking wanted that land and now they act like they're the top dog of the area.
At one point the Himyarites were jostling with Axum for the status of 3rd power behind Rome and Persia. The area around Oman had nothing similar until waaaay later. Like I said the gulf wasn't shit (not like goatistan Nejd anyway) but it just can't compete with probably biblical Sheba.
Oh well fair enough, I was just positing my opinion as your first post seemed to imply that Yemen was the only historically valuable land on the Arabian peninsula.
Yeah but they were jews
You say that like it's a bad thing for geopolitical advancement. It was either be Axum/Persia/Rome's bitch, stay pagan and lose out on that sweet trade, or quit being goyim, can't blame them really.
So here we are, its 25 BC and all relevant parts of Arabia are ruled by this mighty yemenite Sabaean Empire.
Rome, fearing the formation of a new rival, was sending its most powerful armies into Arabia, where in one of the most glorious wars ever witnessed they all died of exposure, because somehow they forgot to bring water with them and only discovered too late that there is a lot of desert in Arabia
it's pretty obvious
The Sabaeans then divided into different clans to give their persians and roman rivals some fighting chance but neither of the two dared to attack them (there was some pathetic propaganda attempts to justify it because allegedly there wasnt anything worth annexing, but these are obvious just excuses)
The Himyars became the most powerful clan around 200 AC and ruled the region for the next centuries. They were some weird jewish/tribal/arab mix, and its all pretty strange, but i dont have a clue, i'm just skimming wikipedia here.
In 520 AC the Jews took over power themselfs in Himyar ,and began massacring everyone who disagreed with them. /pol/ was right again.
To get the kikes out the ethiopian Aksum and the Byzanthines allied with each other and launched some epic campaigns in support of local arab christians, who were sadly all BTFO by the jews. In the end the jews lost power, but most of Himyar was destroyed and became a ethiopian puppet.
Some half a century later the Persians snatched the only relevant city of Aden from them as well.
A full century after the jewish wars, the religion of peace arrived in the area and everyone agreed to join in. Yemenis became crack troops in many of the ensuing conquests. It feels good to be winners again.
Your entire country should be fucking range banned.
In 746 (115 years after Arabia Felix became islamic) things began to really go up.
A local sheik meditated if the Shia or the Sunni were in the right and came to the conclusion that both can fuck themselfs, he will found his own islamic branch of Ibadism.
The local governeur was not amused, but the based Ibadis simply kicked them out and conquered Yemen for the true (islamic) faith.
Because anything went far better then expected, they just kept rolling, marching north and conquered Mekka and Medina.
Now, the only thing left was to go to Syria to topple the Caliphate for good. Sadly, thats as far as they went, because the whole ibadi rebel army was encircled and wiped out and the glorious Ibadi state collapsed after just three years.
(there would be other ibadi states in Oman and Tunesia later one, but no relevant ones)
Despite the anti-climactic ending, the Caliphate never really managed to reestablish their hold on Arabia Felix.
The eastern deserts of Hadramawt were still under heavy ibadi influence (especially with the ibadis establishing themselfs in Oman).
The hilly inlands of Yemen were governed by a local himyar tribe called the Yufirids.
Of course the only relevant parts were the coasts, which were ruled by a guy called ibn Ziyadid, who formally recognized the Caliphate, but in reality pretty much ruled in his own right and founded his own dynasty. He also reestablished the old close links to Ethiopia and the east african coast.
To make matters even more chaotic, another heretic movement began to spread, this time a branch of shia islam called Zaydiism (this is the one practiced by the based Houthis from modern time)
The new zaydi faith spread quickly in the hills, but their military movements failed badly, when they got their shit kicked in by the Yufirids
Are you fucking stupid?
how did judaism reach all the way there anyways?
the Portugese - Somali war & Italian - Ethiopian wars were the only examples of western countries losing wars and failing to colonize an African region.
What has made the Horn of Africa the only example of this in SS Africa?