Well its not listed on any exchange but people trade in on slack via escrow for 22-25 cents now. $1 will be faster than you think


Only 1600 :(

When do we go to 10$

If it's only 2x with slack trading it's doomed. Those are the hardline holders and they are trading it away for 2x. When it finally gets listed it will dump ass to below ICO because of how long the weak hands have been cucked out of their money.

you make no sense

but ODN is a shitcoin and you should sell it ASAP

>trading it away for 2x
poor fools

Q1 '18 imo

soon they gonna publish 3rd party security audit to stop all fud

scam or completely incompetent

IOTA was under developement and without exchange for 2 years

$1 in a month, 2 at the most

Trying to find out whats going on with staking

First it says 32 days till next reward, than 30, than 29, and than back to 32 days. I have the same amount of coins staked the whole time and my wallet hasn't stopped staking since I started.

its count your theoretical chances after each blocks. Go to console and type getstakinginfo, if there wille be "true" you are fine

Its similar to scalping a concert ticket... these are just scalpers.

Selling off of FOMO.

Don't even compare this to what will happen when the developers make strides of improvements in their messanger app. Your goina see this shit blow up probably to 10 dollars. The messanger app is essentially going to turn into a block-chain limewire.

It adjusts to the amount of coins online. More coins mean less chance to stake

I think we will see $1 really quickly. Money is flowing back into crypto

The messenger is just the beginning.
>mfw Obsidian will be a platform for apps similar to Stratis/ETH/NEO

imagine odn being used for craigslist transactions

omg where do i buy

on slack only now. Exchanges should be soon

Obsidian is a project designed to utilize the block-chain to provide for anonymous services. The development team behind Obsidian is working on an application that can utilize the block-chain to allow for anonymous messaging, anonymous money transfers, and even the transfer of multimedia files such as pictures, videos, and music. Obsidian is more than just a token and the messenger/wallet application that the developer team is working on. Obsidian also stands to be a platform for developers to utilize so that they can build applications which stand to benefit from privacy.

You don't need marketers watching everything you buy, or police listening to & reading everything you say and share. If you want to spend your money on women and wine or arrange shitposting, you can get things done. Privately.

With $12 per coin I will be milionaire