Why were Jews so good at making money?What's their secret?
Why were Jews so good at making money?What's their secret?
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Short answer, for European Jews, Catholicism's view on usury. (and if you are also completely out in the dark, compound interest)
superior intelligence
being God's favorite
They're generally very urban and literate.
they had a monopoly on banking until the northern italian states started getting in on it as well
Catholics made giving out loans with interest a sin for some reason. And generally, Jews never did any other business expect trading and giving out loans.
Compound interest, growing up in a high-pressure environment breeds ruthlessness, studying the Kabbalah and Talmud makes people verbally persuasive.
Nonsense dude who were the Knights Templar?
And the Venetian double-book accounting method.
>intelligent people are intelligent
>dumb people are dumb
how is ((race)) a part of any of that
>Why were Jews so good at making money?What's their secret?
They traded their souls for worldly power. They get fame and power on Earth, but get to spend eternity in hell for treason against the gods, Pharaoh and Caesar.
Christians granted them privilige because Christianity is a Jewish scam.
Jews, particularly Ashkenazi Jews in general, have an average IQ of 115 and are some of the smartest people on the planet. It's quite a phenomenon but they're just smart by nature.
Same goes for Chinese people who also are smart by nature, although statistically not as smart as Ashkenazis in terms of IQ.
you're back now I see. not sporting the username?
Most Eastern European Jews were peasant-tier.
>you're back now I see. not sporting the username?
I see Veeky Forums is still unwilling to learn from history.
For example, virtually every human on the planet from pre-European South America to Ancient Rome to ancient Japan used to believe the thing that causes the lightning is a sentient, non-human, superhuman entity.
even africans? I still don't see your point.
>even africans? I still don't see your point.
The point is God is real - and it's not what the Jews/"Christians"/Muslims worship.
And the universe doesn't revolve around the galaxy, much less the solar system, much less Earth, much less humans, much less Jews.
So there are natural inferences from these premises.
If I'm not mistaken the Rothschild dynasty started due to en.wikipedia.org
Also they provided easy money to the lumpenproletariat under the table
Also the first jewish banking was created in England because of Freemasonry had already killed Charles I of England and infiltrated everywhere to make it easier debt-owned money paper
Allowed to borrow away money for interests while not being allowed to own property meant that unless you were a literal banker or something similar you and your family starved to death
bro you posted that picture in like 7 other threads with the same file name.
Fuck your reddit level "KEK IS RAEL" nonsense
Also, it wasn't that Christian Kangs didn't encourage Jewish usury as much as they did from preventing Christians, aka 98% of the population, from committing it.
It's easier to watch over a wealthy but confined 1% than it is to allow any citizen to accumulate such wealth.
Hence why organizations such as the Templars and Malta operated under strict church supervision.
what does it revolve around then? and what god is real if the abrahamic one isn't?
>what does it revolve around then? and what god is real if the abrahamic one isn't?
Not humans - why would it revolve around humans?
>Fuck your reddit level "KEK IS RAEL" nonsense
"Kek" is empirically real - although that's just one name the godhead has been referred to by humans.
My guess is that dark matter and energy has something to do with the godhead - but maybe not. I don't know how the godhead is, just that it is.
They feared the low interest regulator
>"Kek" is empirically real - although that's just one name the godhead has been referred to by humans.
so there's no major connection between the egyptian kek and this god?
>so there's no major connection between the egyptian kek and this god?
The godhead seems to be fond of Kek at this time.
For example, the appearance of a frog as an important symbol in "Dark Water" which has been related to the Elisa Lam death which spelled backwards is "Mal Asile" which translates to "Evil Asylum."
Or "Child of God" takes place on "Frog Mountain:"
Or the appearance of the frog with Big Dan in O Brother Where Art Thou:
being unafraid to sin against the goyim, that's literally all there is to it.
why are you doing this?
clearly there is an end game involved.
Your file names remain consistent through out threads so you appear to be a single individual.
>having to do with God
>dark matter = God's hand
Either you're a kekistani retard or a genuine shitposter.
you're double spacing makes me believe the former but your provided images prove the former.
I thought Jewish banking started in Venice in the late Middle Ages, then moved to Amsterdam and London at the beginning of the 17th century, that being said I dont know how the House of Rothschild or Central Europe's Jewry fit into that narrative.
being that retarded
This, plus the fact that a Jew could not inherit land and was forced to stay in a ghetto so the only way for a Jew to make it big and support his family was through education and a learned profession.
is that the High Sparrow? Those eyes are familiar.
The Knights Templar weren't bankers as we would understand them today, while the Jews most definitely were.
spotted the ashkenazi!
wow, arrogant. I guess country people cant put three words together according to you. how ignorant of you.
we are talking about the medieval period when country people mostly cared about their crops and literature was the profession of Monks.
but they did lend money
the reason for that is they were not allowed to own land so they were forced into those fields
which later turned out to be valuable knowledge and the local population found a very lucrative field taken
They didn't charge interest, though. Their wealth was accumulated entirely through donations and reinvestment from the profits those donations brought them.
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.
>Either you're a kekistani retard or a genuine shitposter.
No, I'm a direct servant of God. Your God - everyone's God. Obey or forfeit your soul:
They were prohibited to own property, so they sold everything and accumulated a lot of capital, no other alternative than usury for them, they perfected their business over the centuries, most Jews were and are poor though. Most people of every race for that matter. Use historical materialism to analyze history, those discrusive ideological narrative theory you learned in school is bullshit.